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Here Are 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America

Thursday, March 15, 2018 - 10:45am
The Daily Signal

March 15, 2018

Good morning from Washington, the intended audience of nationwide student "walkouts" demanding safer schools. John Malcolm and Amy Swearer offer some truth about guns for adults and kids alike, while Rachel del Guidice talks with a Utah teen whose high school tries a different approach. Some supporters fear President Trump is about to do something for illegal immigrants that President Reagan regretted doing, Fred Lucas reports. Plus: Lucas on lessons of a special election showdown in Trump country, Star Parker on what's happened to the young American working man, and Michelle Malkin on the situation student protesters should be upset about.


Here Are 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America


Fact No. 6: There is no clear relationship between strict gun control legislation and homicide or violent crime rates.

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This High School Senior Explains Why It’s Better to 'Walk Up' to Help Others Than to Walk Out of Classes


While students across the country protest school shootings Wednesday with walkouts, one senior says her high school in Utah is encouraging students to "walk up, not out" and show an act of kindness.

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7 Big Takeaways From That Special Election in Pennsylvania


"The president's party usually suffers in midterm cycles," says Geoffrey Skelley of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia. "We have seen Democrats all over the country outperforming Hillary Clinton by eight or nine points in generic polls."

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Students, Forget DC Marches. Instead, Look at the Failures of Your Own School Officials.


Chances are, the adults closest to you—those most directly responsible for your security—have been shirking their primary duties, squandering scarce resources, and deflecting blame.

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Where Trump Amnesty Proposal Could Repeat Reagan's Mistakes


President Reagan offered legal status to some 2 million illegal immigrants in exchange for stronger border security. However, in part because of chain migration, more than 1 million more gained amnesty than initially estimated.

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The Crisis of Our Young Men


Almost 5 million prime-age working men have disappeared from the workforce.

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