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The Surprising Fact About Trump's Transition the Media Won't Tell You

Wednesday, November 23, 2016 - 3:15pm
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

Nov. 23, 2016

Good morning from Washington, D.C. Planning to spend this Thanksgiving with family? Beverly Hallberg has some tips for you on how to talk effectively, not just emotionally, about politics with your loved ones. One topic that might come up is Donald Trump's announcement he doesn't plan to prosecute Hillary Clinton. Fred Lucas has details. Plus: Melissa Quinn on an Ohio small business concerned about President Obama's new overtime rule, and Leah Jessen on the new fad of "sanctuary campuses."


The Surprising Fact About Trump's Transition the Media Won't Tell You


The New York Times warned Tuesday that "the pace of announcements from Trump Tower has slowed to a crawl." A Daily Signal analysis of Cabinet nominations dating back 40 years reveals how President-elect Donald Trump really stacks up to his predecessors.

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Clinton Critics Voice Disappointment After Trump Vows to Drop Investigation


"Donald Trump must commit his administration to a serious, independent investigation of the very serious Clinton national security, email, and pay-to-play scandals," says Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton.

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Federal Judge Blocks Implementation of Controversial Overtime Rule


"The more I learned, the more shocked I became that a rule like this would pass with so little input from those who were going to be impacted by it," Albert Macre, a small business owner in Steubenville, Ohio, tells The Daily Signal.

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Conservative Group Launches Boycott of Target Over Bathroom Policies


The stated purpose of the boycott is to "make Target understand that there are consequences for supporting a radical movement that is determined to redefine marriage, gender, and, ultimately, the First Amendment."

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Colleges Look to Create Sanctuary Campuses for Illegal Immigrant Students


Students and professors at schools around the nation, from Yale University and Harvard University to Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, have pushed for their colleges to become a "sanctuary" for illegal immigrant students.

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How to Be Persuasive About Politics With Your Liberal Relatives on Thanksgiving


There is a way to have a sane conversation about politics with the people in your life, promises Beverly Hallberg in her latest "Coffee Talk" column.

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The Daily Signal is brought to you by more than half a million members of The Heritage Foundation.

Nov. 23, 2016

Good afternoon from Capitol Hill, where, far from slowing down for the holiday, the Trump team is announcing new appointments. Kelsey Harkness has the details on education secretary pick Betsy DeVos, while Melissa Quinn looks at U.N. ambassador pick Nikki Haley. Cooking today? Diane Katz has the details on how government regulations even affect the food you will serve on Thanksgiving.


Meet Betsy DeVos, Trump's Pick for Education Secretary

Betsy DeVos and her husband have been actively involved in promoting charter schools for over two decades, and helped to pass Michigan's first charter school law in the state.

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What You Need to Know About Gov. Nikki Haley, Trump's Pick for UN Ambassador


"Gov. Haley has a proven track record of bringing people together regardless of background or party affiliation to move critical policies forward for the betterment of her state and our country," Trump said.

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Thanksgiving: A Uniquely American Holiday


Only a few countries set aside a day of national thanksgiving.

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The Federal Regulations That Affect Your Thanksgiving Foods


There is virtually no aspect of our lives over which laws and ordinances do not reign.

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The Daily Signal is brought to you by more than half a million members of The Heritage Foundation.