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December 16 - Create Your New Year's Goal                          

Sunday, December 18, 2016 - 5:30pm
Dave Ramsey

It’s time for a fresh start. A clean slate. Your biggest dreams!

Maybe you want to buy a home, save more for retirement, or enjoy a debt-free vacation next year. Now’s the perfect time to make a plan for your money and your goals!

Whatever your New Year’s goals are, we have you covered with these simple steps to turn your wants into well-dones:

1. Set aside time to dream big for next year. Go to a coffee shop, a book store, your favorite park — anywhere you feel inspired to dream big! If you're married, make it a date! Or spend some time thinking apart and meet back at the end to share your goals with each other. 

2. Write down what you want to accomplish in 2017. Finish this sentence: Next year, I will . . .

Be sure to make your dream specific, measurable, all yours, time sensitive, and written. The more in-depth your goals, the better your chances of accomplishing them.

3. Get a head start. What are some steps you can take early on to meet your goals? When you have a game plan, you'll hit the ground running when January gets here. As an example, if you are planning to go on a debt-free vacation next year, start a vacation savings fund in your budget!

Take a look now to see how much you can start allocating each month. Give your goals action steps and reach them faster!

Used with permission from