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ADHD help

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 - 11:15am


ADHD Is an Iceberg
The fraction we see includes the hallmark symptoms: inattention, impulsivity & hyperactivity. They're important, but hardly the whole picture of ADHD. The hidden 90% includes emotional dysregulation, skill deficits, and co-existing conditions.

“What Is Going on with My Child?”
Getting answers is more difficult than most parents expect. In fact, experts say, resolving a child’s behavioral and academic problems is a straightforward process for only one in five families.


ADHD + Learning Disabilities
Nearly half of patients with ADHD also have a learning disability. Could your child? If he struggles to communicate or has difficulty remembering facts, he might. Red flags for common LDs >

ADHD + Anxiety
Worry is a normal part of life for children and adults. But if your child is anxious all the time, or her anxiety is disproportionate to the situation, there may be a bigger problem. More on primary and secondary anxiety >

Symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) include regular temper tantrums, excessive arguments with adults, and deliberately spiteful behavior. Warning signs to look for at home and at school >

ADHD + Depression
By some estimates, up to 70% of people with ADHD will be treated for depression at some point in their life. Learn about overlapping symptoms, reactive vs. major depression, and treatment options.


Don't Miss ADDitude's ADHD Awareness Month Webinar Series
#1 – (Replay): Everything You Need to Know Before & After an ADHD Diagnosis
#2 – (Replay): How to Explain ADHD to Your Child, Family, and Friends
#3 – Oct. 22: Life Hacks for Adults and Children with ADHD

See all upcoming webinars »


+ ADDitude's ADHD Awareness Month Sweepstakes
Enter to win one of three copies of My Whirling, Twirling Motor — an illustrated book for children with ADHD — by answering this question: Who are your favorite ADHD characters from books, film, or TV — and why? Enter the sweepstakes »


Having the Talk: How to Best Explain ADHD to Your Child, Family, and Friends
Date: Thursday, October 10, 2019
Time: 1pm-2pm Eastern Time
(12pm-1pm Central; 11am-12pm Mountain; 10am-11am Pacific)
Find it in your time zone >
Expert: Ryan Wexelblatt, LCSW




When a child receives an ADHD diagnosis, they often take home a prescription, and maybe a handout titled "What Is ADHD?" Rarely do they get a clear, fact-based explanation of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. As a result, many kids — and parents — feel unnecessarily ashamed of the diagnosis. ADHD Awareness Month is a perfect time to change that!

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NOTE: Qualify for a certificate of attendance when you attend an ADDitude webinar live or listen to the replay.


ADHD Awareness Month Webinar Series
#1 – Replay: What Is ADHD? Everything You Need to Know Before and After an ADHD Diagnosis (broadcast live on 9/30/19)
#2 – 10/10: How to Explain ADHD to Your Child, Family, and Friends
#3 – 10/22: The Best Life Hacks for Adults and Children with ADHD


See all upcoming ADDitude webinars and on-demand webinar replays.
Subscribe to our FREE ADHD Experts Podcast — and leave a review!



Limited-time offer from ADDitude magazine

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Starting with our Positive Parenting issue!

The Winter 2019 issue is packed with the latest research and expert advice for parents and adults with ADHD, including: The power of positive parenting; optimizing your medication; new natural therapies for ADHD; how to beat procrastination; and much more!

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PLUS – All plans include the 120-page ADDitude Guide to Treating ADHD Naturally as an instant download when you submit your order.

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Worried your child or teen with ADHD is spending too much time staring at a screen? How to set limits, plus apps and games that teach skills >

Week 4 Class: Smart Screen Time Strategies

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9 Better Ways to Limit Phone & Console Use
"Your screen time is out of control!" If you’re a parent, chances are good you've said this — maybe several times this week. So what do you do about it? Use blocking apps during homework time, make sure everyone powers down during family time, and 7 more screen-limiting strategies »


The Good and Bad of Gaming
Games deliver the clear, constant feedback that ADHD brains crave, and can build problem-solving skills — as long as you effectively transfer gaming wins to real life »

Protecting Your Child from Cyberbullying
In online attacks, the bully can remain anonymous and behave in ways he or she never would in person. How to keep your child safe »




Mom-Approved Apps That Kids Love
Screen time is a fact of life these days — but you can use it more productively. These apps can teach social skills, organization, and more. See the list »

Education’s Digital Transformation
School, like the workplace, is becoming increasingly digital. With the right know-how — and limits — this could be a very good thing for students with ADHD.



Q: "According to my 13-year-old, everything is 'boring' except for video games. How can I get him to branch out?" See the answer »

Q: "My son doesn't like sports and would play video games all day on the weekends, if he could. How can I get him outside?" See the answer »


More on technology & screen time for parents...
+ Mo Devices Mo Problems: ADDitude’s Top 10 Parental Control Apps
+ Webinar Replay: "Time to Unplug? How Screen Time Impacts the ADHD Brain"
+ "My Son’s Story of Electronics Addiction and Recovery"
+ Make Life Easier: 15 Back-to-School Apps Your Student Needs
+ Download: Too Much Screen Time? How to Regulate Your Teen’s Devices
+ Must-Have eBook: Video Games and the ADHD Brain

Free Webinar on IEP or 504 Plans for Children with ADHD or LD
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A Parent’s Guide to Evaluating and Troubleshooting Your Child’s IEP or 504 Plan
with Susan Yellin, Esq.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019 @ 1pm Eastern Time (find it in your time zone >)

Register now!

Can't attend the live webinar?
Register now anyway and we'll email you the replay link




Once a child is approved for an IEP or 504 Plan, parents rightfully expect to get the most effective accommodations and services to help him or her excel in the classroom. It doesn't always turn out that way. Learn clues that tell you whether or not an IEP or 504 Plan is meeting your child’s needs, how to make minor changes, what to do if educators aren’t following the plan, and more.

Register Now!

NOTE: Qualify for a certificate of attendance when you attend an ADDitude webinar live or listen to the replay.


ADHD Awareness Month Webinar Series
#1 – Replay: What Is ADHD? Everything You Need to Know Before and After an ADHD Diagnosis
#2 – Replay: How to Explain ADHD to Your Child, Family, and Friends
#3 – 10/22: The Best Life Hacks for Adults and Children with ADHD


See all upcoming ADDitude webinars and on-demand webinar replays

Subscribe to our FREE ADHD Experts Podcast — and leave a review!

Your Natural ADHD Treatment Options

Medication is a valuable tool for managing the core symptoms of ADHD, but it is not the only option. Some natural remedies involve nutrition and lifestyle changes, while others train the brain to focus. For many, the best treatment plan includes several approaches — used simultaneously. | Read more →


Readers' Favorite Supplements
Learn what the science reveals about the most popular vitamins, minerals, and other supplements for ADHD.
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Brain Training 101
Brain training apps and programs have proliferated of late, but what do these tools actually do, and do they work? Get the facts.
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Behavioral Training for ADD
Mounting evidence shows that behavioral parent training can help to manage challenging behaviors. But how to choose the right program?
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Could It Be a Food Sensitivity?
Some studies suggest that testing for and eliminating food sensitivities can reduce symptoms of ADHD.
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