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North Ogden Elementary

Monday, April 14, 2014 - 3:00pm


15   |   Tax Day

15   |   Weber Cone Choir Performance

16   |   Deadline for Walk-A-Thon Dinner Prepay Orders

16   |   Deadline for Walk-A-Thon Pledge $$$ to receive Bonus Incentive

16   |   Deadline for Walk-A-Thon Volunteer sign-up

16   |   Kindergarten Round-up (A-K 1:30PM; K-Z 2:30PM)

17   |   Walk-A-Thon Coloring Contest Page Due

17   |   Knight of the Museum

18   |   No School (Teacher Comp Day)

20   |   Easter Day 

We are excited to nominate the following people to the 2014-2015 PTA Board:

President: Kami Overdiek
President-Elect: Becky Marston
Treasurer: Jen Sacre
Secretary: Monica Ash
Legislative VP: Nichole Hardy
Reflections VP: Jenny Wurm
Vice President: Robin Simmons
Teacher Rep: Becky Judkins


It is that time of year when we are starting to collect donations for the Walk-A-Thon.

The donation request letters are all generated and divided into groups of 10-15 businesses in the same geographic location.

We are in need of several volunteers who are willing to contact local businesses to arrange for pick up of the donations.

Most of these businesses have donated in the past and are happily willing to do so again we simply need a contact person in the PTA who can arrange pick-up of the item. Instructions are provided on what you will need to do.

If you would be willing to take one of these packets of 10-15 letters and help with the collection of the donations, please come to the PTA meeting tomorrow morning (Tues Jan 21) at 9:30 in Mrs. Lee's room down the 6th grade hall to receive your packet and more instructions.

We have approx. 40 businesses who I contact through email. I can take care of all of the correspondence and make all the arrangements for pick up but could use one or two helpers in running around town collecting items. We have an additional set of approx.30 letters that are mailed to businesses further away. They will mail the donation to us, sometimes they just need a reminder phone call to do it. I could use one or two people who are willing to make these phone calls mostly to the Salt Lake area and follow up on the mailing of the donation.

We would not be able to have the Silent Auction portion of the Walk-A-Thon without the donated items from businesses in our community. And we need the help of our PTA volunteers to collect those items.

If you are unable to attend the meeting but would still like to help, please let me know.

Thanks again
Kami Overdiek
PTA Executive Board
Walk-A-Thon Chair