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Monday, October 23, 2017 - 1:15pm



Arizona dairy herds produced 1.15 billion pounds of milk during the July- September quarter, up 4.1 percent from the previous year.  


Colorado dairy herds produced 1.07 billion pounds of milk during the July- September quarter, up 6.9 percent from the previous year.  


Montana dairy herds produced 73.0 million pounds of milk during the July- September quarter, down 1.4 percent from the previous year. 


New Mexico dairy herds produced 2.04 billion pounds of milk during the July- September quarter, up 5.3 percent from the previous year.  


Utah dairy herds produced 575 million pounds of milk during the July- September quarter, up 9.3 percent from the previous year.  


Wyoming dairy herds produced 34.7 million pounds of milk during the July- September quarter, down 1.1 percent from the previous year.  UNITED STATES HIGHLIGHTS 


Nationally, U.S. milk production during the July- September quarter totaled 53.5 billion pounds, up 1.7 percent from the July- September quarter last year. 


Mountain Region Quarterly Milk Production by State and United States July- September 2017 


Quarterly Milk Production Change From 2016 2016 2017 1  million pounds million pounds percent Arizona  ......................................... Colorado  ....................................... Montana  ........................................ New Mexico  .................................. Utah ............................................... Wyoming  ...................................... 


United States  ................................ 

1,108.0 1,002.0 74.0 1,937.0 526.0 35.1 



1,153.0 1,071.0 73.0 2,040.0 575.0 34.7 



4.1 6.9 -1.4 5.3 9.3 -1.1 




- Represents less than 0.5%  1 Preliminary For complete results of the Milk Production report go to 



HSU claims Santaquin, Utah dog death sentence is unconstitutional

Dog owner files memorandum challenging city ordinance

The Humane Society of Utah (HSU) announced that a sentence requiring a 5-year-old Australian Shepherd named Dexter to be euthanized for possibly touching a 12-year-old girl is being challenged in the Fourth District Court in Spanish Fork, Utah. Attorney and President of HSU, Craig S. Cook, filed a motion on behalf of dog owner Lindsy Bray to dismiss the charges against her after she was found guilty by a Santaquin City Justice for allowing Dexter to "attack" the girl. HSU and Bray contend that the city ordinance’s vague definitions, lack of viable defenses, and mandatory death of a beloved pet combine to deprive the dog’s owner of her constitutional rights. The case is set for oral argument before Judge Eldridge December 11, 2017.

“One year ago today, Dexter escaped from our yard," said Lindsy Bray in a Facebook post. “I never would have imagined how this would change my life. I have spent many hours in court, city council meetings, and lots of other random things that I wouldn’t normally do. My hope is that no other family will have to feel the the pain of this horrible ordinance.”

In her motion, Bray claims that the Santaquin ordinance violates several important federal and state constitutional rights. According to the existing ordinance, the definition of an attacking dog is so vague and ambiguous that a person could be cited for playing chase with their dog or being scratched by an over-eager canine. Bray also contends that the ordinance offers a limited defense to a charge. Theoretically, if a dog attacked a mugger off the owner’s property and defended the owner, the dog would be sentenced to death. Bray maintains that requiring mandatory euthanasia in all cases is an illegal forfeiture of property prohibited by the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


Santaquin City filed charges against Lindsy Bray January 2017. The police report said that a small white mark was found on the girl’s leg that did not break the skin.

Bray defended herself in a hearing before the Santaquin Justice Court not knowing the extreme seriousness of a conviction. She was shocked to hear that Dexter would have to be euthanized within five days under the Santaquin mandatory ordinance, which allowed no other remedies. Bray appealed her conviction to the Fourth District Court in Spanish Fork where a new trial will be held de novo if the Motion to Dismiss is not granted.

Proposed changes to amend the city’s animal control ordinance were voted down 3 to 2 in the Santaquin City Council meeting Thursday, Sept. 6, 2017.






About the Humane Society of Utah

The Humane Society of Utah is dedicated to the elimination of pain, fear and suffering in all animals. Since 1960, the HSU has been sheltering homeless animals, fighting cruelty and neglect, and creating an environment of respect, responsibility, and compassion for all animals across the state of Utah. HSU is the largest open-admissions shelter in the state and welcomes any companion animal that can legally be admitted. As a member of the No-Kill Utah ​(NKUT) Coalition, the HSU works hard to ensure that every healthy and treatable pet that enters the facility will be placed into a loving home. The Humane Society of Utah is a local, private 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that does not receive any state tax dollars or government funding. HSU is funded by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses and foundations. Read more about the HSU online at




SALT LAKE CITY - The Utah Senate Judicial Confirmation Committee is seeking public comment on Linda Jones, Patrick Corum, and Amber Mettler who were appointed by Governor Herbert to fill vacancies on the Third District Court. 


Those who desire to comment should contact Jerry Howe at the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, Utah State Capitol Campus, House Building, Suite W210, PO Box 145210, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-5210, by 5 p.m. on Monday, November 6, 2017. All statements should include the respondent’s name, telephone number, and mailing address.


The Senate Judicial Confirmation Committee plans to hold a public hearing, then issue a recommendation to the full senate. If confirmed by the senate, Ms. Jones, Mr. Corum, and Ms. Mettler will fill the vacancies created by the retirement of Judge Ann Boyden, effective January 1, 2018, Judge Bruce Lubeck, effective December 29, 2017, and Judge Robert Adkins, effective January 7, 2018.


The Third Judicial District Court covers Salt Lake, Summit, and Tooele Counties.


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1. Members of the 2017 Judicial Confirmation Committee are Senator Todd Weiler (Chair), Senator Jim Dabakis, Senator Lyle Hillyard, Senator Peter Knudson, Senator Karen Mayne, Senator Brian Shiozawa, and Senator Kevin Van Tassell.


2. Senate Judicial Confirmation Committee information is available on the committee page.


3. The governor's press release announcing Jones’, Corum’s, and Mettler’s nominations is archived at






Jason Gould


Utah Senate Staff

O: (801) 538-1035

M: (801) 455-8104