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Trump's Pipeline Approvals Are a Win for the Economy and Environment

Wednesday, January 25, 2017 - 11:15am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

Jan. 25, 2017

Good morning from Washington, where President Donald Trump continues to move fast to make big changes. His blessing for two major oil pipelines will boost the economy, Nick Loris writes, as will his plans to slash government regulations, Diane Katz predicts. The White House doesn't want states to be able to keep Obamacare, Fred Lucas reports. Plus: Rachel del Guidice on Democrats' delaying tactics, Melissa Quinn on the HHS nominee's intent to fix Medicaid, and Ann McElhinney on the legacy of a notorious abortion factory.


Trump's Pipeline Approvals Are a Win for the Economy and Environment


The pipelines' completion will have significant impact for the economy and for Americans. The projects will result in thousands of construction jobs and lower prices at the pump.

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White House: Centrist GOP Senators' Obamacare Plan at Odds With Trump's Vision


The White House seemed less than enthusiastic about one Senate Republican plan that would allow states to keep Obamacare, stressing President Donald Trump's opposition to mandates that drive down competition.

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Democrats Don't Have Votes to Defeat Trump Nominees, but They Can Delay Them


Senate rules and procedures allow Democrats to employ three basic tactics to delay confirmation votes on a president's appointments.

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Trump Wants to Slash Regulations by 75%. Here's How Regulatory Reform Could Boost US.


In the past eight years alone, the Obama administration issued more than 22,700 rules, which increased annual regulatory costs by more than $120 billion.

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HHS Nominee Tom Price Urges Medicaid Changes to Improve Health Care


"What I believe in is a Medicaid system that is responsive to the patients, and that's not the system we currently have," Price said.

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This Family Struggled to Secure Health Insurance Under Obamacare for Their 4-Year-Old Son


"Of all the populations to be targeted, children with disabilities shouldn't have their insurance terminated," said Lindsay Franks.

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How​ ​Gosnell's​ ​House​ ​of​ ​Horrors​ ​Made​ ​Me​ ​Pro-Life​​


"I never trusted or liked pro-life activists," writes Ann McElhinney. "Even at college I thought them too earnest and too religious."

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