Secretary Perdue Statement on House Passage of Tax Cuts & Reforms
(Washington, D.C., November 16, 2017) – U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today hailed the House of Representatives’ passage of historic tax cuts and reforms as an important step toward providing much-needed relief to Americans, creating jobs, and boosting the economy. Perdue issued the following statement:
“We haven’t had an overhaul of the burdensome federal tax code since the mid-1980s and it is well past time to provide needed relief to workers and families. The people of agriculture dedicate their lives to putting food on the table for their fellow citizens and they deserve to keep more of what they earn from their labors. I applaud President Trump for his leadership in driving the debate and clearing a path for historic and significant tax cuts and reforms, just as I am pleased to see the sense of urgency with which Congress is moving toward a solution. The result will be more money in people’s pockets, more jobs created, and a more vibrant American economy.”
========================= and #ReadLocal Movement Reaches 75 Locations
Book lovers across the U.S. have quick, simple way to find
local writing talents of more than 2,000 authors.
LAMBERTVILLE, Michigan, Nov. 16, 2017 – In the age of Amazon, more and more readers are cutting through the clutter to find rich, local sources of reading material through the #ReadLocal movement.
As Small Business Saturday approaches, the team at hopes people will frequent local, independent bookstores to combine the magic of shopping local with the treasure of reading books from local authors.
“With more than 12 million books on Amazon and more added every day, how can readers discover great books?” is what founder Becky Robinson asked nearly two years ago. An ardent reader, Robinson was fueled by her passion not only for reading, but for helping authors.
“ creates community within the book universe. It is a way to harness the power of online connections to introduce authors and readers living in the very same zip code,” Robinson explained. “Before was launched in January 2016, there was no widespread way to connect book lovers with authors from within their communities.”
From Albuquerque to Washington, D.C., and Asheville to Seattle, has created listings for 75 locations across the U.S. – with Richmond, Virginia at #75 – with more than 3,500 books written by more than 2,000 authors, and more added daily. Several more cities are expected to be added soon, as they near the minimum of 10 authors signed up for a location.
St. Louis author* Eileen P. Duggan added, “The ‘Read Local’ movement matters because each city is capable of turning out gifted people in all disciplines, and that should be celebrated. Even J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, Barbara Kingsolver, and Jodi Picoult are somebody’s #ReadLocal authors.”
Recently, teamed with Arcadia Publishing/History Press, the leading publishers of local and regional books, to highlight even more authors and local bookstores.
In addition to finding local authors, recently started a “Read Local Champions” section, with links to local bookstores, publishers, and others who want to support the #ReadLocal movement. Through’s digital bookshelf, visitors can browse books from their local area easily. The site also features “Find Me Local” buttons to help readers source books locally.
Authors can sign up to have their books featured for free at
Hometown Reads, launched in early 2016, is a division of Weaving Influence, a boutique digital and public relations firm that specializes in serving authors with comprehensive book marketing services. In addition to its custom book marketing services, Weaving Influence developed a do-it-yourself, book-marketing course called Book Marketing Action Guide.
Find more at, and follow Hometown Reads on Twitter and Facebook for more news.
* Note to Editor: We have quotes and comments from authors in nearly every location. We can send them to you (we have their approval), or we can connect you with an author or two in your coverage area. To do so, contact Kristen Elliott:
Hometown Reads Locations
Big news out of Washington:
The House passed their version of tax reform -- the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
This vote was a first step toward accomplishing once-in-a-generation tax reform. The 227 House Republicans that voted for the bill should be commended.
But the work is not done yet.
Senate Republicans put forward a tax reform package that includes the repeal of Obamacare’s individual mandate. This bold move would allow for even greater savings for everyday Americans and place conservatives on stronger footing to repeal and replace Obamacare next year.
After Thanksgiving, this debate will move to the Senate, but it is important that your Representative hears from you first.
>>> Call your Representative today and thank them for supporting this historic tax reform package.
With special interests and liberals attempting to derail this effort, Republicans need to hear from their constituents that this is a priority and that we expect them to deliver on their promise of pro-growth tax reform before Christmas.
While this is just a first step in the process and there is much work left to do, all taxpayers have reason to be optimistic for the future of our economy.
Dan Holler
Vice President
Heritage Action for America