Feds announce indictment in massive bribery scheme connected to Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One deal
Source: The Blaze
A federal indictment connected to the infamous “Uranium One” deal facilitated by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration has been announced. The 11-count indictment against Mark Lambert in connection to a Russian bribery scheme involving the Uranium One sale.
Background Notes from Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch Expert Clinton Scandal Panelists Discuss Russian Uranium Deal
Source: Judicial Watch
Peter Schweizer: “Bill Clinton flies over with Frank Giustra who has been trying to get in on uranium concessions in Kazakhstan. Bill Clinton shows up. Has press conference. Says wonderful things about the dictator of Kazakhstan… Giustra two days later gets the Uranium concession in Kazakhstan. Then three weeks later the Clinton Foundation gets $30 million from Frank Giustra.”
Uranium Indictment in Maryland Not 'Coincidental,' Tom Fitton Says
Source: PJ Media
"I don't think it's coincidental that a few months after it's reported that the Justice Department under Obama was hiding this [Uranium One scandal] in plain sight from the American people, and certainly hiding key information from Congress, and then the Justice Department under Jeff Sessions responds, 'Hey, we're going to take another look at this.'"
Judicial Watch Sues Treasury for Records on Hillary Clinton-Russian Uranium Scandal
Source: Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit seeking communications between the Department of Treasury and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to gain access to documents involving a uranium deal approved by then-Secretary of State Clinton that is tied to major Clinton Foundation donor Frank Giustra and Russian-state issues.