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Wednesday, March 21, 2018 - 10:15am

With the U.S. projected to spend $553 billion on research and development in 2018 and multiple cities vying to become the location of Amazon’s HQ2, the personal-finance website WalletHub today released its report on 2018’s Most & Least Innovative States.

In order to give credit to the states that have contributed the most to America’s innovative success, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 22 key metrics. The data set ranges from share of STEM professionals to R&D spending per capita.
Innovation in Utah (1=Most Innovative, 25=Avg.):

  • 11th – Share of STEM Professionals
  • 13th – Projected STEM-Job Demand by 2020
  • 6th – Eighth-Grade Math & Science Performance
  • 29th – Share of Science & Engineering Graduates Aged 25+
  • 11th – Share of Technology Companies
  • 14th – R&D Spending per Capita
  • 5th – Venture-Capital Funding per Capita

For the full report, please visit:

========Spring cleaning season is just around the corner, and in our efforts to get the gross out and freshen up rooms and homes, some spills are going to happen: cleaning fluids like bleach or ammonia, house paint, gas or oil for the lawn mower, etc.

When spills happen, turn to SpillFix 2-in-1. Completely safe and organic — and easy to use — just sprinkle SpillFix on any mess, give it a stir, and sweep it up. Here’s a short video of it in action, dealing with a situation few of us ever face: a large and dangerous fuel spill. If it works this easily and effectively on that, imagine what it can do around the house!

Now in 1,000 Lowe’s stores around the country, including one near you, and on Amazon, SpillFix 2-in-1 All Purpose Absorbent and Sweeping Compound is the new must-have for anyone who sometimes makes a mess. In other words, everyone.


Armed School Resource Officer Engages Maryland High School Shooter

Source: Daily Caller


The Great Mills High School student who injured two others Tuesday morning was stopped by the school’s armed resource officer. According to St. Mary’s County Sheriff Tim Cameron, the school resource officer (SRO) fired a round at the shooter, who fired a round in return. The shooter is now dead, Cameron confirmed Tuesday morning, and an investigation will determine whether the SRO’s bullet struck the shooter.