Aug. 25, 2017
Good morning from Washington, source of President Trump’s message of support to Ukraine as Defense Secretary James Mattis visits on a special day. Nolan Peterson reports from Kyiv. In Washington state, a high school football coach loses ground in his legal fight to pray in public after games. Ken McIntyre reports. In a personal story, conservative commentator Dennis Prager exposes the dishonest media. Plus: Anne Sorock on white unrest inside Black Lives Matter, Lindsey Burke on union injustice for poor students, and Ryan T. Anderson on the meaning of hate. Enjoy the weekend.
Understanding how The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and NPR covered my story leads to an almost perfect understanding of how the media cover every story where the left has a vested interest.
"According to the 9th Circuit, it is unconstitutional for a coach to make a sign of the cross or bow his head in prayer when a player gets hurt," says Mike Berry of First Liberty Institute.
Many operatives from Black Lives Matter had previously participated in Occupy Wall Street. They described emerging from the failure of that movement disheartened, as it failed to achieve lasting societal change.
"Despite Russia’s denials, we know they are seeking to redraw international borders by force, undermining the sovereign and free nations of Europe," says Defense Secretary James Mattis.
Instead of moving these teachers out of the system entirely—as would happen in the private sector, private schools, and many charter schools—these teachers are retained due to policies pushed by union special interest groups, and will now make their way back into the classroom.
Support for marriage as the union of husband and wife isn’t anti-gay. Believing the truth about marriage—that it unites a man and woman as husband and wife in an act that makes them one flesh—isn’t "anti" anything.
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