Zoey Spellman of Youngstown State University was awarded the scholarship for her academic achievements and work with the 4-H community
Education and travel has always been a passion of mine. In high school, my chemistry teacher was a world traveler and would tell her travels to the class. It sparked my interest in wanting to explore.”
— Zoey Spellman, scholarship winner
LEHI, UTAH, USA, December 14, 2017 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Reservation Counter, a leading online hotel accommodation provider, today announced that Zoey Spellman of Youngstown State University is the recipient of the company’s fall semester scholarship. Every fall and spring semester, Reservation Counter rewards students who have a passion for travel and giving back to their communities.
“Zoey has displayed a maturity well beyond her years, using her free time to give back and better her community,” said Jason Burgess, communications director at Reservation Counter. “We’re excited to award Zoey with the fall semester scholarship as she pursues her passion for chemistry, a higher education and travel.”
Zoey was recognized for her academic achievements at her high school in Jefferson, Ohio. When she's not in class, Zoey is a prominent member of the local 4-H community, helping with benefit dinners, making cards and placeholders for nursing homes, and participating in the local fire hall fish fry every month. While at 4-H, she helped raise over $1,000 for a family in order to make their Christmas memorable. Zoey’s love for travel and chemistry, her major at Youngstown State University, came from her parents and high school chemistry teacher.
“Education and travel has always been a passion of mine. In high school, my chemistry teacher was a world traveler and would tell her travels to the class. It sparked my interest in wanting to explore,” said Zoey Spellman, winner of the 2017 fall semester scholarship. “I’m honored to receive the scholarship from Reservation Counter, and will use the money to continue my education at Youngstown State University.”
For more information about the Reservation Counter scholarship and how to apply, visit www.reservationcounter.com/scholarships.
About Reservation Counter
Reservation Counter specializes in providing travelers access to hotel choices and deals to find the accommodations that fit their needs. Based in Utah, Reservation Counter is part of TravelPass Group, a leading technology company in the travel industry with partnerships with independent and brand name hotels, wholesalers, and the largest travel agencies. It represents a combined inventory of more than a million properties worldwide and operates best-in-class customer service centers that help travelers 24/7.
Jason Burgess
Reservation Counter
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Study Recommends Consolidation of Utah’s Wildfire Dispatch Centers
Salt Lake City – This summer, following a thorough fair-share cost evaluation and efficiency study for the five interagency wildfire dispatch centers in the state of Utah, agency executives made the decision to consolidate from five centers to three. The transition is expected to take two to three years.
“This decision aims to realign cost structures to meet fare share costs between the agencies,” said the Bureau of Land Management’s state director, Edwin Roberson “At the same time, the interagency partners remain committed to maintaining the same level of service that our citizens are accustomed to.”
The Utah Oversight Committee (UOC) that requested the study is made up of representatives from the USDA Forest Service (USFS), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Utah Department of Natural Resources (UDNR), Bureau of Indian (BIA), National Park Service (NPS) and US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). They brought in an Interagency Dispatch Study Committee (IDSC) to conduct it. The IDSC was made up of state and federal agencies outside of Utah in an effort to maintain an unbiased, objective approach.
“A key task of the Utah Interagency Dispatch Review Committee was to develop a cost estimate for a five center alternative, a four center alternative, and a three center alternative, based on staffing, economics and workloads,” said State Forester, Brian Cottam “At the completion of that review, it was determined that a three center alternative is the most cost efficient to maintain and operate.”
The implementation phase will involve working with impacted personnel, local agency leaders, unions, and others to create strategies for displaced permanent employees, and working with radio and technology experts on radio frequency and infrastructure needs. Dispatch center staff will undergo area familiarization training designed to give them a good working understanding of the places they will dispatch firefighters to.
“The move to a three center model will take place in gradual phases to ensure that all safety issues are addressed and resolved before moving forward,” said Nora Rasure, Regional Forester for the Intermountain Region, USFS. “If at any time we cannot propose a model that is safe to our people in the field, the interagency team is prepared to stop and adjust, or change this decision at any time.”
The interagency team is working together to propose dispatch boundaries for the three centers that minimize split jurisdictions between centers and make sense on the ground. That recommendation will be presented to the UOC in mid to late January, 2018.
Questions or comments about the study, its results or the implementation may be sent to:utahinteragencydispatch@utah.gov