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Updates From Senator Hatches Office

Tuesday, January 24, 2017 - 9:15am
Senator Orrin Hatch

At the Request of President Trump, Hatch Serves as Designated Survivor during Inauguration


WASHINGTON - As the nation gathers for the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States, Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT), the President Pro Tempore of the United States Senate, will be absent from the ceremony in keeping with procedures for the continuity of government. As the designated survivor, Senator Hatch will be in an undisclosed location for the duration of the event.



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Hatch Statement on the Confirmation of Congressman Mike Pompeo to Serve as CIA Director


Washington, D.C.—Senator Orrin Hatch, the longest serving Republican in the history of the Senate Intelligence Committee, issued the following statement following the confirmation of Mike Pompeo to serve as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency:


“Throughout his life, Mike Pompeo has proven himself to be a true patriot and a tireless champion of our national security. His background as an Army veteran, an accomplished attorney, a successful businessman, and a rising star in the House of Representatives makes him an excellent choice to lead the CIA. I have no doubt that he will keep our nation safe and lead the brave men and women of the Agency with honor and distinction.”


Hatch Statement on Confirmation of New Secretaries of Defense and Homeland Security


Washington, D.C.—Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the senior Republican in the United States Senate, issued the following statement following the confirmation of General James Mattis and General John F. Kelly to serve as Secretaries of Defense and Homeland Security respectively.






Hatch and General James Mattis in the office of the President Pro Tempore



“I am pleased that the Senate has acted quickly to approve General Mattis and General Kelly to lead our national security establishment. Both of these men have fought bravely for our country and will provide critical guidance to President Trump. While I am deeply disappointed that my colleagues on the other side of the aisle have delayed the confirmations of other well-qualified candidates, I am confident that the collaborative tone struck in today’s festivities will lead to greater cooperation and bipartisanship.” 



Hatch Presses Secretary of State Nominee Tillerson on Utahn Josh Holt, Key International Issues


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the senior Republican in the United States Senate, today met with President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, to discuss critical diplomatic matters ahead of Tillerson’s confirmation vote in the Senate. In addition to addressing top-level priorities for America’s diplomats, Hatch pressed the case of Josh Holt, a Utahn being held on false charges in a Venezuelan prison. 




B-Roll Video (no audio) Available Via YouTube


“Today I had a very productive conversation with Mr. Tillerson about Josh’s situation in Venezuela. My purpose in meeting with the Secretary of State nominee was to ensure that, under Tillerson’s leadership, our top diplomats will continue working to bring Josh home. What’s happening to one of our fellow Utahns in Venezuela is egregious, so I appreciated the Secretary-designate’s commitment to work with us towards Josh’s release. We will not give up on delivering justice for Josh, and I ask that everyone continue to include the Holts in their thoughts and prayers.” 


“In addition to Josh’s case, I was eager to press Mr. Tillerson on the key foreign policy issues facing our nation. I made it clear that I expect the State Department and the administration as a whole to focus on developing a smart and effective approach to the most critical challenges we face. Such an approach includes: reinforcing and strengthening our alliances across Europe, the Pacific, and the Middle East; standing strong against the geostrategic dangers posed by a belligerent Russia and a rising China; and working with our partners to fight global threats such as terrorism and nuclear proliferation. After our discussion, I am confident that Mr. Tillerson will work with Congress to advance America’s interests abroad.”


Background on Josh Holt, Utahn Detained in Venezuela


Josh Holt and his wife Thamy were arrested by Venezuelan authorities in June and have been held in appalling conditions, with limited access to needed health services, legal representation, and consular services. Since the time of Holt’s arrest, Senator Hatch has been working to ensure his release, enlisting the help of Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry, and other key officials to work behind the scenes to get Holt released. While these efforts have made progress in getting Holt access to critical services, Senator Hatch has committed to fight for Holt’s release.