Governor to sign legislation designed to improve outcomes for juvenile justice youth, families and the taxpayer
What: Gov. Gary R. Herbert will ceremonially sign H.B. 239, Juvenile Justice Amendments, legislation designed to transform positively the outcomes for youth who are at risk of or who enter the juvenile justice system. Crafted from evidence about what has worked to reduce recidivism, this legislation modifies the delivery of services across state agencies, the courts, educational institutions, and private service providers. It also significantly reduces costs. These reforms bolster early intervention, family involvement and in-home and community-based services without altering accountability and safety.
Utah’s Job Growth Ranks No. 1 in the Nation
SALT LAKE CITY (April 21, 2017) — Following the March 2017 employment report for the state of Utah, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data shows Utah ranked No. 1 for total job growth in the U.S. at 3.2 percent and No. 1 for private sector job growth at 3.5 percent. For unemployment, Utah tied for eighth at 3.1 percent.
“Utah continues to move in the right direction,” said Gov. Gary R. Herbert. “These rankings affirm that what we are doing in Utah is leading to positive outcomes. Our work, however, is far from through. I am committed to the Utah Business Promise, which will help ensure our qualified and skilled workforce continues to lead to opportunities for economic success individually and within our communities.”
“Those who will soon graduate from postsecondary education programs will find excellent economic conditions to start their careers in the state of Utah,” said Carrie Mayne, chief economist for the Utah Department of Workforce Services. “Now is the time for prospective graduates to plan their job search and take advantage of the multiple employment opportunities in the state.”
BLS data shows Utah rankings as follows:
(1) Utah – 3.2 percent
(2) Georgia – 3.1 percent
(3) Florida – 3.0 percent
(1) Utah – 3.5 percent
(2) Florida – 3.3 percent
(3) Georgia – 3.2 percent
For more information about the latest jobs report, visit the Department of Workforce Services blog.
Governor Gary R. Herbert’s Schedule
April 25, 2017 - April 28, 2017
**The Governor’s schedule is subject to frequent change**
Monday, April 24
Economic Development Visit to New York City, New York
Tuesday, April 25
Economic Development Visit to New York City, New York
11:00 a.m. Interview with Bloomberg News
Location: New York City, New York
Wednesday, April 26
Quarterly Visit to Washington, D.C.
Thursday, April 27
Quarterly Visit to Washington, D.C.
Friday, April 28
No public events
Lt. Governor Spencer J. Cox’s Schedule
April 24, 2017 - April 29, 2017
**The Lt. Governor’s schedule is subject to frequent change**
Monday, April 24
9:00 a.m. Census 2020 Meeting
Location: State Capitol
11:30 p.m. Photo with Lions Club
Location: Lt. Governor’s Office
2:00 p.m. Meeting on High Tech Recruiting
Location: Lt. Governor’s Office
2:30 p.m. Meeting with Census Bureau Regional Director
Location: Lt. Governor’s Office
4:00 p.m. Meeting with Legislator
Location: Utah County, Utah
Tuesday, April 25
10:00 a.m. Governor’s Rural Partnership Board
Location: Eureka, Utah
Wednesday, April 26
4:00 p.m. Rural Jobs Discussion
Location: Governor’s Office
6:00 p.m. Other Side Academy TED Talk
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Thursday, April 27
6:30 a.m. Honor Flight Send-Off
Location: National Guard Readiness Center
9:00 a.m. Healthy Lifestyle Initiatives Meeting
Location: Lt. Governor’s Office
12:00 p.m. Utah State University Campus Compact Awards Luncheon
Location: Logan, Utah
Friday, April 28
No public events
Saturday, April 29
10:00 a.m. Speak at Snow College Commencement
Location: Ephraim, Utah
Here is the link to the audio from today's KUED monthly news conference with Governor Herbert. Thank you to those who joined us in studio - it was a great discussion!