Sept. 2, 2015
An Economic Policy Institute paper claimed right-to-work laws reduce wages by 3 percent. Here are the facts.
Obama continues to ignore science that doesn’t fit his narrative and has ignored sound evidence from people who disagree with him.
"They say that we should negotiate, but in my humble opinion, as a citizen, negotiating with Russia is the same as negotiating with an alligator," said Julia Minaeva, 26, a university assistant professor in Kyiv.
In the "Constitution and the amendments there are more than 7,500 words," Abbott says. "Not a single one of them mentions the word marriage."
Three major broadcast networks have not reported on the Center for Medical Progress’ undercover videos in one month, according to an analysis conducted by the Media Research Center.
The majority's opinion in the gay marriage ruling is unclear, and fails to provide accommodation for individuals who object to same-sex marriage on religious grounds.
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