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Enough is Enough- Bypassing; 911 call centers, laws, criminal investigations, county prosecutors and local courts when sexual assault and rape crimes are committed against a woman or child with a disability is Discrimination in Civil Rights
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream of justice and equality, yet a convicted sexual predators dream was about sexually assaulting a disabled child
Critical basic common sense reforms must finally take place now to stop and prevent most sexual assault & rape crimes, we must end all gross injustices & unequal treatment of people with disabilities.”
— Michael Carey - Advocate for people with disabilities and their families
ALBANY, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, January 16, 2018 / -- The Jonathan Carey Foundation must bring to light this stark contrast and difference in dreams because we still have major discrimination and civil rights systemic problems in New York State and throughout our country that cannot continue. There is blatant unequal treatment and wide-scale discrimination, right now in 2018, over fifty years after Dr. Kings famous “all men are created equal” speech. Millions of people with disabilities are being treated as far lower class people; the discrimination that the Jonathan Carey Foundation must bring to light will shock anyone with a conscience.
Just below is from Dr. King’s famous speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. which was a defining moment of the civil rights movement.
“I still have a dream, a dream deeply rooted in the American dream – one day this nation will rise up and live up to its creed, "We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal." I have a dream...” - Martin Luther King Jr. (1963)
Now here is a sexual predator’s dream, who was a New York State employed caregiver for the disabled, directly taken from this Associated Press News piece;
It was a predator's dream': NY pays $3M to family of molested boy
"The lack of supervision there made it easy to do what I did," DeProspero said in a handwritten affidavit obtained by The Associated Press. "I could have stayed in that house for years and abused him every day without anybody even noticing at all. It was a predator's dream."
This extremely disturbing statement made by this pedophile speaks volumes of New York States mental health care system. In 2011 the New York Times did a massive investigative reporting series called “Abused and Used”, which Michael Carey convinced the Times to do, which should have catapulted numerous vital reforms to protect the disabled from heinous sex crimes and many other crimes, but sadly the needed reforms never came. Governor Cuomo, instead, went the exact opposite direction and chose to continue protect the institutional cover-ups, jeopardizing the safety and lives of 1,000,000 New Yorkers with disabilities. The rampant abuse and neglect has only gotten worse because most sexual predators and abusers know they can practically do anything, with anyone, and get away with it.
Governor Cuomo took no emergency actions to immediately protect people with disabilities from being sexually assaulted or raped or to ensure them their equal rights. Governor Cuomo failed to ensure that all sexual predators that rape our most vulnerable are held accountable and brought swiftly to justice following the award winning New York Times “Abused and Used” investigative reporting series that became a runner up for a Pulitzer Prize.
The New York Times Editorial Board two and a half years later blasted Governor Cuomo for refusing to ensure the most basic actions were taken to protect the disabled from sexual assaults, rapes and all types of abuse or premature death.
The New York Times Editorial is titled, “Protecting the Most Vulnerable”.
Here are a couple of extremely damning quotes from this Editorial;
“Two-and-a-half years ago, The Times reported horrifying abuse of people with developmental disabilities or mental illnesses by state employees, who were rarely punished for it. Gov. Andrew Cuomo promised action. But too little appears to have changed.”
“There is much the governor could do. He could require surveillance cameras in these facilities, just as prisons have them. He could make sure that the police get more involved.”
Fast forward to right now, NPR is in the process of bringing out their exposé which all surrounds the massive scope of sexual assaults and rapes happening with people with disabilities. According to NPR, who obtained information from the U.S. Department of Justice, people with disabilities are sexually assaulted seven or more times the rate of anyone else. The NPR series is called “Abused and Betrayed”
So in New York State there was first the Willowbrook exposé in 1972, almost ten years after Dr. King’s famous speech - then the New York Times “Abused and Used” investigative reporting series in 2011 - and now the NPR “Abused and Betrayed” series in 2018 -, yet the rampant sexual assaults and rapes continue unchecked and our most vulnerable are being denied equal access to 911 emergency services and denied their rights to equal protection of laws.
“Critical basic common sense reforms must finally take place now to stop and prevent most sexual assault and rape crimes and to end all gross injustices and unequal treatment of people with disabilities. We must fight for justice for all people and we must not be silent or in any way complicit as our most vulnerable among us are being victimized and raped.” – Michael Carey
Dr. King also said these famous quotes;
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
“It is not possible to be in favor of justice for some people and not be in favor of justice for all people.”
So let’s heed Dr. Martin Luther King’s words and let’s honor God who made us all equal. Let’s also honor the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which is very clear;
“The Due Process Clause prohibits state and local government officials from depriving persons of life, liberty, or property without legislative authorization. This clause has also been used by the federal judiciary to make most of the Bill of Rights applicable to the states, as well as to recognize substantive and procedural requirements that state laws must satisfy.
The Equal Protection Clause requires each state to provide equal protection under the law to all people, including all non-citizens, within its jurisdiction. This clause has been the basis for many decisions rejecting irrational or unnecessary discrimination against people belonging to various groups.”
“Bypassing 911 emergency call centers, laws, prosecutors and courts is discrimination in civil rights, denying disabled rape victims their rights to equal protections of laws.” – Michael Carey
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. began to fight against injustices and unequal treatment of people in the mid 50’ speaking out against all forms of discrimination. Disabled women and children, as well as men cannot continue to be denied immediate equal access to 911 emergency medical and police services and assistance in most cases when they are raped in mental health facilities and group homes. The average person when told that this level of discrimination is still happening in 2018, is first stunned, but almost always responds by emphatically saying in an angry tone- “you got be kidding me.”
The Jonathan Carey Foundation and its founder Michael Carey have been shouting from the rooftops for many years that people with disabilities are being treated as far lower class citizens and that this gross evil still exists. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and William Wilberforce, who are heroes and champions for human and civil rights, have inspired Michael Carey to fight day and night to end this egregious and unequal treatment of millions of people with disabilities. To deny a disabled person 911 first responder medical and police services is horrific discrimination in civil rights.
The discrimination and purposeful acts of keeping sexual assault and rape crimes from 911 and local police is for one purpose, which is to cover-up these most heinous and sickening crimes going on in secret behind closed doors. It goes further than that though, this discrimination allows sexual predators, pedophiles and rapists to escape justice and to remain in a system and to be able to continue to victimize our most vulnerable. It doesn’t get more evil than this, to deny needy and vulnerable women and children 911 emergency help and then to protect the criminals that violate them instead.
“The wide-scale discrimination against our most vulnerable citizen with disabilities must be stopped. To deny this specific group of people immediate 911 emergency first responder services and to deny them “equal protections of laws” is without question discrimination in civil rights. Significant actions, which must include surveillance cameras in all facilities and transport vehicles, must be taken to stop and prevent sex crimes and rapes committed against vulnerable women and children. Sexual predators, pedophiles and rapists cannot continue to be protected and shielded from criminal prosecution any longer. People with disabilities are being treated as lower class citizens, which cannot continue, we must protect our most vulnerable from being victimized and ensure those that harm them are swiftly arrested and prosecuted.” – Michael Carey
No longer can 911 call systems, local police and local courts be bypassed and these sex crimes covered-up. 911 call systems must be immediately called by all mandated reporters regarding all sexual assaults and rapes, as well as obviously all other assault crimes, medical emergencies and deaths. Sexual predators; raping women and children with disabilities is an epidemic and these atrocities can easily be dramatically reduced by the installation of cameras and ensuring immediate 911 reporting.
Currently, in New York State, by the directive of Governor Andrew Cuomo, almost all reported sexual assaults and rapes of people with disabilities are internally reported to another one of his agencies and disappear; they are covered-up. These gross injustices must be stopped and all sexual predators, pedophiles and rapists taking advantage of our most vulnerable must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and finally placed on an international sex abuse registry that easily can be created. These are discrimination and civil rights matters similar to what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought against for many years. People with disabilities are equally valuable members in society and can no longer be treated as lower class citizens, unworthy of being protected from sexual assaults and rape or treated as unworthy of immediate 911 emergency assistance and services.
Please do what God puts in your heart to do to help stop these atrocities and please donate to support this vital Civil Rights Movement. Thank you.
If you have any tips or knowledge of sexual assaults, rapes, deaths or cover-ups please call the Jonathan Carey Foundation sexual abuse & death tip hotline @ (518) 475-7500
Michael Carey
The Jonathan Carey Foundation
(518) 852-9377
email us here
The incredible life and tragic preventable death of Jonathan Carey, who was disabled, had autism, was non-verbal & only 13 when he was killed by his caregivers
Stafford firm recognised for its commitment to employees
One of Stafford’s key employers has been recognised for its ongoing commitment to the development of its workforce.
Employing nearly 90 people in the town, plumbing and heating components firm Altecnic has been awarded the prestigious Investors in People (IIP) accreditation.
To help mark the achievement, the President of the company’s Italian parent company, Caleffi, travelled to Staffordshire this week to join in the celebrations.
Marco Caleffi was present when the iconic IIP plaque was presented to Altecnic Managing Director, Alan Sherwin, by representatives of the organisation managing the UK’s premier accreditation for business improvement through people management.
The presentation itself followed a thorough assessment of nine key areas of the business, including delivering continuous improvement, building capability, leadership, managing and rewarding performance and employee empowerment.
Assessors were particularly impressed with the family feel of the business, which was founded just over 30 years ago, and that a high percentagent of the staff they questioned trusted the organisation’s leaders whilst 96 per cent said it was a great place to work.
In their accreditation report assessors from IIP also highlighted the fact that teams worked well together across the business where the work was interesting and employees had the chance to use their skills.
On receiving the IIP accolade, Alan Sherwin commented: “This is a significant achievement and marks our 30th Birthday in a very meaningful way.
“It sets a benchmark for the future where all of our employees not only respect Altecnic, but are actively involved in the business to develop our company further.
It’s a very proud moment and a personal goal now achieved for me.”
The IIP assessors also acknowledge the way employees supported its mission statement, which reads: “Through manufacturing excellence, innovation and education, Altecnic will deliver the highest quality products and services to its customers. To build upon our experience and infrastructure continually to adapt to meet the needs of the customer whilst developing new products that help support our daily lives.”
Arthur Milanzi, Business Service Manager at IIP commented: “I would like to congratulate Altecnic on achieving the Stand for Investors in People accreditation. The accreditation is more than just a badge on the wall or a logo on station, it is the sign of a great employer, an outperforming place to work and a clear commitment to sustainability.”