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Wednesday, March 14, 2018 - 10:45am

With March being National Nutrition Month and Americans collectively spending up to $315.8 billion annually on obesity-related medical treatment, the personal-finance website WalletHub today released its report on 2018's Fattest Cities in America.

In order to call attention to the communities where weight-related problems are most prevalent, WalletHub compared 100 of the most populated U.S. metro areas across 18 key metrics. The data set ranges from share of obese adults to share of overweight children to projected obesity rates by 2030.

Fattest Cities in America




Little Rock, AR



Columbia, SC



Shreveport, LA



Chattanooga, TN



McAllen, TX



Lafayette, LA



Memphis, TN



Greenville, SC



Mobile, AL



Louisville, KY



Knoxville, TN



Nashville, TN



Jackson, MS



Canton, OH



Birmingham, AL



Winston-Salem, NC



Baton Rouge, LA



Tulsa, OK



Lexington, KY



Greensboro, NC










Key Stats

  • The McAllen, Texas metro area has the highest share of obese adults, 44.90 percent, which is 2.5 times higher than in San Francisco, the metro area with the lowest at 17.85 percent.
  • The McAllen, Texas metro area has the highest share of physically inactive adults, 36.9 percent, which is 2.7 times higher than in Provo, Utah the metro area with the lowest at 13.6 percent.
  • The El Paso, Texas, metro area has the highest share of diabetic adults, 15.6 percent, which is 2.6 times higher than in Denver the metro area with the lowest at 6.00 percent.
  • The Mobile, Alabama, metro area has the highest share of adults with high blood pressure, 41.2 percent, which is 1.9 times lower than in San Jose, California, the metro area with the lowest at 21.4 percent.

To read the full report and your city’s rank, please visit:


Hemp, Inc. Signs Lucrative Consultant Agreement With HQ Global Education, Inc.

Spring Hope, NC, March 13, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
Hemp, Inc. (OTC:HEMP) is pleased to announce that it has signed a consulting agreement with HQ Global Education, Inc. (OTC:HQGE), a scientific research development company, to provide consulting services in an effort to help HQ Global Education, Inc. expand into the hemp-CBD industry.  According to the agreement, HQGE will receive professional, ongoing, consulting services in the hemp-CBD market, specifically in the areas of growing high quality organically-grown CBD-rich hemp, harvesting, extracting and creating a variety of high-end CBD products for its business and partnerships in the industry.

Bruce Perlowin, CEO of Hemp, Inc. (OTC: HEMP) said, “This agreement with HQ Global Education, Inc. is a natural fit for both our companies and the timing couldn’t be better. The hemp industry is projected to grow 700% and hit $1.8 billion by 2020.” This statistic includes the all-natural, non-psychoactive supplement cannabidiol (CBD) that is derived from the industrial hemp plant. Cannabidiol helps boost both human and animal endocannabinoid systems. With CBDs taking America by storm due to its medicinal and health benefits, HQ Global Education, Inc. executives feel this is the perfect time to enter the market.  The enormous growth potential of the CBD market will provide HQ Global Education, Inc. with a pipeline of opportunities they can take advantage of by using their extensive industry research and voluminous body of information on specific CBD combinations through their Educational and Extraction divisions.

CBD is one of the more than 85 cannabinoids so far identified in marijuana and hemp. Unlike the better-known compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is not psychoactive, meaning it won’t cause a high. However, thousands of studies have demonstrated that CBD clearly possesses a potent array of therapeutic benefits, including antioxidant and neuroprotective properties.

CBD that is derived from hemp is legal to import and purchase in all 50 U.S. states, without a prescription. Additionally, cannabidiol itself isn’t listed in the Controlled Substances Act like THC and marijuana. With the recent influx in competition and a lack of regulation, consumers must educate themselves to ensure they are buying high-quality CBD. Hemp, Inc.’s NuAxon Tech CO2 Supercritical Extractor, housed in its 85,000 square-foot multi-purpose industrial hemp processing facility, in Spring Hope, North Carolina, utilizes a super extraction process to extract the purest, healthiest oils.
The overall plan from this signed consultant agreement is to eventually joint venture with HQ Global Education, Inc.  whereby Hemp, Inc. will house and operate a HQ Global Education, Inc. CBD extractor in its 85,000-square foot facility. Now that Hemp, Inc. has created its Industrial Hemp Manufacturing and Processing Infrastructure (Division One), the company is now focusing its attention on its Hemp Oil Extraction Infrastructure (Division 2), thus creating a perfect time window for the two companies to combine their strengths and assets.

“Hemp, Inc.’s Division One is up and running strong.   We are producing and selling Spill-Be-Gone, fiber, and LCMs and we have hundreds of thousands of pounds of LCMs in inventory on top of the millions of pounds of Kenaf that we are processing on a daily basis.  Going forward, we are now focused on building out the hemp CBD extraction infrastructure.  Our strategy is to build the world’s largest Hemp Oil Extraction Infrastructure by using multiple companies… the first of which is HQ Global Education, Inc.  (OTC: HQGE) We’re creating an infrastructure comprised of a network of joint ventures by housing HQGE’s future extractor at the largest multi-purpose industrial hemp processing facility in North America.  This allows the timeframe to manufacture and market CBD products to be greatly reduced and we expect to see product and revenues for HQ Global Education, Inc. in record-breaking time. With experts already on hand, this makes perfect sense to benefit all of our stakeholders involved.” said Perlowin.

Hemp, Inc.’s five key infrastructure divisions, through which steps have been taken thus far, are:
Industrial Hemp Manufacturing and Processing Infrastructure – Division One
Hemp Oil Extraction Infrastructure – Division Two
Hemp Farming Infrastructure – Division Three
Hemp Education Infrastructure – Division Four
Marketing Infrastructure – Division Five

“We continue to drive home to our shareholders that we have very lucid infrastructure divisions in action. While always adhering to our discipline on transparency with our shareholders and the public, we are resolutely committed to these infrastructure divisions,” said Perlowin. “We believe these first core infrastructure divisions outline Hemp, Inc.’s operations and allow us to allocate time and capital strategically, to drive long-term shareholder value.”

Hemp, Inc. is one of the most respected, recognized leaders in the industrial hemp industry with the largest multi-purpose industrial hemp processing facility in the western hemisphere, and is an ideal partner for companies looking to forge new paths in the industrial hemp-CBD market.  What separates this joint venture from all other CBD producers/growers/extractors is the vast amount of scientific research and education HQ Global Education, Inc. will be doing on the CBD market. They are especially focused on the educational component. According to Perlowin, HQ Global Education, Inc. is in the final stages of building a library of all published scientific research done on CBDs and other cannabinoids from all over the world over the last 50 years.
“This type of thorough research allows them to custom design CBDs with different cannabinoid and terpene profiles based on the enormous amount of scientific research they’ve been compiling. In essence, we are positioning them to become a leading CBD producer,” says Perlowin.

Luis Proetta, CEO of HQGE added, "HQ Global Education is positioned to enter into the CBD arena very quickly. Working together with Hemp, Inc., will allow us to impact the marketplace even sooner than originally anticipated. With the completion of this agreement, we are confident that we have created a winning combination that will enable us to help lead the industry to realize the many medical and economic benefits of cannabinoids."

According to Perlowin, this venture follows a handful of earlier consultant agreements under which Hemp, Inc.’s wholly owned subsidiary, Industrial Hemp Manufacturing, LLC consulted with public companies looking to expand in the industrial hemp industry.  However, the joint venture announced today, and future joint ventures, is designed to provide companies with a keen focus on the industrial hemp and CBD industry, and to provide a world-class source of supply to meet the growing demand faster than would be possible through either company’s individual efforts.

After the media frenzy of Sessions’ decision to rescind the Cole Memo – a 2013 Department of Justice document – which increased some legal protections for businesses operating in states that allow and regulate cannabis sales, HQ Global Education, Inc. wanted to ensure the industrial hemp industry was a safe bet. And, indeed it is.

“Sessions’ decision to rescind  is an incredible opportunity for the hemp industry, because hemp is the safe bet,” a point Perlowin made in the recent Marijuana Business Daily article, Sessions’ Marijuana Antagonism Spooks Hemp Industry, But Some See Silver Lining.  “Hemp’s legal status has nothing to do with Sessions’ announcement.”  It’s important to note that hemp production “has been enshrined into law by Congress through the 2014 Farm Bill.”  This means “the Department of Justice can’t go after hemp growers or processors abiding by the terms of state hemp rules.”  It’s the “public’s perception” of hemp that was affected, not hemp’s legal status.  “Hemp’s inclusion in the 2014 Farm Bill means its legal status can’t be usurped by an agency memo.”  Hemp entrepreneurs “believe the industry could even capitalize on Sessions’ antagonism to marijuana” because “it underscores hemp’s legal certainty.”

Hemp, Inc. executives have been reinforcing that its company is a “safe bet” for investors. Hemp is NOT marijuana.  Hemp, Inc.’s huge inventory of approximately 18,000,000 pounds of kenaf, plus approximately 2,000,000 pounds of kenaf to be harvested early this year, has created a well-established supply chain and will not be affected by any potential marijuana pushback by the federal government.

Sessions’ obsession with marijuana may have put a temporary damper on the marijuana/THC marketplace, but hemp, from which you can extract CBDs, is a safe haven from any potential federal pushback.  HQGE corporate executives are being more scientific and specific in their approach and are narrowing in on specific conditions.  “While Hemp, Inc. has done very lucrative contracts in the past (2014) we have now become much more discerning in who we will work with and HQGE meets all our criteria,” says Perlowin.

As Hemp, Inc. provides consulting services in the hemp-CBD market, specifically in the areas of growing high-quality organically-grown CBD rich hemp, harvesting, and extracting, executives say they will also build Veteran Village Kins Communities across the country.  “Our ‘Veteran Village Kins Communities’ is where we will not only grow some of our Hemp, it is a full-blown holistic solution to the multifaceted veteran problems in the USA. Our prototype model is in Arizona about 20 miles north of Kingman and 90 miles from Las Vegas, NV. It's our way of saying, ‘Thank You’ to our Veterans.”

Hemp, Inc. Announces Strategic Hemp Growing Partner "Veteran Village Kins Community Arizona, Inc." Completes Final Site Plan Blueprints
Hemp, Inc. has announced that its strategic growing partner, "Veteran Village Kins Community Arizona, Inc.," has completed its final site plan blueprints for its 500-acre site in Golden Valley, Arizona (20 miles north of Kingman, AZ and 90 minutes from Las Vegas, NV). The site plan was submitted to the Mohave County Building Department for final review. The Company is also in the final stages of completing the necessary infrastructure to support an off-grid, renewable, energy system. The remainder of the solar equipment is expected to arrive in the next few days, completing the site's solar power operation.
Dwight Jory, the Project Manager for the "Veteran Village Kins Community Arizona, Inc.," said, "We are very happy with the progress. Our Kins Community is really beginning to come together." In anticipation of planting to begin during the spring, 300 acres have been fenced, 16 overnight trailer park sites are under construction, and six 40x40-ft organic vegetable gardens are ready for seasonal planting, according to Jory. As for the 6 geodesic domes mentioned in an earlier press release, 1 is structurally complete with only the electrical and plumbing to be completed. The rest are on site awaiting final site plan approval. "We are now accepting volunteers who have expressed an interest in helping to build the first Kins Community for our veterans," said Jory. Those interested in making the first hemp growing CBD-producing "Veteran Village Kins Community" become a reality should contact Ms. Sandra Williams via email (

One thousand trees, on 36 of the 500-acres, have also been planted, with an additional 1,000 trees on order. The "Veteran Village Kins Community" site plan also includes a 100,000-square foot GMP compliant, central processing plant, CBD testing laboratory, and various health and wellness centers to support veterans who may have psychological, emotional or health issues.
Hemp, Inc. and "Veteran Village Kins Community Arizona, Inc." began development on the "Veteran-Village Kins Community in Arizona" approximately 6 years ago. Kins Communities are designed to grow hemp and produce cannabidiol (CBD) products to benefit veterans and to generate revenue for Hemp, Inc., the Veteran Village, and the individuals living on the land. Each 2.5-acre lot is designed to be self-sustainable, with 1 acre allocated to grow hemp and other areas for an organic garden, natural bee-hives, a living fence, a pond, a family tree and other elements that make up a "Kins Domain."

To learn more of what a Kins Domain is, click here. Volunteers who want to help build America's first "Veteran Village Kins Community" can contact Ms. Sandra Williams via email (

"As Hemp, Inc. positions itself on the forefront of America's industrial hemp revolution, we see our partnership with 'Veteran Village Kins Community Arizona, Inc.' being paramount in supporting the small family farm movement that we are confident will reshape the American landscape," said Perlowin. "As we work toward getting our eco-village up and running in Arizona, we are also aggressively scouting strategic locations in other states including North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia. Giving veterans and other Americans a place to learn new skills and take part in this multi-billion-dollar hemp CBD market is very exciting. It's a big part of our mission to give back."

According to Perlowin, seven "master hemp growers" from Oregon, Colorado, California, Kentucky, North Carolina, Nevada and, of course, Arizona have expressed an interest in pursuing a joint venture with Hemp, Inc. to each grow industrial hemp on the 300 fenced acres in Arizona. Perlowin says he'll call this "The Great United American Hemp Project."
To learn more about Veteran-Village Kins Communities to grow hemp, click here.

March 2 - July, 2018 - First Friday Tour – Spring Hope, North Carolina
These exclusive bonus tours will take shareholders behind-the-scenes of North Carolina's burgeoning industrial hemp epicenter to see Hemp, Inc.'s processing equipment in full operation and producing product... from the cultivation of its hemp plants and kenaf to the processing and manufacturing of their quality CBD products. (This tour will take place every first Friday of the month.)
March 7 – 11, 2018 – Expo West - The CBD Summit – Anaheim, CA
The CBD Summit is your chance to better understand the opportunities and challenges that exist for the hemp-derived cannabidiol market in the United States. With a better understanding of the regulatory, supply, scientific, labeling, retail and standards issues surrounding the hemp-derived CBD market, you will leave the CBD Summit with new intelligence to help inform your next steps as a supplier, manufacturer or retailer of CBD products.
April 6, 2018 – Noco 3rd Annual Hemp Summit – Loveland, CO
The NoCo Hemp Expo is proud to host the 3rd Annual Hemp Summit, an important gathering of hemp-focused executives, founders and investors. Receive an intimate, insider’s view of the hemp industry during this VIP-level networking and special programming featuring business-focused information, market intelligence and analysis from leaders and influencers in the hemp industry.
April 6-7, 2018 - NOCO 5th Annual Hemp Expo – Loveland, Colorado
An important gathering of hemp-focused executives, founders, and investors. Receive an intimate, insider’s view of the hemp industry during this VIP-level networking and special programming featuring business-focused information, market intelligence and analysis from leaders and influencers in the hemp industry.
April 14, 2018 - PDX Hempfest Expo – Portland, Oregon
A full day of educational sessions with professional Cannabis speakers to bring you up to speed on rapidly changing developments in the Cannabis industry. A high concentration of Cannabis industry technology buyers will be present.
April 14, 2018 – Oregon Hemp Convention – Portland, Oregon
A full day of educational sessions with professional Cannabis speakers to bring you up to speed on rapidly changing developments in the Cannabis industry. A high concentration of Cannabis industry technology buyers will be present.
May 9 – 11, 2018 - MJBizCon 2018 – New Orleans, LA
MJBizConNEXT focuses on the near future of the expanding Cannabis industry. For executives growing their companies and emerging industry professionals looking at cutting-edge innovations, new technologies and how cannabis businesses grow in a rapidly advancing market, NEXT is your show!
July 17 – 19, 2018 – NBJ Summit - Ranchos Palos Verde, CA
The NBJ Summit, organized by the New Hope Network, will cover areas like building consumer confidence through science, transparency and disruption.
July 25 – 27, 2018 – Cannabis Business Summit – San Jose, California
Serious, like-minded entrepreneurs will convene for three days to learn how to grow their businesses and to achieve new levels of success in five all-encompassing educational tracks.
August 3 – 5, 2018 - NOCO Hemp Village – Loveland, CO
The ARISE Music Festival is committed to producing an annual gathering that is a vehicle for building and strengthening the community. At the core of the ARISE mission is a firm belief that creating a festival experience which inspires positivity, joy and active engagement in issues of social justice is a call to celebrate the beauty and wonder of this precious life.  Join the NoCo Hemp Village in Loveland Colorado for the 6th Annual Arise Music Festival.
August 4 – 8, 2018 - 20th annual Agricultural Media Summit - Scottsdale, Arizona
This industry-wide gathering of agricultural communicators offers one of the best opportunities for professional improvement and industry networking. The InfoExpo (trade show) annually exceeds 75 booths and provides the best place to promote your company or organization’s products and services.
August 17 – 19, 2018 – 27th Annual Seattle Hemp Fest – Seattle, WA
Seattle HEMPFEST, the undisputed King of Protestivals, and the largest cannabis convocation in the world.  Seattle HEMPFEST, the premier flagship event of the global cannabis culture, is celebrating its 27th year.  Hempfest’s crown jewels of achievement include its designation as the largest annual cannabis policy reform event in the world. But that could change with a single event. What is less likely to change is the fact that the Seattle HEMPFEST is the most sophisticated and socially responsible cannabis rally in history, and perhaps the largest annual free speech event in the nation.
August 28 – 30, 2018 – Farm Progress Show – Boone, Iowa
This is where producers from all over gather, meet and learn. This show is where major manufacturers choose to roll out their newest offerings; where Ag families take a break from their daily routine to immerse themselves in the wider Ag community; where tradition and business have come together for 65 years; and where agriculture is celebrated.
November 2 – 5, 2018 - 2018 HIA 25th Annual Conference (HIACON) – Los Angeles, CA
We are pleased to announce that the 25th annual Hemp Industries Association conference will be hosted in Los Angeles, California at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport featuring top-level discussions, educational tracks and an exhibit featuring industry products and services.
November 6 – 10, 2018 – Supply Side West – Las Vegas, NV
SupplySide West brings together more than 15,000 ingredient buyers and suppliers from the dietary supplement, beverage, functional food, personal care and sports nutrition industries. SupplySide West is all about the science and strategy around the development of finished products that drive the global business economy. Join them this year to learn about new trends from over 1,200 exhibitors and 140 hours of educational and conference programming.
November 14 – 16, 2018 – MJBizCon 2018 – Las Vegas, NV
MJBizConNEXT focuses on the near future of the expanding Cannabis industry. For executives growing their companies and emerging industry professionals looking at cutting-edge innovations, new technologies and how cannabis businesses grow in a rapidly advancing market, NEXT is your show!

March 19-20, 2018 – Cannatech Tel Aviv 2018: The Big Picture – Isreal
The Cannatech event provides uncommon access to some of the biggest thought leaders in cannabis today to get an in-depth analysis of some of the most important subjects in the cannabis industry.
March 9-11, 2018 – Spannibus Feria Del Canamo – Barcelona
This will be undertaken with the assistance of high-ranking individuals from the fields of science, medicine, and politics, as well as relevant members of the cannabis culture.  The World Cannabis Conferences have been set up with the aim of bringing to life all the advances and efforts conducted over the past years in the field of cannabis.
April 20 – 22, 2018 - Konopex – Czech Republic
There will be prepared exhibitions dedicated to cannabis, cannabis seeds, growing indoor and outdoor equipment and exhibitions focused on garden equipment and other curative herbs. You will find out a lot of interesting information and news about the usage of hemp in medicine, civil engineering, industry, and livestock.  Look forward to a rich accompanying program including lectures, conferences and hemp exchange, where you can discuss and trade with respected experts.
April 27 – 29, 2018 - CannaTrade - Zurich-Oerlikon, Switzerland
This is the oldest hemp fair in Europe! The history of CannaTrade started 2001, in the fair halls of BEA Expo Bern, as a result of the Swiss Hemp Days in 1999 and 2000. The following editions of CannaTrade in 2008 and 2009 were presented at the exhibition halls of Basel. Caused by the hemp related political situation, executives decided to organize the fair CannaTrade in a two-years-rhythm.
May 11 – 13, 2018 - Expocanamo Sevilla 2018 –S pain
Expocáñamo brings back to Seville the hemp culture fair, where you will enjoy a dynamic and comforting experience, you will dance with the best rhythms of reggae and rap, you will see the latest in cultivation technology, you will taste a wide variety of products with hemp and its derivatives and you can enjoy endless activities for your entertainment.
May 22, 2018 – Cannabis Europa –Barbican, London, UK
Cannabis Europais the foremost arena to share knowledge and shape the future of medical cannabis in Europe. This is a uniquely European conference. There is no universal model for cannabis regulation and Europe has a clear opportunity to take a global leadership position. The conference is your opportunity to connect with influential leaders in science, policy, and business. Gain unrivaled access to the most inspirational and forward-thinking figures in the industry. To navigate the future of European medical cannabis, industry leaders and regulators alike must share insights and innovations if we are to develop a truly successful, patient-focused sector.
June 1 – 3, 2018 – Balkannabis Expo –Technopolis Athens, Greece
This expo will host top cannabis traders, innovators, experts, industry professionals and scientists from all over the world in a rich and diverse 3-day program that will include: a large exhibition area and international trade show; two international conferences (Cannabis Science & Hemp Summit) with keynote and guest speakers; cannabis culture workshops; networking spaces; masterclasses; market area; and, music and other artistic performances.
June 8-10, 2018 - Mary Jane Berlin 2018 –Germany
Leading German Cannabis exhibition with more than 200 national and international exhibitors. “Mary Jane Berlin” is not only an exhibition but also a festival. In combination with our exhibitors, food stalls, live concerts and lectures about cannabis’ therapeutic effects an extensive cultural and entertainment program are offered.
June 12 – 13, 2018 - 15th International European Industrial Hemp Association – Germany
Exchange information regarding the latest developments in hemp applications for fibers, shivs, seeds, and oil as well as cannabinoids.
June 25-26, 2018 - The International Annual Congress on Controversies in Cannabis-Based Medicines - Vienna, Austria
A strong public and patient demand have led to the decision to allow cannabis products for medical use in most European countries. There is a lot of basic-science and clinical research on the potential use of cannabis products for chronic pain and cancer management as well as controversies on the potential harms.  This Congress will bring together researchers, clinicians, trialists, methodologists, industry professionals and representatives of the European Union and the European Medical Agency to update the current state of knowledge and of controversies and to outline some visions of the potential of cannabis-based medicines.
June 30 - July 5, 2018 - The 28th Annual International Cannabinoid Research Society Symposium on the Cannabinoids – Leiden, the Netherlands
The Mission of the ICRS is to (1) foster cannabinoid research; (2) promote the exchange of scientific information and perspectives about Cannabis, the cannabinoids, and endocannabinoids through the organization of scientific meetings; (3) serve as a source of reliable information regarding the chemistry, pharmacology, therapeutic uses, toxicology and the behavioral, psychological, and social effects of Cannabis and its constituents, of synthetic and endogenous compounds that interact with cannabinoid receptors and of any compounds that target other components of the endocannabinoid system.”
July 2, 2018 - Kyoto Hemp Forum - on Facebook
LifelineToTheFuture is a virtual forum taking place concurrent to the Kyoto Hemp Forum in Japan on July 2, 2016, in order for people to participate live from around the globe. Keynote speeches and panel discussions will be live-streamed, with questions and solutions shared via social media integrated into the forum dialogue. Keynote topics include Sustainability, Climate Emergencies, and the Advocacy required to lift the International Ban on Growing Industrial Hemp.
September 13 – 16, 2018 Expogrow - Spain
Expogrow 2018 is a festival which takes place in Recinto Ferial Ficoba, Irun, Spain. Its music style is mainly considered Reggae, Metal, and Pop.
November 2 – 4, 2018 - Cannafest - Czech Republic
Visitors can look forward to more than 250 exhibitors from different parts of the world. A wide range of growing techniques, fertilizers, seeds, or smoking needs and vaporizers will be introduced every year. Manufacturers of cosmetics, clothing, and food, as well as representatives of a variety of cannabis media, institutions associating companies that use cannabis as a natural resource or struggling for the legalization and use of cannabis in medicine, will also be present.
To list your hemp event here, email To see the Hemp, Inc. mill in operation and processing product, visit Bruce Perlowin's personal Facebook page and scroll down to August 1, 2017.

With a deep-rooted social and environmental mission at its core, Hemp, Inc. seeks to build a business constituency for the American small farmer, the American veteran, and other groups experiencing the ever-increasing disparity between tapering income and soaring expenses. As a leader in the industrial hemp industry with ownership of the largest commercial multi-purpose industrial hemp processing facility in North America, Hemp, Inc. believes there can be tangible benefits reaped from adhering to a corporate social responsibility plan.

Hemp is a durable natural fiber that is grown as a renewable source for raw materials that can be incorporated into thousands of products. It's one of the oldest domesticated crops known to man. Hemp is used in nutritional food products for humans and animals, such as hemp seeds, hemp hearts and hemp proteins. It is also used in building materials, paper, textiles, cordage, organic body care and other nutraceuticals, just to name a few. It has thousands of other known uses. A hemp crop requires half the water alfalfa uses and can be grown without the heavy use of pesticides. Farmers worldwide grow hemp commercially for fiber, seed, and oil for use in a variety of industrial and consumer products. The United States is the only developed nation that fails to cultivate industrial hemp as an economic crop on a large scale, according to the Congressional Resource Service. However, with rapidly changing laws and more states gravitating towards industrial hemp and passing an industrial hemp bill, that could change quickly. Currently, the majority of hemp sold in the United States is imported from China and Canada, the world's largest exporters of the industrial hemp crop.
To see Hemp, Inc.'s recently posted video, "The Largest Hemp Mill in the Western Hemisphere is Now Online - It's Alive," click here. To see the Hemp, Inc. mill in operation and processing product, visit Bruce Perlowin's personal Facebook page.

Fuel - While the industrial, medicinal and commercial properties of hemp have been known to mankind for a very long time, its benefits to the environment have just been realized in recent years. One of the compelling things hemp offers is a ready and affordable supply of fuel. Reserves of petroleum are being depleted at an alarming rate, and the U.S. is depleting our reserves of petroleum and buying it up from other countries. What we need is a fuel source which is reusable and which we can grow right here, making us completely energy independent.
Industries in search of sustainable and eco-friendly processes are realizing hemp as a viable option. Hemp can provide an alternative, more efficient source of energy for the fuel industry. "The woody hemp plant is low in moisture; it dries quickly and is an efficient biomass source of methanol. The waste products produced by using hemp oil are a good source of ethanol. Both methanol and ethanol are produced from hemp through the efficient and economical process of thermo-chemical conversion. One acre of hemp yields 1,000 gallons or 3,785 liters of fuel. Hemp allows a lesser reliance on fossil fuels, which are non-renewable sources of energy and will not be able to meet the increasing global demands for long."
Petroleum fuel increases carbon monoxide in the atmosphere and contributes heavily to global warming and the greenhouse effect, which could lead to global catastrophe in the next 50 years if these trends continue. Do you want to find out if they are right, or do you want to grow the most cost-effective and environmentally safe fuel source on the planet? Using hemp as an energy and rotation crop would be a great step in the right direction.

Hemp, Inc.'s 85,000 square foot industrial hemp processing facility, on over 9 acres in Spring Hope, North Carolina, is the only one of this magnitude in North America. It is on its way to becoming a mecca of America’s new clean green agricultural and industrial revolution. Based on a variety of factors, Perlowin believes North Carolina is strategically positioned to be the largest hemp producing state in America by 2018. However, Kentucky and West Virginia will soon join this industrial hemp hub, followed by Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Georgia. Most of these states were historically considered the hemp hub of America and will be again this time next year.
To see the video of America's largest hemp processing facility and 60-foot silo installation, click here. To see the video of the largest hemp mill in the western hemisphere, click here. To see the Hemp, Inc. mill in operation and processing product, visit Bruce Perlowin's personal Facebook page where he provides daily updates.

The Hemp University has been established to be the blueprint for farming, navigating and thriving in the industrial hemp revolution. Classes will cover such topics as planting and harvesting schedules, soil temperature, conditions and amendments, proper PH watering, the different life cycles and stages of the hemp plant, cloning, flowering, seed production, greenhouse growing, converting chicken houses to grow rooms, indoor lighting requirements, a big FOCUS ON BRINGING BACK THE SMALL FAMILY FARM TO THE AMERICAN LANDSCAPE, organic certification, licensing fees, what's happening with industrial hemp in different states around America, high CBD strains and different CBD extraction technologies (which will also be installed and showcased at Hemp, Inc.'s processing facility) and marketability of the crop. The seminars started in March of last year. The next seminar will be Saturday, March 10, 2018.
The goal is to educate its attendees on key topics such as transitioning from traditional farming to organic farming, different hemp cultivar strains, how and where to get certified seeds, planting and harvesting industrial hemp, an in-depth history of hemp and its many uses, agronomy, permaculture, ecological advantages and many more courses with an ever-expanding curriculum. Hemp, Inc. (OTC PINK: HEMP) has been securing an outstanding lineup of experts from at least a dozen states all over the country, including New York, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Nevada, Colorado, Oregon, Kentucky, Illinois and more for the 2018 season.

Hemp retail products from all around the country will be showcased at The Hemp University. Attendees will also be able to connect with potential industrial hemp distributors and product manufacturers. Our new "Hemp Hub" will be a one-stop shop for every aspect of industrial hemp from seed and soil to sale, providing as many resources as possible to our American farmers and landowners to successfully grow hemp and have sales channels for the potential 25,000 products our hemp industry can produce, once again with a big FOCUS ON BRINGING BACK THE SMALL FAMILY FARM TO THE AMERICAN LANDSCAPE.

"The Hemp University vision is simple. We accompany you on developing your strategic objectives all the way to successful and sustainable implementation, regardless of whether you are new to the hemp industry or just want to enhance your existing product range. We support you during set-up at all stages over the life of the company and assist in the handling of important operational processes," concluded Rainbolt.

For those interested in attending, teaching, touring the hemp field and hemp processing facility or showcasing your company's hemp products, at The Hemp University, contact Rick Rainbolt via phone or text at (704) 965-8935 for additional information.

SOCIAL NETWORKS: (Twitter) (Facebook) (Bruce Perlowin's Facebook Page) (The Hemp University's Facebook Page) (Investors Hangout)

"Hemp, Inc. Presents" is capturing the historic, monumental re-creation of the hemp decorticator today as America begins to evolve into a cleaner, green, eco-friendly sustainable environment. What many see as the next American Industrial Revolution is actually the Industrial Hemp Revolution. Watch as Hemp, Inc., the No. 1 leader in the industrial hemp industry, engages its shareholders and the public through each step in bringing back the hemp decorticator as described in the "Freedom Leaf Magazine" article "The Return of the Hemp Decorticator" by Steve Bloom.
"Hemp, Inc. Presents" is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by visiting To subscribe to the "Hemp, Inc. Presents" YouTube channel, be sure to click the subscribe button.

This press release may contain certain forward-looking statements and information, as defined within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and is subject to the Safe Harbor created by those sections. This material contains statements about expected future events and/or financial results that are forward-looking in nature and subject to risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements by definition involve risks, uncertainties.
For Investor Relations, please send correspondence to:
Hemp, Inc.
(855) HEMP-OUT
Source: Hemp, Inc.
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