SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, USA, December 21, 2017 / -- Intermountain Healthcare today announced a $248,000 grant to the Utah Department of Health to support the ongoing response to a hepatitis A outbreak in the state. The donation will be used to purchase nearly 9,000 doses of hepatitis A vaccine that will be administered to at-risk populations.
Utah is experiencing one of the nation’s largest hepatitis A outbreaks. Since May, 110 outbreak-associated cases have been reported in the state. Utah’s cases are also linked to outbreaks occurring in California and Michigan. In a typical year, Utah would experience fewer than five hepatitis A cases. The majority of the cases have occurred in people who live along the Wasatch Front and use illicit drugs and/or are experiencing homelessness.
“Hepatitis A is one of the few foodborne illnesses that can be prevented through vaccination,” said Salt Lake County Health Department executive director Gary Edwards. “We are working hard to keep this outbreak from spreading to the general population, and vaccination is a critical part of our efforts.”
To date, public health agencies in Utah have administered more than 10,500 doses of hepatitis A vaccine to at-risk populations. However, many more individuals still need to be vaccinated and public health agencies are struggling to identify funding to purchase the additional vaccine.
“The state is extraordinarily lucky to have a partner like Intermountain Healthcare that is willing to step in and contribute to this effort,” said UDOH executive director Dr. Joe Miner. “Keeping a community healthy requires a community effort, and we’re very fortunate to have Intermountain Healthcare as a member of our community.”
The grant from Intermountain will be coordinated with community non-profit agencies, government entities, and healthcare providers to improve the health of the uninsured and underserved.
“There is remarkable teamwork underway in Utah to address the Hepatitis A outbreak and many great organizations working to improve the health of underserved populations,” said Mikelle Moore, senior vice president of Community Health at Intermountain Healthcare. “By providing preventive care to those most at risk of getting sick, before there is a problem, Intermountain can help people live the healthiest lives possible.”
For more information on hepatitis A, visit, and for more information on Intermountain Healthcare, visit
Salt Lake City- Mark Griffin is a resident of Cottonwood Heights, attorney, Wall Street fighter, and nationally recognized expert in citizen fraud protection, investment fraud, and financial market practices. Mark has testified six times before U.S. Congressional Committees and conducted two cabinet-level briefings in the White House on consumer protection legislation. Griffin has also guest lectured nationally and internationally, co-authored effective legislation and regulations passed at both the state and national levels for the protection of citizens and businesses.
"My career has been built on protecting consumers from certain Wall Street wolves and other fraudsters through extensive research, collaboration, and dedication. I'd like to bring that same passion to representing the people of Senate District 8." Mark continued, "I am practical, and take pride in working hard and finding the win-win scenario while making certain to stay on moral ground."
Mark's Bio:
For nearly a decade, Mark Griffin was Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary of, a home-grown Utah, Nasdaq-traded company, with 2,000 employees (Symb: OSTK), online at
Mark signed on with Overstock to fight Wall Street manipulators. He led legal teams that fought not only for Overstock, but for its shareholders and employees. The Overstock team won. It exposed one of Wall Street’s dirtiest businesses and secured regulatory changes to curb future abuse. Mark is now senior government policy counsel to and advises other local companies.
Mark began his law career with the Utah Division of Securities. Later, he prosecuted large securities fraud and antitrust cases for two Utah Attorneys General. Mark later was appointed Deputy Secretary of State for Nevada, and afterward returned as Utah Securities Division Director under Mike Leavitt. In 1998, Mark won the Republican Primary for Salt Lake County DA, but later lost a close contest with David Yocum.
Mark is active in local and national politics and community and church affairs. He speaks Spanish, served an LDS mission to southern Spain, and with his Stephanie has five children and 6 grandchildren. In his spare time, Mark writes, cooks, cleans, and occasionally paints a canvas.
Mark has a JD from Brigham Young University, J. Reuben Clark Law School and a BA in English from Brigham Young University.
Pope Francis you must remove Bishops and Cardinals that protect and enable sexual predators and pedophiles and you must publicly request the resignations of any person in governmental authority that is involved in such evil.
The world is watching and now is the time for great changes to come to the Church and to other powerful institutions
My hope and appeal to you Pope Francis, is for you to do what is right and just for the defenseless now and for you to come along side to help champion the next greatest Civil Rights Movement.”
— Michael Carey - Advocate for people with disabilities and their families
ALBANY, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, December 22, 2017 / -- Dear Pope Francis,
My precious son Jonathan is in heaven because critical institutional changes vital to protect children and people with disabilities were ignored after the New York State Willowbrook Institution exposé. In 1972 the world saw on television how New York State cared for our most vulnerable children and adults with disabilities and what everyone witnessed and heard were horrific atrocities. New York State government, which too is an institution in some ways similar to the Catholic Church, took the position of never addressing the underlying and root problems. The end result of this gross negligence has been hundreds of thousands of sexual assaults, rapes and deaths of children and adults with disabilities. Where has the Catholic Church been as these crimes against our most vulnerable, crimes against humanity, have been occurring within parishes throughout New York State?
Jonathan was a child and he had autism, Jonathan was developmentally disabled, Jonathan was non-verbal and Jonathan was only 13 years old when he was suffocated to death by his caregiver while living in a New York State facility. Jonathan loved God and people like none other than I have ever known and his short life and his tragic death were ultimately for great changes to come forth to protect our most vulnerable, his friends –God’s children. Here is the dream that God gave me within a few months of Jonathan’s death. I saw Jonathan sitting in a testimony box in a courtroom and he had an old fashioned cone shaped megaphone up to his mouth with the word Righteousness written down the side of it. When I awoke I told my beautiful wife Lisa that God was going to use Jonathan to speak loud and clear and testify for Righteousness. Everything about Jonathan’s life, treatment within facilities and his tragic death were to reveal systemic failures so that they could be fixed, Jonathan’s life is for the Glory of God.
Jonathan is speaking louder and clearer everyday in many different ways and without question through the Jonathan Carey Foundation. As Jonathan’s earthly father, I made a promise and a vow to Jonathan that I would never forget his friends. The much greater vow and commitment I made though was about 5 months after I asked Jesus to come in and be my true Lord and Savior forever. On October 6, 1991 I received the free gift of eternal life that comes through Jesus Christ our Lord. In the Spring of 1992 while in prayer and overwhelmed by the presence and love of God it was easy to yield and love Him back by giving Jesus all of my heart, all of my soul, all of the mind and all of my strength- all of everything to Jesus. Then came the simple, yet profound call from above, to be servant of the Lord and others, which I readily accepted. Almost 15 years later while driving down the highway in Albany, New York on two separate days, I heard this same phrase in my mind, as clear as can be, it might as well have been the audible voice of God speaking to me. This is what I heard, “I am going to use you to bring changes in New York State and the Church.”
Fast forward a few short months, my precious son Jonathan was killed on February 15, 2007. The devastation and heartache of Jonathan being taken from us, my wife Lisa, Joshua, Jonathan’s younger brother and I was excruciating, yet in the midst of the pain, trauma and suffering we knew God had a good plan. The first change in New York State that I was able to be a part of was a brand new State law called “Jonathan’s Law” that finally provided abuse and neglect reports and documents to parents and legal guardians that were previously sealed by the State. This first change came within less than three months. I am saying this for a number of reasons, but primarily to encourage you that when God really speaks something by His Spirit it will come to pass. Sometimes the time may be for a while down the road, but what God really speaks simply happens or is going to happen.
The night Jonathan was killed, my wife Lisa and I were away on a rarely taken vacation, we took a Christian cruise through parts of the Caribbean. We were in a worship service and I had a powerful encounter with the Lord in which He was calling me and commissioning me to fight for Righteousness. I was given an authority from above, specifically in regards to vulnerable children and helping people with disabilities. I am saying this for the simple reason that I do not want you to take lightly extremely important matters that I believe God wants to change within the Church or within New York State.
Thankfully, I have been able to be a part of successfully passing many other additional laws to help people with disabilities in New York State as well. Now though is the time Pope Francis for great changes to come to the Church and to New York State. I am here to serve you and to help you, not to hurt you or the Church in any way, I love the Church, I absolutely love God’s people.
There are serious systemic failures within the Church though that cannot continue to go on that you and I know of regarding sexual predators and people that are protecting and shielding them from prosecution. Bishops and Cardinals, a number of them, are guilty of these most heinous crimes and they cannot continue to be protected and shielded by the Church. People engaged in these greater sins and crimes cannot continue to be able to harm other innocent children and people with disabilities.
I believe Cardinal Bernard Law’s death is another sign to us and the world, that these egregious injustices cannot continue and no one is above the law. Cardinal Law escaped Justice here because he was protected by the Church from criminal prosecution and he was elevated and promoted, instead of being removed from being a Cardinal and jailed for his crimes. The truth must be told. Many other people like Cardinal Law that are still operating within the Church must be swiftly rooted out and you have this responsibility. It is not just the Bishops and Cardinals that are protecting the sexual predator and pedophile priests alone, you must also remove all Bishops and Cardinals that are protecting people and institutions that are protecting these sexual predators, pedophiles and rapists within all of the mental health facilities and group homes throughout the world. What has surfaced in Australia is only a drop in the bucket of what is going on in these facilities worldwide, you must speak out against these atrocities. Pope Francis it is vital that you fight for the equal rights and protections for our most vulnerable disabled to help end the horrific discrimination against this special group of people. The sexual assaults and rapes of the disabled are happening in a far greater scope and magnitude in these mental health facilities and group homes than in the Church, as you well know.
It is time we together start to deal with the deep sins and atrocities, when the Church turns a blind eye and deaf ear to the defenseless, we might as well be doing that directly to Jesus himself. Let’s start cleaning up the ugly messes, God promises to pour out His Spirit upon those that heed and turn at His reproof. The Catholic Church desperately needs a transformational revival and I can see some of the areas that need to be changed for this come to pass. I am available to help you, in the meantime, I must continue to publicly bring to light matters that must finally be addressed and stopped.
Some of my expertise, obviously, specifically surrounds the mental health care system as a whole in New York State. To date, even after the major award winning New York Time exposé titled “Abused and Used” investigative reporting series which I was able to convince the Times to do, Governor Cuomo chose to ignore all of the root causes to why there is rampant physical and sexual abuse, neglect and deaths. Governor Cuomo ignored the safety, health, equal rights and lives of 1,000,000 New Yorkers with disabilities allowing the horrific atrocities to continue. Governor Cuomo was not alone in this though, both Bishop Edward Scharfenberger and Cardinal Timothy Dolan ignored numerous pleas for help from me that I made on behalf of the 1,000,0000 disabled. Both Bishop Scharfenberger and Cardinal Dolan remained silent and complicit, as what are likened to war crimes, continued and still continue right now. Close to 8,000 calls go into Governor Cuomo’s abuse hotline for the disabled every month and between 11-13 deaths of people with disabilities are reported every day. Almost all sexual assaults, rapes and negligent deaths are being internally reported and covered-up, thousands of them, and both Bishop Scharfenberger and Cardinal Dolan choose to protect Governor Cuomo and the extremely dangerous and deadly mental health institutions and group homes, instead of the disabled. Sounds similar to what Cardinal Bernard Law did, but many times worse. Instead of hundreds of children rape victims ignored by Cardinal Law, many thousands of disabled rape victms ignored by Bishop Scharfenberger and Cardinal Dolan.
Pope Francis, you can help bring about vital changes swiftly within the Catholic Church Institution and governmental institutions, if you simply begin to publicly speak out against these atrocities and that you address and move to finally resolve these vital issues that have been a great stain upon the Church. The major players that are the most dangerous within society are the people protecting the sexual predators in any institution throughout the world, they must be removed from positions of power and authority.
For over ten years Attorney General Cuomo and then Governor Andrew Cuomo have protected countless sexual predators, pedophiles and rapists within State run and private mental health facilities and group homes from firing and from prosecution. Countless sexual predators have been allowed to continue to prey on our most vulnerable and destroy God only know how many tens of thousands of lives. This timeline proves years of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s direct involvement, I personally testify to these crimes and atrocities.
Pedophiles Catholic priests are sexual predators, anyone that rapes a disabled person is a sexual predator and Church and government leaders protecting sexual predators are not only committing ‘grave sins’ they are far worse criminals. People that rape children are very sick individuals, but people that knowingly protect and enable these sick people that are committing such evil acts, are committing far greater evil. Is it not time for all of these criminals to be held accountable here?
Thousands of reported sexual assaults and rapes of vulnerable New Yorkers, many of whom are vulnerable Catholic’s, are covered-up by Governor Cuomo and his corrupt Justice Center. Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Bishop Edward Scharfenberger have known about the scope of these sexual assaults, rapes and cover-ups for an extended period of time, as the founder of the Jonathan Carey Foundation, I have repeatedly informed them and have made pleas for their help for the disabled, but they chose to do nothing to stop the sex crimes and the criminal cover-ups - the atrocities. Pope Francis, you must remove Bishop Scharfenberger and Cardinal Dolan.
My hope and appeal to you Pope Francis, is for you to do what is right and just for the defenseless now and for you to come along side to help champion the next greatest Civil Rights Movement. We must finally ensure the protection, safe care and services and equal rights for vulnerable children and all people with disabilities.
I have attached the Jonathan Carey Foundation series of press releases to bring vital truths to light because vital changes cannot happen until the systemic institutional failures are finally addressed and stopped. Pope Francis with your leadership, great and lasting changes can come forth speedily and many blessings can come upon the Catholic Church and all its members. My prayer is for God's very best for you, the Catholic Church Institution and for all 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide.
Michael Carey
Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s Silence for Years has Protected Cuomo & Countless Sexual Predators & Pedophiles
Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan Do Not Dispute Allegations of Protecting Sexual Predators & Pedophiles
Cuomo & Dolan Still Silent on Combined Sexual Predator Cover-up Scheme
Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan Ensure Protection of Sexual Predators in Sex Scandal
Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan Protect Sexual Predators & Pedophiles in Sex Cover-up Scandal
The Worst of the Worst are Leaders that Protect Sexual Predators, Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan
Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan protect sexual predators like powerful people protected Harvey Weinstein
Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan are Protecting Sexual Predators and the Motive is Money
Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan Refuse to Protect Disabled Women & Children from Sexual Predators
Pope Chastises Media, yet Ignores Current Church Sex Scandal Sins
Pope Francis asked to Swiftly Intervene in Cuomo-Dolan Sex Cover-up Scandal
Pope Francis Must Demand Resignation of Cardinal Dolan & Gov. Cuomo
Pope Francis Must Call for Cardinal Dolan & Gov. Cuomo to Resign for Protecting Sexual Predators
Pope Francis Must Address ‘Real Problems & Real News’ – Church Leaders Guarding & Enabling Sexual Predators
Pope Francis Must Remove All Church Leaders Protecting Sexual Predators - Cardinal Bernard Law is the Tip of the Iceberg
I would also encourage everyone to pray for Pope Francis and the Catholic Church as a whole that great changes can come forth for the Church and Society. I would also encourage everyone to pray for Cardinal Dolan, Bishop Scharfenberger and Governor Cuomo, although they must be removed from authority, they like the Apostle Paul can have an encounter with Jesus, receive His mercy and forgiveness like anyone can and they can become some of the greatest witnesses for Christ the world has ever seen. Justice demands their resignations from their positions of power and authority though now.
Please donate and support this vital Civil Rights Movement.
If you have any tips or knowledge of sexual assaults, deaths or cover-ups please call the Jonathan Carey Foundation sexual abuse & death tip hotline @ (518) 475-7500
Michael Carey
The Jonathan Carey Foundation
(518) 852-9377
email us here
The incredible life and tragic preventable death of Jonathan Carey, who was disabled, had autism, was non-verbal & only 13 when he was killed by his caregivers
Violin students play holiday music at shelter to raise money for animals
WHAT: Like the little drummer boy who gave the gift of his time and talent, students from Suzanne’s Suzuki Studio will be playing holiday music on their violins with their teacher and studio manager, Suzanne Barraclough to raise money for the shelter animals at the Humane Society of Utah.
WHEN: Friday, Dec. 22, 2017
, n
oon to 1 p.m.
WHO: About five to ten violin students and their teacher from Suzanne’s Suzuki Studio in Salt Lake City, Utah.
WHERE: Humane Society of Utah Adoption Center Lobby
WHY: One student, Olivia Gonzales wanted to do something for the animals at the Humane Society of Utah (HSU). Olivia’s family and Suzanne Barraclough have adopted pets from HSU. Students will play holiday music on their violins in the HSU Adoption Center lobby to raise money that will all be donated to the life-saving programs and services at the Humane Society of Utah.
“I wanted to do something for the homeless animals for Christmas,” said Olivia Gonzales, violin student. “I thought that I could bring some items in but I know money is always useful, so I thought that some of us from the studio could play music to raise money and bring Christmas cheer to the animals at the same time.”