Sept. 13, 2017
Good morning from Washington, where Democrats enjoy throwing shade on President Trump's nominees for federal judgeships. Elizabeth Slattery and Tiffany Bates offer a way to put an end to that, while Ken McIntyre reports on reaction to one liberal senator's cheap shots. In New Hampshire, Fred Lucas covers an in-the-field meeting of the White House commission probing election integrity. In Estonia, Nolan Peterson is with Air Force pilots practicing to meet today's threats. Plus: Dennis Prager on the left's shortcomings, Walter Williams on the walking debt, and photos of Irma's devastation.
The Constitution gives the president the power to appoint judges, with the advice and consent of the Senate. So how is it that two senators can bring a nomination to a halt?
Liberals well understand that America is imperfect, but they agree with Lincoln that America is "the last best hope of earth." To the left, America is essentially a racist, sexist, violent, homophobic, xenophobic, and Islamophobic country.
"A lot of the same rules that determine if someone is eligible to vote determine if you are legally eligible to own a gun," says John Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center.
The Obama White House began the European Reassurance Initiative in June 2014 to fund operations in Europe to deter Russian military aggression in the wake of Moscow's 2014 invasion of Ukraine. President Trump has continued the program and recently proposed increasing its budget.
"Sen. Franken needs to fact-check before parroting discredited attacks by the Southern Poverty Law Center … a left-wing smear machine known to incite violence," says Michael Farris, president of Alliance Defending Freedom.
An uprooted tree splitting a home. A house on its side. And the beginnings of recovery.
If we are to save our nation from the economic and social chaos that awaits us, we the people must have a moral reawakening and eschew what is no less than legalized theft, the taking from one American for the benefit of another.
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