It’s taken us 245 years to make a mockery of our hard-fought, blessed, American democracy. A shame, really, but isn’t that the way things go? We had a pretty good run though, as did the Roman Empire, the ancient Greek civilization, the Incan and Aztec civilizations. Historically, civilizations collapse after about 250 years. We’re almost there. Some last a little longer, even ‘til this very day, some of which are just getting warmed up. I’d keep my eye on the Chinese. They know something we don’t know, in fact, they know a lot we don’t know.
Then there is South America. What’s up with that historical revolving door of leaders and dictators anyway? Why is South America so vulnerable to political corruption? ...Chile notwithstanding. Keep an eye on Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro and how Russia’s Putin is involved there.
And on it goes ...
But where did America go wrong? How did we let this happen? Complacency, I think. Arrogance ...and a latent propensity to hate and discriminate. Nothing new, just basic human nature ...and our history. I think it just crept up on us while we were all looking at TV, and now our smart phones. Smart phone ...there’s a contradiction.
Can’t blame technology. No one person is to blame.
Donald Trump isn’t a cause, or even a symptom. He’s the result. The worldwide focal point. We should thank him for pointing out just how far America has fallen away from the democracy of our fathers. Then we should impeach him immediately if we want to go back to when America was really great and on that rough road to becoming even greater regarding our domestic and social issues. The economy and foreign policy, trade, are separate issues, but they all tie in to our core beliefs as a nation and who we are ...who and what America is, was, and wants to be. What it must be.
My wife tells me that I watch too much television news, that it’s making me angry and cynical. I think she’s right. But I can argue that I’m paying closer attention to what’s going on around us and that we should be very concerned as America melts away before our eyes like the polar ice caps. She says I should pay more attention to the things that affect us daily like the leaky bath tub faucet, the disturbing noise the refrigerator is now making, painting the kitchen, fixing her flower boxes. Again, as always, she is spot-on correct.
But I can’t help from feeling patronized by our flag waving, lionized president and our weakened, boilerplate congress. Patronized to the point of insult an actionable point of maintaining integrity.
Our overly politically correct, over-consumerized, entertainment sedated America has become subservient to a forcefully corrupt, sanctioned-by-law, and belligerent leadership, and the gap is getting wider every day. “We the People”, on which our American democracy is founded and based, have become complacent, stupefied by our own worst instincts which are being confirmed and fed back to us by our “leaders” and through an unwitting, self-promoting media. And we’re eating it up like Cheetos at a birthday party ...more effectively like crack at a meth party.
So, where does all my harsh opinion come from? Where is it getting me? I don’t know, it just seems like it needs to be said, expressed, like a warning from a sentinel. “The British are coming!” It seems to be an inner, heartfelt, patriotic duty to bring this all up emphasize it.
I fear for us, for America. Sounds corny I know, overbaked. Yet it’s my true feeling. Thank God for the First Amendment.
I think the first order of business is to get rid of King Donald, President Goldfinger, give him back to the British. It would be impractical and too costly for all of us to leave America and return to England leaving him here. Plus, they wouldn’t have him.
Trump is no president and not the best symbol of an American leader or leadership. In fact, he has become a malignant tumor on the body and essence of America and he’s fast becoming a cancer that could kill us. It's not just his policies, some of which I agree, it's his background, his history, his whole package that stinks. Strong words ...I apologize, but again, my true feelings after much thought and observation.
Let’s vote him out next year, or better, impeach him out today. Either way takes care of that order of business. But you have to think about the next order of business. Impeach him and you get Pence, vote him out and you get Biden. Biden would be better but America may not be able to wait the year and suffer any more damage. Trump may get us into another war by then. Either way, it’s going to be a decade before America gets back on track.
I was watching a news program the other day, Chris Matthews’ ‘Hardball’. The panel was discussing Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin’s refusal to comply with the law regarding releasing President Trump’s tax returns. They continue to get hung up on the word “shall” as instructed by law that he “shall” comply and release the information. Mnuchin’s arrogant refusal to comply, just like Attorney General William Barr’s refusal to present himself before Congress for questioning, and just like Donald Trump Jr.’s balking at more questioning about his malfeasance stumped Matthews and his pundit guest panel. The question was ...what to do if Mnuchin just does not comply? The law is clear, however, and the consequences even more clear. One panel member, Jackie Speier, D-California, suggested that the law be enforced and the White House Sergeant at Arms take two deputies over to the Treasury Building and escort, frog march, Mr. Mnuchin to a holding room, a cell, in the White House until he either complies with the law or remain incarcerated.
Matthews said he just couldn’t see that happening. Apparently, neither could Mnuchin ...or Barr, or Trump Jr. for that matter. We don’t do things that way in America. Matthews said, “That seems so Venezuelan.” “But it’s the law” said Congresswoman Speier. It’s what we should do to show the American people our respect for the law and our sincere interest in making America great again, and greater into the future. Because, right now these men are laughing in our face, the face of the law, and in the face of American justice.
We talk a good game in America, it’s what we do best. All we do is talk, but we don’t back it up with action. Talk is king.
We’re down to the wire now, however, and it’s time to act. Before it’s to late. American elections are becoming like the recent Kentucky Derby. No clear winner, even though there was a clear winner.
Bill Maher cut off his guest the other night, Van Jones, on ‘Real Time wit Bill Maher’. Jones was describing the new talking point, the “Constitutional Crisis”, as he saw it, blah, blah, blah ...and Maher said yeah, yeah, yeah, but what do we do? What’s the solution? What and when do we act?! Maher says he feels “owned”, "defeated" ...I know what he means.
Let’s act. Why not arrest Mnuchin? It the law! Same for Barr and Goldfinger Jr. I notice Ivanka and Jared are laying low these days ...
Let’s not make another mockery of our next democratic institution, the 2020 presidential election. According to history, America has about five years left. Let’s have a clear winner this time.
John Kushma is a communication consultant and lives in Logan, Utah.