Appreciating our Heroes: Veteran’s Day
Tami L. Johnson
Each year on November 11th, Americans young and old celebrate Veteran’s Day by participating in parades, school celebrations, and listening to bands play national songs. U.S. flags proudly wave the red, white and blue from homes, buildings and flagpoles.
From the children’s book, Veterans’ Day, by Marlene Targ Brill we learn that, “People in the United States celebrate the holiday Veterans’ Day every year. We show veterans how much they mean to us.”
Brill asks the question, “But who are veterans? What makes them so special?”
She answers the question in the book with, “Veterans are people who have worked to keep the United States safe and free. They protected the land and seas where we live. They also protected ideas, people and places that are important to the United States around the world.”
Do you know a veteran? They could be your Grandpa, your aunt, your brother, or your own parents. All veterans are very important and respected individuals.
Mayor Brent Taylor of North Ogden City is also a veteran. He is a member of the Utah Army National Guard. He has been deployed to Iraq twice and Afghanistan once. He holds the rank of Major and is assigned to the Utah Army National Guard Joint Forces Headquarters. Public service has been a way of life for Mayor Taylor, along with his family.
When I asked Mayor Taylor what it has meant to him to be a veteran for the United States, this was his reply, “Being a veteran is a great honor. I remember how much I looked up to the veterans when I was a kid, and how badly I wanted to be one of them.
Taylor adds, “Our American veterans come from all religious, social, and ethnic backgrounds. Our veterans have different political views and parties. But they all
Each year on November 11th, Americans young and old celebrate Veteran’s Day by participating in parades, school celebrations, and listening to bands play national songs. U.S. flags proudly wave the red, white and blue from homes, buildings and flagpoles.
From the children’s book, Veterans’ Day, by Marlene Targ Brill we learn that, “People in the United States celebrate the holiday Veterans’ Day every year. We show veterans how much they mean to us.”
Brill asks the question, “But who are veterans? What makes them so special?”
She answers the question in the book with, “Veterans are people who have worked to keep the United States safe and free. They protected the land and seas where we live. They also protected ideas, people and places that are important to the United States around the world.”
Do you know a veteran? They could be your Grandpa, your aunt, your brother, or your own parents. All veterans are very important and respected individuals.
Mayor Brent Taylor of North Ogden City is also a veteran. He is a member of the Utah Army National Guard. He has been deployed to Iraq twice and Afghanistan once. He holds the rank of Major and is assigned to the Utah Army National Guard Joint Forces Headquarters. Public service has been a way of life for Mayor Taylor, along with his family.
When I asked Mayor Taylor what it has meant to him to be a veteran for the United States, this was his reply, “Being a veteran is a great honor. I remember how much I looked up to the veterans when I was a kid, and how badly I wanted to be one of them.
Taylor adds, “Our American veterans come from all religious, social, and ethnic backgrounds. Our veterans have different political views and parties. But they all share one thing in common: love of country and a sense of duty and honor to our nation, to our history and to the people of the United States.”
Youth growing up today have many choices before them. One choice is to become a service man or woman and help their country when they grow older.
“I think the most important thing I could say to our youth is to never let anyone make you ashamed of the United States. America is the greatest country and has done more good for people than any other country. Love our country and honor our flag,” Taylor says.
What can we, as citizens, do to honor veterans today?
According to Taylor we can, “Teach our children what our veterans have done, the battles they have fought in and the sacrifices they made for us. It is so important that we remember those that died and those brave veterans who fought with them.”
Mayor Taylor has spent a great deal of time away from his family. There have been huge sacrifices made by many veterans.
Taylor said, “My family has sacrificed a lot. My wife, Jennie, has been a rock through three deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, and many months of various military training all over the world.”
When thinking about his service, Taylor tells us that, “Serving has changed my life. It has been an honor—not a sacrifice. The Army has put my life on a different path and things like school have taken longer than they would have. I don’t consider that a sacrifice. It really has been an honor and I have loved my time of service in the Army.”
On Saturday, November 11th, there was a short ceremony held at the Ogden City Cemetery and hosted by the American Legion Baker-Merrill Post 9. Honorable Brent Taylor was the guest speaker and gave a beautiful tribute to all veterans. There was a Laying of the Wreath by: Commander Roods and Past Auxiliary President Judy Lewis. A gun salute was also given by: Post 9/VFW Joint Honor Guard.