3rd Congressional District Poll: Curtis leads Allen by 30-points; Bennett barely fails to qualify for televised debate
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
Jim Bennett, the 3rd Congressional District candidate for the newly-formed United Utah Party, will miss the Utah Debate Commission's October debate by a 0.43 percentage point, according to the Debate Commission.
That's what you call a close elimination.
A new UtahPolicy.com poll conducted in partnership with the Utah Debate Commission in the 3rd Congressional District's special election to be held Nov. 7 -- shows the following:
Republican John Curtis has the support of 50.17 percent of 3rd District voters.
Democrat Kathie Allen comes in at 19.82 percent.
Those two will be the only invitees to the commission's Oct. 18 debate in the KBYU Channel 11 TV studios at Brigham Young University. The debate will be broadcast by various media from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Local News Highlights: Daily Briefing
Morning must reads for Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Good Wednesday morning from Salt Lake City. Today is the 256th day of the year. There are 109 days remaining in 2017.
The clock:
34 days until ballots for the 2017 general election are mailed to voters (10/17/2017)
55 days until the 2017 election (11/7/2017)
131 days until the opening day of the 2018 Utah Legislature (1/22/2018)
176 days until the final day of the 2018 Utah Legislature (3/8/2018)
419 days until the 2018 midterm elections (11/6/2018)
1,147 days until the 2020 presidential election (11/3/2020)
Today's political TL; DR -
SCOOP: Lawmakers will meet next week in a special session to deal with possibly 3 items dealing with homeless issues. They won't be spending any new money on the homeless effort, but they may have to move some funds around to meet current needs [Utah Policy].
Republican John Curtis has a 30-point lead over Democrat Kathie Allen in the 3rd District special election race. United Utah Party candidate Jim Bennett did not get enough support in the survey to qualify for a televised debate [Utah Policy].
Preliminary discussions are underway about Salt Lake City possibly bidding to host the 2026 Winter Olympics [Utah Policy].
Utah State Auditor John Dougall says he found no questionable spending by the Mountain Accord group, but he is raising some transparency questions about how the group operated [Deseret News, Tribune].
The LDS Church and 22 Republican members of the Utah Senate have signed on in support of a Colorado shop owner who refused to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple [Deseret News, Tribune, Fox 13].
A gay Utah couple is challenging a Utah law after a judge refused to sign off on a surrogacy agreement. The judge cited a Utah statute that references heterosexual parents [Associated Press].
Former Provo mayor candidate Larry Walter alleges another candidate, Odell Miner, offered him a job to get him to drop out of the race. Miner is denying the allegations. Both men failed to advance past the primary election [KUTV].
State officials are already building a fence around a portion of Rio Grande street in downtown Salt Lake City [Tribune].
The Utah County Sheriff's Office is asking for restrictions on urban camping to combat a growing homeless problem [Daily Herald].
Sen. Orrin Hatch warned Congress against bailing out the Affordable Care Act without enacting reforms to the health care law [Deseret News].
The U.S. Senate passes Sen. Orrin Hatch's bill to create a council to advise on efforts to combat human trafficking [Deseret News].
National headlines:
Republican and Democratic House leaders are set to meet Wednesday morning to discuss possible legislation to protect Dreamers following President Donald Trump's decision to end the DACA program [Politico].
President Donald Trump is meeting with moderate Democratic and House members to discuss tax reform [Politico].
Maybe President Donald Trump isn't as toxic to Republicans as Democrats are hoping. Democrats are pulling out all the stops to attack Trump politically, but polling and focus groups show it's not having much of an effect on voters, which could be a big factor heading into the 2018 midterms [Politico].
Sen. Bernie Sanders, backed by 15 other Democrats, will introduce his universal health care proposal in Congress on Wednesday [Washington Post].
The White House is suggesting that former FBI Director James Comey should be investigated for leaks of classified information. President Donald Trump's firing of Comey is what triggered the hiring of special counsel Robert Mueller to look into Russia's involvement in the 2016 election [New York Times].
Russian President Vladimir Putin sought a normalization of relations between the United States beginning immediately shortly after President Donald Trump took office [BuzzFeed].
Drip...drip...drip...Former national security adviser Michael Flynn did not disclose he was paid $25,000 to promote a plan to build dozens of privately backed nuclear reactors across the Middle East [Politico].
Representatives from Facebook and Twitter may have to testify before Congress about how Russian intelligence spread misinformation on their websites in order to taint the 2016 presidential election [Recode].
Hillary Clinton is UNLOADING on Sen. Bernie Sanders in her new book and interviews promoting that tome. Here is some of her best score settling with the Vermont Senator [Axios].
The White House is considering a plan to cap the number of refugees allowed into the U.S at below 50,000, which is the lowest number in more than three decades [New York Times].
The median household income in America rose to just under $60,000 according to the Census Bureau, which is a 3.2% increase over last year [Washington Post].
FEMA officials estimate that 25% of homes in the Florida Keys were destroyed by Hurricane Irma [Associated Press].
On this day in history:
1501 - Michelangelo begins work on his statue of David.
1788 - The Philadelphia Convention sets the date for the first presidential election in the United States, and New York City becomes the country's temporary capital.
1814 - The British fail to capture Baltimore during the War of 1812. During the battle, Francis Scott Key composes his poem "Defence of Fort McHenry," which is later set to music and becomes the U.S. national anthem.
1899 - Henry Bliss is the first person in the U.S. to be killed in an automobile accident.
1948 - Republican Margaret Chase Smith is elected to the U.S. Senate, and becomes the first woman to serve in both houses of Congress.
2001 - Secretary of State Colin Powell named Osama bin Laden as the prime suspect in the 9/11 terror attacks.
Today At Utah Policy
Special session to deal with homeless issues coming next week
By Bob Bernick, Contributing Editor
Gov. Gary Herbert will call the Utah Legislature into a special session next Wednesday to deal with several issues involving the homeless problem in Salt Lake City and surrounding areas, UtahPolicy.com is told....
Weekly survey: Will Sen. Orrin Hatch run again or retire?
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
Sen. Orrin Hatch says he will decide on his political future by the end of the year. Will he run for an eighth term or retire? Let us know what you think in our weekly survey....
Report: Preliminary discussions underway about Salt Lake City 2026 Winter Olympics
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
Preliminary discussions are reportedly underway about Salt Lake City or Denver hosting the 2026 Olympic Winter Games....
3rd Congressional District Poll: Curtis leads Allen by 30-points; Bennett barely misses out on televised debate
By Bob Bernick, Contributing Editor
Jim Bennett, the 3rd Congressional District candidate for the newly-formed United Utah Party, will miss the Utah Debate Commission's October debate by a 0.43 percentage point, according to the Debate Commission....
Policy News
Need exporter training? Still a few places available in the fall 2017 Global Business Management Course
The Salt Lake Community College Global Business Center is accepting registrations for the fall 2017 Executive Certificate of Global Business Management course, which begins Sept. 27 and ends Dec. 6, 2017....
WTC Utah and UServeUtah teamed up to serve the homeless community on 9/11
In conjunction with the Sept. 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance, World Trade Center Utah and UServeUtah spent the day feeding the homeless community at the St. Vincent de Paul Dining Hall and cleaning the Weigand Homeless Resource Center. Both the dining hall and th...
Hatch, Wyden request information on Equifax breach
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) called on Equifax Inc., to respond to reports that the firm experienced a data breach exposing personally identifiable information such as Social Security numbers, birthdates, addres...
Hatch's legislation to fight against human trafficking passes in the Senate
Legislation to create a special human trafficking advisory council, sponsored by Senator Orrin Hatch-R-Utah, the senior member and former Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee-passed in the Senate....
Local Headlines
Salt Lake Tribune
Op-ed: Catholic Community Services isn't going anywhere
Editorial: Good riddance to Utah's 'ag-gag' law
Salt Lake Valley's convention experts refocus after losing Outdoor Retailer trade shows
Utah's lawsuit against feds on hold after EPA says it might reverse Obama-era order to install pollution controls at 2 coal plants
Hoping to counter deadly trend, Utah officials confirm 425 suicides so far in 2017
State builds fence around Rio Grande shelter, even though the SLC Council has yet to sign off
Provo Mayor John Curtis takes lead in poll for congressional race to replace Chaffetz
Census: Utah ranks No. 3 for households with high-speed internet
Auditor says Mountain Accord expenses look OK but transparency questions sent to attorney general
Northwest Shoshone, Wellsville city leaders discuss 'options' for the future of American Indian vs. Mormon settler 'Sham Battle'
Mormon church, Utah senators lend their support to bakers refusing to make cake for gay weddings
Deseret News
Ralph Hancock: Secular liberals should check their own 'dogma'
Editorial: The Utah GOP should end its opposition to SB54
Editorial: We condemn religious tests for office
Senate passes Hatch bill to create human trafficking advisory council
Salt Lake 2026? Another Winter Olympics looking more likely
Hatch warns lawmakers to avoid 'bailout' of ACA in health reform efforts
LDS Church, 22 Utah senators back Colorado baker in Supreme Court case
Salt Lake convention industry still viable, leaders say
Auditor finds no evidence of spending misconduct by Mountain Accord
Only Curtis, Allen make Utah Debate Commission cut
We've got your backpack: Volunteers prepare supplies for Utah's homeless
Utah County Sheriff's Office pitches camping ban ordinance targeting the homeless to commission (Daily Herald)
Cache scores highest in state on SAGE exams, but decreases seen across Utah (Logan Herald Journal)
National Headlines
Calls to punish 'global warming' skeptics rise (Washington Times)
'It hurt': Clinton says Sanders dragged out nomination fight (Yahoo News)
61% Say It's Time for Hillary Clinton To Retire (Rasmussen Reports)
Justices Allow Refugee Ban While Case Proceeds (New York Times)
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigns after fifth child sex-abuse allegation (Seattle Times)
Sanders will introduce universal health care, backed by 15 Democrats (Washington Post)
Over liberals' objections, Supreme Court says Texas need not draw new districts now (Washington Post)
American households finally earn more than they did in 1999 (Los Angeles Times)
Dow, S&P 500 and Nasdaq at New Records as Promise of Tax Reform Boosts Banks (TheStreet)
Mnuchin: It might not be possible to reach 15 percent corporate tax rate (Washington Post)
Texas AG Files Suit Against 3 Texas Business for Price Gouging (NBC News)
"Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world." Malala Yousafzai
"Congressional leaders are still upset with President Trump's decision on the DACA immigration plan. They called it "brainless," "heartless," and "cowardly." All Trump needs are some ruby slippers, and he's off to see the wizard!" Jimmy Fallon