With water being a precious item, there is hope on the horizon—the water line is in and the pump house is nearing completion. All that means we are going to be in business soon. With the water problem being addressed, and nearing its completion, we need to turn to the task of allowing sub divisions to move forward and file their applications for development. So now they can start the process of designing, road work, piping and the necessary items to have a subdivision approved. But until the water is up and going, and barring there are no extra problems, no building permits will be issued.
Road projects are underway and progressing well, but there is more still to do. Please keep an eye out for the crews. The plan is to have the repair on the east side of Pleasant View Drive done this week. You may have also noticed MORE work west of 600 West. There are more inspections that need to be done. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you. This is something that was out of the control of the contractor and the City.
Open letter to Pleasant View Citizens: Property Rights and Zoning
As mayor, I am concerned with all aspects of property rights, citizen rights and overall well-being of the City for today and well into the future.
There has been some discussion on the General Plan, Zoning and the protection of Property Rights.
I am diligently working to build a Retail Sales Tax base. Please remember there is a difference between Sales Tax Revenue and Property Tax Revenue. For example, a basic commercial/office building only pays a small property tax to the City.
It is important to understand what confines we are working with when it comes to our areas of development. Understand that UDOT owns all of 2700 N. and Highway 89. UDOT, not Pleasant View, determine and control the access points in and out of these properties. These roadways were designed as 55 MPH transportation corridors to move traffic, with these factors in mind, we have been working on these different sections for development.
East of Highway 89: South of 2700 N, working with UDOT's requirements, we have an Emergency Room facility already through zone change and ready for them to pull the building permit. With this development, we should have some additional profession/office development along with a restaurant or two between 2700 N. and 2550 N.
On the North side of 2700 N. at 600 W. UDOT requires the first entrance to the property be 200 feet from 2700 N along 600 W. Therefore, we are working with the property owners to go from a residential zone and create a buffer with a mix of professional, commercial and residential that is ascetically pleasing, more so than the weeds currently there. This intersection is the entrance to the City and it is our goal to have it look as beautiful as possible.
Now, West of Highway 89. UDOT is currently installing a median in the center of 2700 N, which will directly affect those businesses on Parkland Bl, so much so, Mayor Dickemore (Farr West City), myself and the business owners have met with UDOT several times to no avail.
I am working diligently to extend Rulon White to the North (we currently have a business being built on the North West Corner and we are improving the intersection) to connect into Parkland Bl. to create access for those businesses along with our Commercial Development Area (CDA - this is our joint venture with Farr West City) of approximately 83 acres. This project will provide a great opportunity for Prime Retail Sales Tax revenue generating businesses. There will be an additional traffic light installed on 2700 N. to provide more access to the CDA and open up the development opportunities to the north for more retail, professional, industrial, manufacturing and even residential.
It is our vision that this CDA would be a destination location attracting major businesses and providing the City with a revenue stream well into the future.
Mayor Mileski
Andy Bolingbroke has an Eagle Project in the works. He is the son of Jeff and Emliee Bolingbrokean. For his project he is raising $1,800.00 for two benches to be installed at the south end of Shady Lane Park by the playground. If you would like to help, contact Andy at bolingbrokean@wsdstudent.net.
Announcement of a charity yard, bake and silent action happening September 2 from 9am to 8 pm at 193 East Pleasant View Drive. The benefit is for Education for the Center in Guatemala. For more information contact brien@eftusa.org
Students of the month are Koby Pack from Weber High, Brynn Cazier from Orion Jr. High, Fiona Luu from North Ogden Jr. High and Hayden Ouderkirk from Maria Montessori Academy. Each student has shown themselves to be great examples to the other students. Congratulations!
The Youth Council needs to be congratulated on their service for the 4th of July. They were troopers, even though it was hot, they hung in there with busing of the table for the Kiwanis breakfast, to walking in the parade. They volunteered at the games at North Ogden Park; and they served at the Grand Marshall Dinner. The next day, they returned to Barker Park after the fireworks to clean up the remains of the fireworks and other items in and about the area of the park.