Week 1
The right doesn’t care about people of color adopting a victim mentality. They simply wish to avoid a discussion of injustice, because such a discussion might lead us to do something to actually rectify it.
There's a fine line we need to follow when discussing equity.
I want the energy I have, the strength I feel, and the mountains I climb (real and metaphorical), to guide me, not the size on a label affixed to a waistband.
Every Monday---TODAY!--- we have 2 different calls. The first is #StopSexism, and the second is Sex, Love, Etc. It's like sitting around a virtual campfire, sharing experiences and learning how to navigate this ever-changing world we live in. Join us! You must RSVP to get Dial-In information.
You must be a Gold or Platinum Premium Member to join our calls. CLICK TO JOIN!
Western culture feels slightly confused about aging and growing old, personally I’m not interested in listening to what it has to say anymore.
How you answer this question is really important for your marriage.
The conversation about masculinity. Join us. Become a member today.
It's hard to hack quality.
Fathers must be involved in their children's academic life.
Is there anything that you’ve loved so much that you were willing to give everything up for it only to realize that thing you love so much was killing you?
We make our own path and if we can dream it then it can probably can be done.
Sometimes love just isn't enough.
Take a look inside you.
Below are the FACEBOOK GROUPS that go along with each Social Interest Groups. The Facebook groups allow the members of the community to stay in touch in between the weekly calls, to share content and ideas, and---where applicable---execute action plans for social change.