Morning must reads for Monday, October 2, 2017
Good Monday morning from Salt Lake City. Today is the 275th day of the year. There are 90 days remaining in 2017.
Poll shows weakening support for proposal to raise taxes to boost school funding
By Bob Bernick, Contributing Editor
Support for the Our Schools Now tax hikes for public education has fallen, just as the group begins its citizen initiative petition drive that, if adopted by voters next November, would raise around $700 million a year for Utah's cash-starved school system, a new poll by&nbs...
Herbert stokes tensions with lawmakers by using 'signing letters' for state funds
By Bob Bernick, Contributing Editor
Can it be that there is really nothing new in politics, the old just gets repackaged into a different face?...
Lawmaker proposing renaming Columbus Day to honor explorers
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
While the Salt Lake City Council is considering renaming Columbus Day as "Indigenous People's Day," a Utah lawmaker is proposing a change to the holiday he says will remove the rancor from the topic while still honoring an important aspect of the nation's heritage....
'Political Insiders' say NFL protests won't change their viewing habits
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
President Donald Trump ignited a social firestorm over his comments about NFL players kneeling during the national anthem. Our "Political Insiders" say Trump's comments, and the controversy that followed will mostly not change their viewing habits toward the NFL and other pr...
Addressing homelessness and its challenges in Utah
By WTC Utah President and CEO Derek Miller
We hear about the good things happening in Utah, but that does not mean the state is perfect or without challenges. One of the biggest challenges we are facing is the homelessness issue....
Beg to Differ podcast: Unleash the Armenians!
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
Bryan Schott and Mike Winder bring you hardcore politics for political nerds....
Governor Herbert statement on the death of Robert D. Hales
Gov. Gary R. Herbert issued a statement following the death of Robert D. Hales of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:...
League of Women Voters of Utah publishes 2017 voter guide for Congressional District 3
The League of Women Voters of Utah is pleased to announce the release of our 2017 Voters Guide for Congressional District 3....
McCain & Lee introduce legislation to permanently exempt Puerto Rico from the Jones Act
U.S. Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced legislation that would permanently exempt Puerto Rico from the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, or the Jones Act, to aid recovery efforts in the wake of Hurricane Maria and encourage long-term economic gro...
Hatch statement on the passing of Elder Robert D. Hales
Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) the senior Republican in the United States Senate, issued the following statement on the passing of his dear friend Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:...
Salt Lake Tribune
Op-ed: Utah needs a Medicaid waiver
Op-ed: Is free speech under attack at Utah colleges?
Op-ed: Encouraging the American dream with tax reform
Editorial: There's more to a grade than test mastery
Editorial: Count My Vote rides again
Davis County and Park City schools receive National Blue Ribbon
Advocates seek a spot for full Medicaid expansion on Utah's 2018 ballot
West Jordan ends dispute over electronic meeting participation with unanimous vote
D.A. warns failure to hire additional prosecutors could hamper Operation Rio Grande
Gehrke: If Congress can't agree on kids' health, then D.C. is more broken than we thought
Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams 'seriously considering' a run against Mia Love for Congress
Deseret News
Frank R. Pignanelli and LaVarr Webb: Our opinions on health reform, NFL protests and Columbus
Op-ed: Why does our country keep erasing history?
Op-ed: Navajo leaders should focus on the real issues
Op-ed: The audit on Western Governors University is outrageous
Op-ed: Let's be honest. NFL protests are now about President Trump, not racial equality
Editorial: Republican Party leaders gamble by rejecting SB54
Editorial: WGU audit is 'a sneak attack by the past on the future'
Operation Rio Grande: Many 'sheep' being netted in the hunt for 'wolves'
Park City, Centerville elementary schools named National Blue Ribbon Schools
Are wild horses, sage grouse clashing in Utah's western desert?
Russians weigh in on Huntsman ambassadorship
Police continue investigating fights during protests at U.
Ballot initiative campaign to seek full Medicaid expansion in Utah
Revamped retirement benefits for UTA execs still a better deal than other employees get
The Bear River: A tale of 3 states, 1 river
McAdams ponders congressional run in Love's 4th District
Provo mayor, council candidates tackle issues rapid-fire style (Daily Herald)
UDOT considers doubling or tripling Express Lanes toll rates (Standard-Examiner)
Federal lands opponent explains her worldview (Logan Herald Journal)
District plans from the ground up after bond delay (Park Record)
As Park City state school grades decline, district disagrees (Park Record)
Storms? North Korea? Trump? Americans keep calm and go shopping (Daily Mail)
NFL Favorability Gets Nearly Cut In Half After Anthem Protests (Daily Caller)
Yet Another Major Russia Story Falls Apart (The Intercept)
Flight furor: Obama officials also took pricey, non-commercial planes (FOX News)
Does Even Mark Zuckerberg Know What Facebook Is? (New York Magazine)
Hillary, Michelle demean women to explain Trump's win (New York Post)
Scalise says his shooter had a 'political agenda' (The Hill)
Trump advisers insist tax cut proposal won't favor rich (Washington Post)
Republican Tax Plan May Not Be Built to Last (New York Times)
"If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law." Winston Churchill
"Some 7-Eleven stores are now offering what they are calling "restaurant quality" dishes. "Hey, we should try that!" said Olive Garden." Seth Meyers