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6 Reasons Gun Control Will Not Solve Mass Killings

Monday, March 19, 2018 - 10:30am

March 19, 2018

Good morning from Washington, where this week President Trump will welcome young Americans' views on the job market, free speech, and the opioid epidemic. Fred Lucas reports. Lawmakers are wrong to seek more gun controls to stop mass murders, John Malcolm and Amy Swearer argue. If Congress adds an internet sales tax to a big spending bill, consumers and entrepreneurs will suffer, Kay Coles James writes. Plus: Sen. Ben Sasse on what Russia is up to, Hans von Spakovsky on a victory for states against Obamacare, Ed Haislmaier on why throwing more money at the health care law isn't wise, and your letters on the gun debate.


6 Reasons Gun Control Will Not Solve Mass Killings


Over 90 percent of public mass shootings take place in "gun-free zones" where civilians are not permitted to carry firearms.

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White House Millennials Conference to Address Economy, Free Speech, and Opioids


President Trump will speak to millennials this week at a conference touting how his policies benefit young people, while also addressing the growing opioid crisis among the young and the lack of free speech on college campuses.

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Don’t Tax the Net


Right now, government officials at all levels, domestic and international, are working on a plan to shackle the internet with an unprecedented tax burden.

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States Win Another Major Case Against Obamacare


In a decision that has gotten almost no media attention, six states led by Texas have won another round against the Obama administration’s implementation of Obamacare.

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Q&A: Sen. Ben Sasse Weighs in on Russian Internet Manipulation, Tariffs


Soon after the Parkland shooting, "some of the nuttiest, crazy, pro-gun control stuff on the internet in the U.S. was actually done by Putin hacks and cronies trying to sow discord in America," says Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb.

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Obamacare Bailouts Will Not Save Money and Lower Premiums, Despite Contrary Claims


Congress appears poised to bail out Obamacare with new federal money in a spending package.

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We Hear You: It Isn't About Guns, It's About …


"We have this all wrong. This is a generational morality problem, not a gun problem," writes Daniel Stark of Casa Grande, Arizona.

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