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Wednesday, March 14, 2018 - 11:00am

          March 14, 2018 


Minor League Baseball Announces Pace of Play Regulations for 2018 Minor League Baseball to begin extra innings with runners on base, mound visits to be limited,  and Triple-A and Double-A to use 15-second pitch timers with no runners on base 


ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Minor League Baseball today announced rule and procedure changes aimed at reducing the length of extra innings games and the number of mound visits during a game throughout Minor League Baseball. In addition, the Triple-A and Double-A levels will use a 15-second pitch clock with no runners on base. 


The procedures, created in partnership with Major League Baseball, aim to reduce the number of pitchers used in extra innings and the issues created by extra innings games, including, but not limited to, shortages of pitchers in the days to follow, the use of position players as pitchers and the transferring of players between affiliates due to pitching shortages caused by extra innings games. 


“We believe these changes to extra innings will enhance the fans’ enjoyment of the game and will become something that the fans will look forward to on nights where the game is tied late in the contest,” said Minor League Baseball President Pat O’Conner. “Player safety has been an area of growing concern for our partners at the Major League Baseball level, and the impact that lengthy extra innings games has on pitchers, position players and an entire organization was something that needed to be addressed.”  


EXTRA INNINGS -At all levels of Minor League Baseball, extra innings will begin with a runner on second base. The runner at second base will be the player in the batting order position previous to the leadoff batter of the inning (or a substitute for that player). By way of example, if the number five hitter in the batting order is due to lead off the 10th inning, the number four player in the batting order (or a pinch-runner for such player) shall begin the inning on second base. Any runner or batter removed from the game for a substitute shall be ineligible to return to the game, as is the case in all circumstances under the Official Baseball Rules. -For purposes of calculating earned runs under Rule 9.16, the runner who begins an inning on second base pursuant to this rule shall be deemed to be a runner who has reached second base because of a fielding error, but no error shall be charged to the opposing team or to any player.   PITCHER’S MOUND VISITS -Visits by coaches and position players will be limited based on the classification level. Triple-A clubs will be allowed six (6) visits per team, Double-A clubs will be allowed eight (8) visits per team, Single-A clubs will be allowed 10 visits per team and there will not be a limit on mound visits for Short Season and Rookie-level clubs. -These mound visit limits will apply whether the game is scheduled for seven or nine innings. -For any extra-innings played, each club shall be entitled to one additional non-pitching change mound visit per inning.   -Official Baseball Rule 5.10(l), which governs mound visits by a manager or coach, remains in effect (i.e., a pitcher must be removed on the second visit by a manager/coach in an inning).  Definition of Mound Visit: -A manager or coach trip to the mound to meet with the pitcher shall constitute a visit. A player leaving his position to confer with the pitcher, including a pitcher leaving the mound to confer with another player, shall also constitute a mound visit, regardless of where the visit occurs or the length of the visit, except that the following shall not constitute mound visits: a. Discussions between pitchers and position player(s) that (i) occur between batters in the normal course of play and do not require either the position player(s) or the pitcher to relocate; b. Visits by position players to the mound to clean spikes in rainy conditions; c. Visits to the mound due to an injury or potential injury of the pitcher; and d. Visits to the mound after the announcement of an offensive substitution. Cross-Up in Signs: In the event a team has exhausted its allotment of mound visits in a game (or extra inning) and the home plate umpire determines that the catcher and pitcher did not have a shared understanding of the location or type of pitch that had been signaled by the catcher (otherwise referred to as a “cross-up”), the home plate umpire may, upon request of the catcher, allow the catcher to make a brief mound visit.  Any mound visit resulting from a cross-up prior to a team exhausting its allotted number of visits shall count against a team’s total number of allotted mound visits. 













15-SECOND PITCH TIMER -Pitchers at the Triple-A and Double-A levels will be allowed 15 seconds to begin their wind-up or the motion to come to the set position when no runners are on base.  -The pitcher does not necessarily have to release the ball within 15 seconds, but must begin his wind-up or begin the motion to come to the set position to comply with the 15-second rule with no runners on base. -With runners on base, the pitch timer will go from 15 to 20 seconds. -The timer shall start when the pitcher has possession of the ball in the dirt circle surrounding the pitcher’s rubber, the catcher is in the catcher’s box and the batter is in the dirt circle surrounding home plate.  -The timer will stop as soon as the pitcher begins his wind-up, or begins the motion to come to the set position. -If the pitcher feints a pick off or steps off the rubber with runners on base, the timer shall reset and start again immediately. -Umpires have the authority to stop the pitch timer and order a reset. -Following any event (e.g., pick-off play) that permits the batter to leave the batter’s box, the timer shall start when the pitcher has possession of the ball in the dirt circle surrounding the pitcher’s rubber, and the catcher is in the catcher’s box.  -Following an umpire’s call of “time” or if the ball becomes dead and the batter remains at-bat, the timer shall start after the next pitch or play. -Should the pitcher fail to begin his wind-up or begin the motion to come to the set position in 15 seconds with no runners on base, or 20 seconds with a runner on base, a ball will be awarded to the count on the batter.  -Should the batter fail to be in the batter’s box and alert to the pitcher with seven (7) or more seconds remaining on the pitch timer, a strike will be awarded to the count on the batter. -The first 15 days of the season (April 5-19), will serve as a grace period, with players receiving warnings for infractions. Beginning April 20, rules will be enforced as written.  


“We feel that limiting mound visits and decreasing the amount of time between pitches with no runners on base will further improve the pace of play and make it a more enjoyable experience for our fans,” said O’Conner. 




About Minor League Baseball   Minor League Baseball, headquartered in St. Petersburg, Florida, is the governing body for all professional baseball teams in the United States, Canada and the Dominican Republic that are affiliated with Major League Baseball® clubs through their farm systems. Fans are coming out in unprecedented numbers to this one-of-a-kind experience that can only be found at Minor League Baseball ballparks. In 2017, Minor League Baseball attracted 41.8 million fans to its ballparks to see the future stars of the sport hone their skills. From the electricity in the stands to the excitement on the field, Minor League Baseball has provided affordable family-friendly entertainment to people of all ages since its founding in 1901. For more information visit 

Follow Minor League Baseball on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 


USDA Designates 12 Counties in Arizona as Primary Natural Disaster Areas with Assistance to Producers in Surrounding States


WASHINGTON, March 14, 2018 — The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has designated 12 counties in Arizona as primary natural disaster areas due to losses and damages caused by a recent drought. Those counties are:













Santa Cruz


Farmers and ranchers in the contiguous counties in La Paz, Yavapai and Yuma in Arizona also qualify for natural disaster assistance.


Farmers and ranchers in the contiguous counties in California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah also qualify for natural disaster assistance. Those counties are:



San Bernardino






Clark and Lincoln


New Mexico

Catron, Cibola, Grant, Hidalgo, McKinley and San Juan



Kane, San Juan and Washington


Qualified farm operators in the designated areas eligible for the Farm Service Agency’s (FSA’s) emergency (EM) loans, provided eligibility requirements are met. Farmers in eligible counties have eight months from the date of the declaration of March 8, 2018, to apply for loans to help cover part of their actual losses. FSA will consider each loan application on its own merits, taking into account the extent of losses, security available and repayment ability. FSA has a variety of programs, in addition to the EM loan program, to help eligible farmers recover from the impacts of this disaster.


Other FSA programs that can provide assistance, but do not require a disaster declaration, include: Operating and Farm Ownership Loans; the Emergency Conservation Program; Livestock Forage Disaster Program; Livestock Indemnity Program; Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program; and the Tree Assistance Program. Interested farmers may contact their local USDA service centers for further information on eligibility requirements and application procedures for these and other programs. Additional information is also available online at


FSA news releases are available on FSA’s website at via the “Newsroom” link.




SALT LAKE CITY — President Wayne Niederhauser released the following statement: 


Today, I am announcing that I will not be seeking re-election at the end of my current term this year. It is time for a new face with fresh energy and ideas. It has been one of the great experiences of my life to be the Senate President and represent citizens of Senate District 9. The experience changed me as a person, adding value to my character and abilities. 


Until very recently, I intended to seek re-election to the Utah Senate. However, as this last legislative session concluded I began to question that decision. For the last few days I have carefully evaluated the pros and cons of seeking another term in office. The pros outnumbered the cons almost three to one. While on paper the decision seemed obvious, an inner voice said, “this is the very reason you shouldn’t run for office again.” This message may seem confusing, but to me the meaning is clear: when you begin to think you are even a little indispensable, it is time to step away.


Thank you to the constituents in Senate District 9. I appreciate all the support and trust you have given me over the past 11 years. It has been my pleasure to get to know so many of you as we talked on your doorstep and discussed issues during our town hall meetings. I have enjoyed hearing your views and opinions as I’ve worked hard to represent you.


I want to express my gratitude to my Senate colleagues and staff. It has been an absolute privilege to serve as the Senate President over the past six years. Thank you for taking a chance on me — a bean counting budget wonk. Most importantly, thank you for your incredible kindness and friendship.


Most of all, I want to thank my wife Melissa. Her love and support have been invaluable as I served in this position. She leaves a legacy of service, inclusion and unconventional style.  Also, many thanks to all my family and business colleagues for their patience and endurance through seemingly long legislative sessions and through the many hours I have been away doing the work of the people.


Serving the people of District 9 and as the Utah Senate President has been the honor of a lifetime. I will forever cherish the relationships, the policy, the process and being so intimately involved in shaping our great state for the future. I may even miss the politics.