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One Iranian Family's Fight to Keep a Colorado City From Taking Their Property

Tuesday, August 18, 2015 - 10:00am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell


Aug. 18, 2015


One Iranian Family's Fight to Keep a Colorado City From Taking Their Property


When Nasrin Kholghy opened the letter from the city of Glendale, Colo., in April, it transported her back to another country in another time.

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The Future of Nuclear Sanctions Against Iran, Explained in 90 Seconds

As lawmakers prepare to vote on whether to lift certain sanctions on Iran, this new Daily Signal video helps you understand what's at stake.

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What the Death of a 19-Year-Old Ukrainian Soldier Teaches Us About War

Daniel Kasyanenko's death reflects a truth: The notion that there is, or ever was, a cease-fire in eastern Ukraine is a farce.

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Are Republicans Happier in Their Marriages Than Democrats?

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Should Military Chaplains Be Forced to Conduct Same-Sex Weddings?

Last month, the U.S. Army celebrated the 240th anniversary of the Army Chaplain Corps. Amidst the celebrations there was also concern: there seems to be a growing threat to religious liberty for military chaplains.

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11 Questions Lawmakers Want Answered in Probe of Planned Parenthood's Federal Funding

Lawmakers on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform are investigating how Planned Parenthood is using the federal funds that the organization receives.

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The Daily Signal is the multimedia news organization of The Heritage Foundation.