Sen. Lee Questions International Court Attack on State Sovereignty
WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement today responding to an Inter-American Court of Human Rights advisory opinion stating that Costa Rica should redefine marriage to include same-sex relationships.
“Given that the United States is the predominant funder of the Organization of American States it is of great concern that one of its international courts has issued an opinion recommending Costa Ricans to change their law,” Sen. Lee said. “The United States must do more to safeguard religious liberties around the world, prevent taxpayer dollars from funding ineffective international organizations, and most importantly uphold national sovereignty and the principles of subsidiarity.”
On January 9th, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights issued an advisory opinion that Costa Rica should redefine marriage to include same-sex relationships. This opinion is relevant to Costa Rica and 19 other countries throughout Latin America and the Caribbean that have accepted the Court’s jurisdiction. The opinion was made in response to a petition from Costa Rican President Luis Guillermo Solis asking the Court for its opinion on the matter.
An online version of this release can be found here.
Operation Underground Railroad partners with Haitian President Jovenel Moïse, Haitian Attorney General and Utah Attorney General to liberate children from sex slavery
Salt Lake City, UT – This past weekend, Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.) coordinated with Haitian President Jovenel Moïse and his Attorney General Clame-Ocnam Dameus and local law enforcement to arrest human traffickers involved in child sex trafficking and liberate those children. Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes was also instrumental in working with the Haitian government. This operation success follows months of coordination between O.U.R. and the Haitian government. Many of these criminals had been previously arrested last year during an O.U.R. sting operation but were able to buy their way out of prison through corrupt judicial officials. With a new administration firmly in place in Haiti, President Moïse has asserted his commitment to keeping these dangerous felons behind bars, protecting his country’s most vulnerable, and changing preconceived stereotypes of his country.
“This weekend was a pivotal point in Haiti’s history and on their path to eradicating human trafficking in their country. I want to thank AG Reyes and President Moïse for their partnership and commitment to liberating children from this modern day slavery,” said Tim Ballard, CEO of Operation Underground Railroad. “We look forward to continuing to foster the relationship with the Haitian government to save children throughout this great country and change perceptions about Haiti and its wonderful people.”
“When it comes to fighting human trafficking worldwide, particularly the child sex trade, Tim Ballard is rewriting history. When future generations look back at today’s time, the apex of modern global slavery, Tim Ballard’s name will be whispered in hushed reverence for his courageous fight against this horrific evil,” said Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes.
Like the many other countries in which they operate, O.U.R. just provided critical mission support to Haiti. What they just helped Haiti accomplish in the fight against human slavery is nothing less than remarkable. O.U.R. partnered with the Moïse administration and worked shoulder-to-shoulder with honorable lawmen and officials in Haiti to strike a crippling blow against trafficking. In so doing, they have helped Haiti send a loud, strong message that trafficking of children will not be tolerated by the noble people of that country.”
Operation Underground Railroad is registered 501(c)3 organization. Bringing together former CIA, Navy SEALs, and Special Ops operatives, O.U.R. partners with local law enforcement agencies around the world to save children from this modern day slavery. Founded by CEO Tim Ballard in 2013, O.U.R. has rescued more than 990 victims and helped arrest over 445 traffickers worldwide.
Will Marijuana Make Your Kiss
Go Amiss This Valentine’s Day?
Should you pucker up after you’ve smoked pot?
Recreational use of marijuana has been legalized in eight states and the District of Columbia, but anyone inclined to include it in their Valentine’s Day plans may find that – legal or otherwise – marijuana is not the best bet for a romantic evening that ends in a kiss.
“Marijuana can cause dry mouth and dry mouth can lead to bad breath,” says Dr. Harold Katz, a dentist, bacteriologist and developer of TheraBreath Dry Mouth Oral Rinse and Lozenges (
“That’s because, when there isn’t enough saliva in the mouth, the bacteria that cause bad breath can thrive.”
And that could quickly kill any bubbling passion at your Valentine’s Day rendezvous.
Marijuana as a bad-breath culprit may not be a subject that most people have been exposed to in any mainstream way, especially since the legalization of recreational use is a fairly recent phenomenon limited to a few states.
“Ten years ago it wouldn’t have seemed likely that we would ever be discussing the bad-breath implications of legally available marijuana, yet here we are,” Katz says.
At one time there was an assumption that smoking marijuana naturally dried the mouth out due to heat and smoke, but the blame actually lies with the chemical compounds at work, Katz says. Research by the University of Buenos Aires has linked the saliva reduction to THC, the ingredient that gives marijuana its psychoactive properties.
“That means there is a great chance of dry mouth even when the method of cannabis consumption doesn't involve smoking,” Katz says. “Edibles, vaporizing and other methods also act as THC delivery systems.”
Katz is no killjoy, though, so he offers tips to those who suffer from dry mouth to help them avoid bad breath that could seriously dampen the Valentine’s Day mood:
• Drink more water. Katz suggests at least six to eight glasses a day, which comes to about 48 to 64 ounces assuming an 8-ounce glass.
• Avoid alcohol. This advice isn’t limited to just alcoholic beverages, although it’s important to avoid them, too. But some mouthwashes are as much as 27 percent alcohol, Katz says. Like marijuana, alcohol is a cause of dry mouth.
• Avoid spicy, acidic and sugary foods. Without saliva there to offer some protection to the lining of the mouth, spicy and acidic foods can be irritating. In addition, saliva helps to break down the sugar in foods. If the saliva isn’t there to properly do that job, then there’s an increase in the risk of such dental problems as tooth decay.
“Marijuana isn’t the only cause of mouth dryness – not by far – but it is one of the less-discussed,” Katz says. “The legalization of cannabis products has brought a new reason to pay attention to dry-mouth symptoms. From alcohol to sugars, items that block the natural production of saliva are fairly common.”
About Dr. Harold Katz
Dr. Harold Katz (, developer of TheraBreath Dry Mouth Oral Rinse and Lozenges, received his degree in bacteriology from UCLA and is the founder of The California Breath Clinics and author of The Bad Breath Bible. He has been featured on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” CBS’s “Early Show” and “The View” with Barbara Walters and countless other TV shows. Dr. Katz has developed oxygenating compounds that have been used by millions around the world to eliminate bad breath. He is also the bearer of the now famous “Halimeter,” which tests the sulfur compounds in the mouth that cause bad breath. Dr. Katz’ website offers a free online bad breath test – as well as a sneaky way to tell someone they have halitosis.