TODAY: Hatch at Bears Ears to discuss future of Monument with locals
SALT LAKE CITY—Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the President Pro Tempore of the United States Senate, is traveling to San Juan County this morning to visit the Bears Ears national monument and meet with local stakeholders.
In recent months Senator Hatch has held multiple meetings with President Trump and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to discuss Bears Ears, and potential plans for altering the monument in a way that conserves and protects the sacred parts of the land while ensuring local leaders have some say in managing them.
“When President Obama designated the Bears Ears monument in December, he did so ignoring the voices of Utah leaders who were united in opposition, and even more importantly, ignoring the voices of the local Utahns most affected by this massive land grab,” Hatch said. “Following my conversations with President Trump and Secretary Zinke about next steps in addressing the mess this monument created, I look forward to meeting with a number of local leaders today to ensure that their voices are involved in the process moving forward.”
Prior to the monument designation, Senator Hatch visited Bears Ears in June to discuss alternatives to a monument with a number of local leaders.
[KUTV] [Salt Lake Tribune] [RAW VIDEO]
Media Advisory: Senator Hatch and Tim Ballard of Operation Underground Railroad to hold Event on Protecting Children from Exploitation
SALT LAKE CITY—Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the senior Republican in the United States Senate, will join Tim Ballard, the founder and CEO of Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.) for an event highlighting efforts to protect children from trafficking and sexual abuse on Wednesday April 19th at 2 PM.
Hatch has previously championed landmark legislation to help victims of child pornography and human trafficking. Tomorrow, he will join Tim and Chris Yadon—the Executive Director of the Younique Foundation—to discuss a number of additional efforts to protect our nation’s most vulnerable. Such efforts include facilitating enforcement of Megan’s Law—a bipartisan bill that streamlines coordination between the US government and international partners to fight exploitation and monitor the movements of known sex offenders.
Last May, Senator Hatch hosted a pre-screening in Washington, D.C. of The Abolitionists, a documentary film highlighting the mission of Operation Underground Railroad. In remarks before the event, Hatch said, “O.U.R. is a powerful force for good in the fight against child sex trafficking. Across the world, the organization has liberated hundreds of children from the hell they were lured into by evil and designing men. As you will see, Tim is at the forefront of O.U.R.’s mission, leading sting operations in countries and continents across the globe. He is a hero in every sense of the word. I wish to thank Tim for his courage, his service, and his sacrifice.”
Utah Senator To Tour After Care Partner Headquarters, Discuss How New Legislation Could Save More Children
LEHI, UTAH– On Wednesday Operation Underground Railroad will hold an event at Younique Headquarters with key note speaker Senator Orrin Hatch who has championed critical legislation to help victims of child pornography and human trafficking. O.U.R. Founder Tim Ballard and Sen. Hatch will be discussing how to implement the International Megan's Law (HR515), a bill that Ballard testified and helped pass in May 2015. The bill's passage will help the various departments of the U.S. government coordinate with international partners to monitor the movements of known sex offenders and, as a result, limit sex crimes.
Operation Underground Railroad with the help of Sen. Hatch will be working to help fund and build the Angel Watch Center. The Angel Watch center will help identify outbound sex offender travelers who failed to provide notice of travel. The Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes will also be delivering remarks.
“HR515 is such an important bill that has passed, but it has not been implemented or funded yet which is why we are making it a priority. It’s sole purpose is to protect children from being exploited. We know that by combining efforts with Senator Hatch, Attorney General Sean Reyes, Younique and others that we can help move this forward" said Founder of O.U.R. Tim Ballard.
WHO: Operation Underground Railroad, O.U.R. Founder Tim Ballard, Utah Senator Orrin Hatch, Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes, Executive Director of Younique Headquarters Chris Yadon
About Operation Underground Railroad: O.U.R. is a non-profit organization that rescues children from slavery. O.U.R. rescue teams are comprised of highly skilled ex-Navy SEALs, Special Forces, CIA and other operatives. O.U.R.'s work has gained international media coverage on CBS Evening News, ABC Nightly News, Fox News Sunday, PBS Religion and Ethics, The Washington Post, The New York Post and