Oct. 18, 2017
Good morning from Washington, where President Trump predicts the demise of Obamacare in the Rose Garden and touts the benefits of tax reform at a Heritage Foundation dinner. Fred Lucas has reports from both events. The nation's immigration chief hails the president's get-tough approach in remarks covered by Rachel del Guidice. Plus: Nolan Peterson on anti-corruption protests in Ukraine, Bob Moffit and Jean Morrow on a welcome dent in the health care bureaucracy, and Jason Snead on the latest examples of voter fraud.
"Let's give our country the best Christmas present of all: massive tax relief," says President Trump at The Heritage Foundation's President's Club event.
The Heritage Foundation's voter fraud database now documents 1,088 proven instances of election fraud, including 949 cases that have resulted in criminal convictions.
Under Obamacare, the Independent Payment Advisory Board was meant to be a powerful bureaucratic body of 15 unelected officials appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate.
"If we keep sending this message, 'It's OK to violate the laws of this country and … not be worried about enforcement,' then we're never going to solve the border crisis," says ICE's Thomas Homan.
Thousands of protesters mass in front of Ukraine's parliament building, underscoring simmering frustration among Ukrainians with the slow pace of anti-corruption reforms since the 2014 revolution.
President Trump says Obamacare is "virtually dead," but appears ready to keep it on life support for another two years.
The top 10 percent of income earners, those having an income over $138,031, pay about 70.6 percent of federal income taxes.
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