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Updates from Governors Office

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 10:15am

Gov. Herbert calls special session of Utah State Legislature


SALT LAKE CITY (July 11, 2016) – Gov. Gary R. Herbert has issued a call for a special session of the Utah State Legislature. The session will be held on July 13 to consider measures related to unmanned aircrafts near wildland fires, the Utah State Fairpark and other issues.


“This summer, wildfires in the state have become significantly worse due to drones interrupting air operations," Gov. Herbert said. "It is dangerous and completely unacceptable, and this legislation takes steps to ensure that our emergency management personnel are safe and empowered to do their jobs effectively.”


Issues to be addressed during the special session include the following:


  • A measure that would enhance penalties for flying unmanned aircrafts over restricted wildfire airspaces

  • Legislation regarding a grandparent’s rights to visits grandchildren adopted by a family member of the child

  • Economic development legislation that would provide sales and use tax exemptions for a qualifying data center

  • A technical correction to the controlled substance database for probationers and parolees

  • Amendments to the security of investments in continuing care facilities

  • The addition of an enacting clause to 2016 House Bill 310, Tax Credit Review Amendments

  • Changes to the Judicial Nominating Commission which would allow additional nominees to be considered when simultaneous appointments are made

  • Reporting changes to the Justice Reinvestment Initiative

  • An appropriation of funds for the purpose of constructing an arena at the Utah State Fairpark


“The state fair is an important event for Utahns from every corner of our state, particularly residents of Salt Lake City’s west side,” Gov. Herbert said. “I appreciate the partnership between the state, local governments, and the private sector to make this important facility possible.”


Full text of the letter issuing the call is available here.


Governor Gary R. Herbert’s Schedule

July 11-July 16, 2016


**The Governor’s schedule is subject to frequent change**

Media representatives are welcome at events designated with “Media Access”


Monday, July 11

10:00 a.m.  Department of Public Safety New Drivers License Event

Location: 1095 West Motor Avenue, SLC

Media Access


11:00 a.m.  National Governors Association Discussion

Location:  State Capitol


1:00 p.m.  Leadership Meeting

Location:  State Capitol


4:00 p.m.  Judicial Interviews

Location: State Capitol


6:00 p.m. Utah Public Employees Association Meeting

Location: Salt Lake City


Tuesday, July 12

8:40 a.m.  Greet New Student Regent

Location: State Capitol


10:00 a.m. Utah Broadcasters Association Event

Location: State Capitol
Media Access


1:30 p.m. Judicial Interviews

Location: State Capitol


Wednesday, July 13

9:30 a.m.  Meeting with Utah Education Association

Location:  State Capitol


Flight to Des Moines, Iowa


Thursday, July 14

All Day: National Governors Association Summer Meetings

Location: Des Moines, Iowa


Friday, July 15

All Day: National Governors Association Summer Meetings

Location: Des Moines, Iowa


Saturday, July 16

All Day: National Governors Association Summer Meetings

Location: Des Moines, Iowa




Lt. Governor Spencer J. Cox’s Schedule

July 11 -July 15, 2016


**The Lt. Governor’s schedule is subject to frequent change**


Monday, July 11

No public events


Tuesday, July 12

All Day: Summit County Elected Officials and Local Businesses Meetings

Location:  Summit County


Wednesday, July 13

10:00 a.m.  Summit County Elected Officials and Local Businesses Meetings

Location:  Summit County


Flight to Nashville, Tennessee


Thursday, July 14

All Day: National Association of Secretaries of State Summer Conference


Friday, July 15

All Day: National Association of Secretaries of State Summer Conference


Saturday, July 16

All Day: National Association of Secretaries of State Summer Conference


#   #   #

Governor to sign ceremonial resolutions on broadcaster issues


What: Gov. Gary R. Herbert will sign S.C.R. 10, Communications Spectrum Translator System Concurrent Resolution and S.C.R. 14, Concurrent Resolution Designating Utah Broadcasters Awareness Week. These resolutions recognize the important efforts of broadcasters to bring news and information to viewers across the state. S.C.R. 10 urges the federal government to protect the communications spectrum that allows Utah’s translator system to provide free television access across the state.
