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The Very Liberal Views of the Leading DNC Chairman Contender

Tuesday, November 22, 2016 - 9:45am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

Nov. 22, 2016

Good morning from Washington, D.C., where memories appear to be foggy about a vote a decade ago where Democrats supported a wall on the border. Think lawmakers should hold off from enacting any major legislation until Donald Trump and the other newly elected lawmakers are in office? Beverly Hallberg coaches you on how to be persuasive on the issue. Plus: Jarrett Stepman on the history of presidential salaries and Josh Siegel on what Trump could do to roll back Obama's environmental actions.


The Very Liberal Views of the Leading DNC Chairman Contender


Rep. Keith Ellison has said he wants the Democratic Party to come out against the Second Amendment, compared the 9/11 attacks to the Nazi Reichstag fire, and was affiliated with the controversial Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam.

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How Trump Can Reverse Obama Climate Change Regulations


Trump has indicated he will pursue a dramatically different direction than Obama, one that relies on industry and market forces to continue the U.S.' progress toward a cleaner energy future, and removes the government from much of that role.

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In 2006, These Democrats Still in Office Voted to Build a Wall


In an interview Sunday, Sen. Chuck Schumer declared, "We're not going to help [Trump] build his wall." Schumer was one of the Democrats to support construction of a wall in 2006.

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Former Staffer Defends Jeff Sessions From Decades-Old Liberal Attack


"The people making these allegations don't know Jeff Sessions," says William Smith, the first Republican African-American chief counsel on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

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How to Make the Case for Holding Congress Accountable Until Inauguration Day


It's up to all of us to make sure that Capitol Hill knows Americans think legislation should be dealt with when voters have a say.

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Trump's Refusal to Take Presidential Salary Rare, but Not Unprecedented


George Washington initially refused compensation when he was elected president of the United States.

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