Share our passion for the sports we love and find out why Brighton has earned the reputation as “The Place Where Utah Learns to Ski and Ride.” We have classes for all ages and abilities: specialty multi-week camps, daily group lessons, workshops and private lessons for all levels from beginners to experts.
*10% applies to only products listed below.
For kids ages 4-7
These programs are designed to share the fun and love of skiing and snowboarding with the Little Rippers out there! Through skill-based games, guided practice and individual feedback, children learn and refine the fundamentals of skiing and snowboarding. Our instructors are specially trained for this age group and often have an assistant with them on the mountain.
For kids Ages 8 - 16
For older kids there’s nothing better than hitting the slopes with their friends! As parents, you want them to have the skills they need to be safe and in control. Brighton instructors are specially trained to help children of all levels focus on fun and safety while improving their ability on more challenging terrain and in variable conditions.
For advanced skiers ages 7 - 15
This program is for local experienced skiers who want to explore the world of freeride. Based on the idea of a coaching and a team experience, this camp will focus on freestyle, terrain parks, all-mountain skiing and safety. Goals wills include: learning new skills, techniques and tricks, understanding snow and terrain, and inspiring a love and respect for the mountains.
For adults ages 13 and older
This series is for women only who want to explore challenging conditions and terrain. The women instructors provide a professional program of instruction geared to skill development for beginner through advanced skiers and snowboarders. The continuity of having the same group of women and the same female instructor each week lends to the special social and supportive atmosphere that develops in each class.
Judicial Watch: Ohio Federal Judge Sues Sixth Circuit Judicial Council and Judicial Misconduct and Disability Committee
Judge Adams: Social Security Claimants Waited Years for Rulings on Disability Benefits; Court Misspent Tax Dollars
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch has filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia on behalf of Akron, Ohio-based federal judge John R. Adams, who recently was the subject of an unprecedented and entirely unwarranted ruling by a disciplinary panel. (The Hon. John R. Adams v. The Judicial Council of the Sixth Circuit, et al. (No. 1:17-cv-01894)).
An August 14, 2017 decision by a review panel of the Washington-based Judicial Conference upheld an administrative ruling by the Sixth Circuit Judicial Council finding that Judge Adams committed misconduct by issuing an order requiring a magistrate judge to explain, on pain of sanctions, why he had missed a deadline in a Social Security benefits case. Judge Adams had long been concerned about the productivity and supervision of his court’s magistrates and the timeliness of their decisions, particularly in Social Security cases. To reduce delays in such cases, he began issuing orders setting deadlines for magistrates’ “reports and recommendations” – the magistrates’ reports on how a judge should rule.
The magistrates resisted Judge Adams’ efforts to speed up the process and, when one magistrate missed a deadline, Judge Adams demanded an explanation. After the magistrate cited a simple calendaring error, Judge Adams accepted this explanation and cancelled his order.
But some of Judge Adams’ colleagues on the Ohio federal district court filed an ethics complaint claiming that Judge Adams’ deadlines caused the magistrates to give priority to his cases over theirs. As a result, Judge Adams was subjected to a years-long ethics investigation so vengeful and vitriolic that even his mental health was questioned. Despite the complete absence of any medical evidence suggesting he suffers from a mental disability, Judge Adams was ordered to undergo a psychiatric examination, including a three-hour battery of psychological testing. When he objected, he was accused of not cooperating with the investigation.
Judge Adams tried to accommodate the investigation by voluntarily undergoing examinations by two, separate, board certified psychiatrists and a psychologist and submitting the reports of these examinations to the investigators. The reports concluded that Jude Adams does not suffer from any diagnosable mental disorder whatsoever. Judge Adams even offered to have one of the psychiatrists testify and be cross-examined at an April 2015 hearing. These reports and testimony were all rejected.
No case has ever decided whether a sitting federal judge can be compelled to undergo a psychiatric examination, but the August 14 decision nonetheless held it was misconduct for Judge Adams to object to this unprecedented demand. It also ordered him to endure two years of monitoring by a judicial committee, and threatened to reassign his current case load and ban him from being assigned new cases if he does not submit. Judge Adams’ September 14 complaint asserts that these actions not only are unwarranted, but violate U.S. Constitution and threaten judicial independence.
As Judicial Watch sets forth in the September 14 complaint:
No claim or concern was made or raised at the April 2015 hearing that Judge Adams does not or cannot maintain his full docket of cases or is unable to make rulings. As one of the complainants acknowledged in his testimony at the hearing, “That’s not involved here . . . his handling of his docket has been appropriate.” Another judge testified that Judge Adams is “a very bright judge. He writes very good opinions.”
In addition to his efforts to ensure timely processing of Social Security appeals, Judge Adams also has spoken out numerous times about the Ohio federal district court’s wasteful use of taxpayer dollars, such as spending of thousands of dollars to purchase iPads for judges and other court staff while simultaneously threatening cutbacks and furloughs for essential staff, such as probation officers. He also questioned reimbursing judges for travel expenses incurred attending ceremonial portrait unveilings of their colleagues.
“I am deeply disappointed with my colleagues’ decision. This case is not about my mental health, but about my efforts to improve court administration. I presented overwhelming evidence of my sound mental health, but the panel refused to consider it,” said Judge Adams
“Judge Adams is a fine jurist committed to the highest standards of judicial ethics and has served with distinction for over 14 years,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This was not an investigation, it was a hazing. Judge Adams looks forward to restoring both his good name and the integrity of the judicial ethics process.”
Judge Lawrence Waddington’s mystery novel pays homage to great police investigation
SANTA MONICA, Calif. – Judge Lawrence Waddington has been a deputy district attorney for 12 years, an assistant attorney general of California for five years and a Los Angeles Superior Court judge for 24 years. His familiarity with the law led him to write “Double Take” (published by Xlibris in October of 2016), a mystery novel that pays homage to great police investigation.
A young woman is violently murdered outside an abortion clinic, where an ongoing protest is attended by those on both sides of the issue. With no clear suspects, veteran detective Basil Slonsky is assigned to the case. Fellow officer and computer sleuth Honey Wissman is also chosen to investigate. Instantly attracted to his beautiful, skilled partner, Basil must keep a keen eye as he begins to suspect a fellow police officer of the crime. When damning video footage surfaces of Honey and the prime suspect leaving the rally together, Basil is forced to investigate his new love interest. Is Honey guilty? Or has she been falsely implicated?
A snippet from Foreword Review reads:
Judge Waddington’s familiarity with the law shines through in his writing. Like any good police investigation, Basil finds out the facts as they are presented to him, and his seasoned detective work must guide his decisions. The frustration of trying to fairly investigate amid backward bureaucracy and an aged political system is also front and center. Many obstacles keep the detective from the real truth. Never does law-talk become stilted or boring, however; Waddington blends the factual with the entertaining. All information presented helps to move the story forward.
“Double Take”
By Judge Lawrence Waddington
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 396 pages | ISBN 9781524534721
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 396 pages | ISBN 9781524534714
E-Book | 396 pages | ISBN 9781524534707
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Judge Lawrence Waddington began his career as a deputy district attorney for Los Angeles County and tried innumerable court cases as a prosecutor. Appointed assistant attorney general for the state of California, he authored legal documents for prosecutors and police agencies throughout the state in coordination with directing a legal-education television program. Appointed a Superior Court judge, he became a faculty member of the California Judicial College and the National State Judges College. During his tenure on the Superior Court, he presided over 200 criminal and civil trials and currently writes regularly for the local legal newspaper. A Fulbright scholar, he lectured to judges in Russia and Italy on comparative American law. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Jane, and their dog, Chloe. His adult family of four children lives throughout the country.
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