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Wednesday, March 14, 2018 - 10:45am

March 12, 2018


LAYTON, UT - In pioneering movement toward real-life emergency simulation training, the surgeons and staff at Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons of Utah (OMS of Utah), were some of the first in the nation to complete life-saving medical training on a full-body mannequin simulator, known as SimMan.

“Surgical centers, as opposed to large hospitals, have become a more efficient place to perform many surgical procedures like wisdom teeth removal, jaw surgeries, facial trauma, and so many other out-patient operations,” Dr. Adam McCormick, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon from OMS of Utah said. “With this shift in healthcare, we want to ensure the highest quality, most life-like emergency training for our doctors and our staff.”

As opposed to former “dummy-style” mannequins used for emergency training, SimMan is a wireless electronic, offering audible breathing and up-and-down chest movement to reveal the quality of respiration received. SimMan is also capable of creating other emergency scenarios like a locked jaw, a swollen tongue and it has the ability to speak limited phrases regarding its condition.

“A patient’s safety has always been at the forefront of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of Utah operations,” Jenny Andrews, clinical director at OMS of Utah said. “The SimMan training created like-real crises right in our office—allowing our staff to react using their training, education and skills—and receive immediate feedback.”

Rick Ritt, president of Dental Simulation Specialists of Chicago, Illinois—the company that created SimMan, oversaw the training session and helped manage the SimMan scenarios.

“With this type of training, we try and make all bad things happen to show all the possibilities that can go wrong,” Ritt said. “(The SimMan) can start wheezing, his airway can swell, and he can have an airway obstruction or an allergic reaction.”

Every move on the SimMan is connected to a vital signs monitor, allowing doctors and staff to check blood pressure, body temperature, etc. There is also a camera that records everything for debriefing, and indicates ways the staff can improve their operations, equipment, supplies and procedures.



Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons of Utah (OMS of Utah) is comprised of four board-certified surgeons, Dr. Michael Broadbent, Dr. Jason Chandler, Dr. Todd Liston and Dr. Adam McCormick, and a large, capable body of clinical and business staff. Our surgeons practice a full-scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery with expertise in dental implants, wisdom teeth removal, corrective jaw surgery, bone grafting, facial injuries, facial fractures, facial pain and facial cosmetics. Our team is dedicated to creating positive changes in health by embracing compassion, innovation and integrity as we serve our patients. We have four locations in Layton, Bountiful, Ogden and Pleasant View. Please visit for more information.


Secretary Perdue Statement on Extension of Agriculture Exemption from ELD Mandate

(Washington, D.C., March 13, 2018) – U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today applauded Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao for her announcement of an additional 90-day extension of the agriculture exemption from the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) mandate.  Agricultural compliance with the mandate, particularly the hours-of-service requirements, would have been problematic for the agriculture industry. 

The ELD rule went into effect in December 2017, with the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) granting the agriculture industry an initial exemption that was set to expire on March 18, 2018.  With the granting of another extension, the agriculture industry will now have additional time to comply.

Secretary Sonny Perdue issued the following statement:

“The ELD mandate imposes restrictions upon the agriculture industry that lack flexibility necessary for the unique realities of hauling agriculture commodities. If the agriculture industry had been forced to comply by the March 18 deadline, live agricultural commodities, including plants and animals, would have been at risk of perishing before they reached their destination. The 90-day extension is critical to give DOT additional time to issue guidance on hours-of-service and other ELD exemptions that are troubling for agriculture haulers.”

“Current ELD technologies do not recognize the hours-of-service exemptions for agriculture that are in federal law, leaving drivers to do twice the work by requiring use of both the ELD and traditional paper logs. This is a classic example of a one-size-fits-all federal regulation that ignores common sense to the detriment of sectors like agriculture.

“I applaud Secretary Chao for recognizing these obstacles and giving extra time for compliance while DOT issues guidance. While public safety is a critical concern for all of trucking, the safety of living agricultural commodities in transport must also be considered.”

BACKGROUND: Agriculture haulers operating within 150 air miles of the source of their agriculture products or livestock do not have to comply with DOT’s hours-of-service regulation, which limits driving hours to only 11 hours after being off duty for more than 10 consecutive hours. For more information on the hours-of-service exemption for agriculture shipments, visit this U.S. DOT web page:

For more information on agriculture commodities that are transported to domestic and foreign markets, visit this USDA webpage:


JOIN DONKEY...AND DARTH...AND ED tomorrow for:


Beyond the basics:

Becoming a Master Designer


What do Donkey, Darth...and one very nervous art director...have to do with helping you become a master designer?


Join Ed at 11 a.m. EST (10 Central, 8 Pacific) tomorrow and you'll see how he connects Donkey, Darth and director. In the process, he takes a look at those key elements and approaches that will help take you from the designer you are to the master designer you can be.


Ed will cover:

  • Making InDesign work for you.
  • No "forcing."
  • Mastering kerning.
  • The value of negative space.
  • No more boxes or tint blocks.
  • Reverses?
  • Understatement and simplicity.
  • Planning.
  • Consistency and a style guide.
  • Handling visual elements.
  • Story length and segmenting.
  • Evaluating your design.
  • Deadlines. 

Beyond the Basics will make you a better designer than you ever thought possible. It's that simple.


Join Ed at 11 a.m. EST (10 Central, 8 Pacific) tomorrow as he offers Beyond the Basics: Becoming a Master Designer. 


Donkey and Darth and Ed...and that art director...are waiting for you! 


Ed Henninger | Director | Henninger Consulting

Office: 803-327-3322  | Cell: 803-325-5252