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Thursday, March 22, 2018 - 10:15am

Format Changes Coming To 2018 Monster Energy Supercross Championship Races at Rice-Eccles Stadium


The Most Competitive Off-Road Motorcycle Racing Championship in the World Coming to the Bee Hive State on April 28th

In Partnership With Utah Sports Commission



(Salt Lake City, UT) – Monster Energy AMA Supercross, an FIM World Championship, returns to bring the world’s premier off-road motorcycle racing championship series back to Salt Lake City on Saturday, April 28th – marking the 16th round (and final race before wrapping up the season in Las Vegas) of the most exciting racing season of all-time as a new era of competition will change the battleground forever with several new format changes to the most competitive and highest-profile motorcycle racing championship in the world that has entertained millions of fans for 43 years!


For the first time in over two decades, the 2018 season will debut an all-new points system to evenly allocate points over all 22 finishing positions. While the gap between 1st, 2nd and 3rd has not changed, the new points system will ensure that the race to the championship will be much more competitive throughout the season as the reward is greater for a better finish.


Also the elimination of semi races in qualifying for the Main Event will add further pressure to qualify as the world’s most elite endurance athletes will have just two chances to ensure a spot in the Main Event through one of two heat races or a last chance qualifier (LCQ). This year, the Top 9 in each heat will qualify directly into the Main Event while positions 10-20 will have one last chance to make it through the LCQ. Previously, only five positions would transfer to the Main Event from the heat races and all others would be transferred to a semi race. Eliminating the semi races will make for longer heat races and last chance qualifiers, allowing for more intense battles on the track for the fans.  


Without a past champion potentially on the gate in 2018, the international field is wide open for the world’s most elite athletes to become a first-time Monster Energy Supercross Champion. Along with all the new format changes, every track in 2018 will have a distinct personality that tells the story of each city’s Supercross history.


WHEN:           Saturday, April 28, 2018

Gates Open / Practice & Qualifying starts at 8:30 AM

Pit Party from 8:30 AM–2:30 PM

Opening Ceremonies at 2:30 PM

                       Racing starts at 3:00 PM


WHERE:         Rice-Eccles Stadium 451 S 1400 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84112


TICKETS:       Ticket prices start as low as $20!

                        Pit Party passes are priced at just $10 (available in advance or at the gate)


Tickets & Pit Passes are now on-sale and available for purchase online at or, charge by phone at 800-888-TIXX and in person at the Rice-Eccles Stadium Box Office.                           *ticket prices subject to change; additional venue/ticketing fees may apply


For more information on the Salt Lake race, please visit



At each Monster Energy Supercross event, fans are treated to unprecedented access to the sport’s multimillion-dollar athletes, their teams and sponsors while getting a behind-the-scenes look at the daylong, pre-race Pit Party, which opens Saturday afternoon at 12:30PM and costs $10 at the gate. Or get FREE access by simply recycling an empty can of Monster Energy (valid race event ticket required for entry).


Fans are encouraged to sign up for the official Monster Energy Newsletter via  the official website of Monster Energy Supercross,, for up to date ticket information and promotional offers.  And be sure to follow us via our social channels below:


ONLINE MEDIA GUDE:  Media members can download event/rider photos & video content from


Salt Lake SX B-roll:

2017 race highlights:

450SX Class Highlights:



About Feld Entertainment, Inc.

Feld Entertainment® is the worldwide leader in producing and presenting live touring family entertainment experiences that uplift the human spirit and bring people together. Properties include Monster Jam®, Monster Energy Supercross, AMSOIL Arenacross, Disney On Ice, Disney Live!, Sesame Street Live! and Marvel Universe LIVE! Across the brand portfolio, Feld Entertainment has entertained millions of families in more than 75 countries and on six continents. Visit for more information.


About the American Motorcyclist Association

Founded in 1924, the AMA is a not-for-profit member-based association whose mission is to promote the motorcycle lifestyle and protect the future of motorcycling. As the world’s largest motorcycling rights and event sanctioning organization, the AMA advocates for riders’ interests at all levels of government and sanctions thousands of competition and recreational events every year. The AMA also provides money-saving discounts on products and services for its members. Through the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame in Pickerington, Ohio, the AMA honors the heroes and heritage of motorcycling. For more information, visit


About Utah Sports Commission:

The Utah Sports Commission, a not-for-profit 501c6 business league and Utah Sports Commission Foundation, a not-for-profit 501c3 charitable organization, is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Trustees consisting of statewide sports, business, community, and government leaders. The Sports Commission was created to be a catalyst for Utah in its Olympic legacy efforts and to help enhance Utah's economy, image and quality of life through the attraction, promotion and development of national

and international sports. The Sports Commission works closely with communities, sports entities, and organizations to provide event services ranging from the bid process, on-site logistics, volunteer coordination, sponsorships and promotional opportunities and other related services. For more information, visit


3 Ways Stress Takes A Toll On Your Body

Did the latest challenge at work bring on a tightening in your stomach? Does constant worry about a loved one’s health make you physically ill yourself?

Everyone at some point feels the effects of stress. Not everyone deals with stress in the best way, though.

“Often stressed-out people seek relief through alcohol, tobacco or drugs, but that just makes matters worse,” says Richard Purvis, a health and wellness practitioner and author of Recalibrate: Six Secrets to Resetting Your Age (

“Instead of relieving stress, those toxic substances tend to keep the body in a stressed state, causing even more physical problems.”

April is Stress Awareness Month, a good time to reflect on how the demands and anxieties of daily life put a strain not just on our minds, but on our bodies as well.

Stress, of course, is not always a bad thing. It does serve a positive purpose.

“It can keep us alert and prepares us to avoid danger,” Purvis says. “But stress becomes a negative factor when a person faces continuous challenges without any time mixed in for relief or relaxation.”

As a result, he says, people become overworked, and stress-related anxiety and illness can occur. The strain leads them to suffer from such ailments as headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain and problems sleeping.

Purvis says a few examples of how stress can play havoc on our bodies include:

  • Musculoskeletal system. When we experience stress, it’s natural for our muscles to tense up. “It’s the body’s way of guarding against injury and pain,” Purvis says. Usually, the muscles relax once the stressful event passes. But chronic stress keeps the muscles in a constant state of guardedness. “When muscles are taut and tense for long periods of time other reactions in the body are triggered,” he says. Chronic muscle tension in the shoulders, neck and head can lead to tension-type headaches and migraines.
  • Respiratory system. Stress causes people to breathe harder. “That’s not a problem for most people,” Purvis says. “But if you suffer from asthma or a lung disease such as emphysema, getting essential oxygen can be difficult.” He says some studies show that acute stress events – such as the death of a loved one – can trigger asthma attacks in which the airway between the nose and the lungs constrict. Also, rapid breathing associated with stress – or hyperventilation – can result in a panic attack in some people.
  • Gastrointestinal system. Sometimes people who are stressed will eat much more than usual. Sometimes they will eat much less. Neither is healthy. “You can get heartburn or acid reflux if you eat more food or different types of food, or if you increase how much alcohol you drink or tobacco you use,” Purvis says. When you’re stressed, the brain sends alert sensations to the stomach. Your stomach can react with “butterflies,” nausea or pain. “Severe stress can cause vomiting, diarrhea or constipation,” he says. “If your stress becomes chronic, you might develop ulcers or severe stomach pain.”

So what’s to be done? Purvis points out that stress is a natural occurrence in life and happens to everyone.

“Since you can’t avoid your job, bills, or other life experiences, the best thing to do is learn to manage stress,” he says. “You won’t avoid stress entirely, but it is possible to minimize the effects by eating healthy, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and taking care of yourself in general.”


About Richard Purvis

Richard Purvis, author of Recalibrate: Six Secrets to Resetting Your Age, ( is a health and wellness practitioner with more than 30 years of dedicated experience in nutrition, exercise, anti-aging and overall wellness. He is the current CEO of Skin Moderne Inc., and was founder of such wellness companies as Nutrimax, Nutritbrands and Skin Nutrition. He also was co-founder of Noggin Nosh.



4 Reasons Electric Cars Will Create

A Buzz In The Next Decade

As automakers try to plug into consumers’ future needs, electric cars are stirring boardroom curiosity – but not a lot of sales.

Some car manufacturers are banking on a different story in the future, though.

Electric cars comprise less than 1 percent of U.S. auto sales, yet some major automakers are planning to manufacture many more electric models in the near future. According to an article on, General Motors plans to roll out 20 models by 2023 and Toyota 10 by early in the next decade. Researcher LMC Automotive predicts 75 electric models will be produced in the U.S. over the next five years.

“The 21st century will see the return of electric cars, as we are witnessing with Tesla, Porsche, GM, Ford, and others,” says Ted Annis, manager and co-founder of Transducing Energy Devices, LLC ( in Ann Arbor, Mich. “Environmental, economical and market factors will meet to make the electric car prominent in the American culture.”

LMC forecasts gasoline-powered engines will still make up about 85 percent of U.S. new car sales in 2025, but that electric cars’ market share will continue to accelerate. Bloomsberg New Energy Finance’s Electric Vehicle Outlook 2017 projects electric cars will comprise over 50 percent in sales of new light-duty vehicles by 2035.

Annis gives four advantages of an electric car that will increase its popularity:

  • Fuel cost savings. Electric cars are entirely charged by the electricity you provide, meaning you don’t need to buy any gas ever again. An average American spends $2,000 to $4,000 on gas each year. “From the gas standpoint alone, the electric car makes a lot of sense,” Annis says. “Keeping these cars charged isn’t free, but overall the electric car is far cheaper in operating costs.”
  • Environmentally-friendly. Cars and trucks are responsible for roughly 24 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas pollution, according to Scientific American. With no emissions, electric cars are eco-friendly as they run on electrically powered engines. “The growing popularity of these cars is partly an outgrowth of our global environmental concerns,” Annis says. “You’ll be contributing to a green climate. And some manufacturers will offer incentives through the government for going green.”
  • Low maintenance. No more oil changes, spark-plug replacements, or the many repair possibilities associated with an internal combustion engine and transmission. The electric car motor has far fewer moving parts. Brakes on electric cars receive less wear and tear. “Expensive engine work is a thing of past,” Annis says.
  • Quiet. Engines of gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles contribute to noise pollution, which is harmful to health. A study published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) reported that nearly 100 million Americans had annual exposures to traffic noise that were high enough to be harmful. Electric vehicles are extremely quiet.

“The advantages are many,” Annis says. “Technology tailored to a changing consumer base is steadily making improvements in electric cars, and in the next decade the roads will be filled with them.”

About Ted Annis


Ted Annis ( is the manager and co-founder of Transducing  Energy Devices, LLC, which is engaged in the research and  development of a fuel-less electricity energy device. He received a BS in physics and an MBA at Xavier University. He formerly was with Ford Motor Company and was CEO and co-founder of SupplyTech, Inc.