Attention all Young Ladies Box Elder County Dairy Ambassador/Delegate Candidate Application is now available All single young ladies ages 17 through 25 are invited to apply for the Box Elder County Dairy Ambassador/Delegate. Applicants must have demonstrated success as a spokesperson, flexible schedule, possess strong communications skills, project a positive professional image, and maintain a 3.0 or better GPA. There are scholarships available to the delegates ranging from $500 to $1,000. The Box Elder Dairy Ambassador/ Delegate will be responsible to spend a great deal of time representing and promoting the dairy industry at fairs and local celebrations, travel to Box Elder School District schools to give presentations, and participate in several community parades. If you are interested you can pick up an application in the Box Elder High School Counseling Office. The deadline for application is March 17, 2017
College and Career Ready Open House Box Elder High School is sponsoring a College and Career Ready open house for all students and parents on March 20, 2017. The open house will begin at 6pm and end at 8pm. Students and parents can come and visit with the colleges and universities from the state and gather information on programs, scholarships, and degrees offered by these institutions. There will be two general information sessions outlining the states Regent Scholarship Program and the second session will cover how students can earn college credit while still in high school. There will also be representatives from each branch of the military to offer information about opportunities they have available. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.
Order your yearbooks!!! Last day to pre-order a yearbook is March 20th. Books can be ordered at the following address: School #7041 Cost: $41.00
Bee Time 3rd Trimester
All students can learn at high levels.
Some students need additional instruction to achieve academic success.
Intervention and additional help should be provided during the school day for those who need it and are willing to initiate it. Enrichment is an opportunity for students who have mastered the content to extend their learning.
Bee Time for 3rd Trimester:
Core classes will continue to have a priority day. Non-core subjects will share a day.
When referred to a core class and a non-core subject class on the same day, students must attend the core class. Students will not sign up for a Bee Time class. They will be referred by a teacher, sign up for a specialized class (example: Hosa Club), or enrichment class (example: book club), or seek out help from a teacher on their study hall day
. There will be two kinds of classes during Bee Time – Closed Sessions and Open Sessions.
Closed Sessions:
o Teachers refer students on their priority day based on formative assessments to re-teach a specific skill -- targeted intervention. (All students in this type of a closed session need help with the same skill.) Only referred students can attend.
o A teacher advertises an enrichment activity. (Example: Book Club.)
Open Sessions
o Teachers refer students that are missing work or tests on a study hall day or students self-refer to make up work or tests.
o Students choose to see one of their teachers for additional help.
o Students who are not referred for a specific purpose or do not find a Bee Time class to attend will be required to go to the library or commons.
Attendance will be taken in Closed Sessions. Students will sign a roll in an Open Session.
Additional instruction will be provided for struggling students to help them succeed.
Students will use Bee Time to catch up on missed work or tests.
Students will see Bee Time as an opportunity to get additional help and/or enrichment.
Teachers will collaborate within their departments to coordinate and plan for student success in study halls and enrichment classes.
We will work together to encourage students to develop self-regulation skills that will help them academically and into their future endeavors.