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Storm Total: 9"
BASE Total: 47"
YTD Total: 81"
The earlier you buy, the more you save! Our online ticket store has single-day, two-day, and 3 day discounted tickets.
What better way to spread the holiday cheer than dressing up like our favorite jolly gift giver and hitting the slopes! On Christmas Day (12.25.2017) anyone dressed up like Santa Clause gets a free day pass.*
The rules are simple; dress up like Santa (red coat, red pants, beard and santa hat) and get a free day pass!
First Come first serve. Ticket office opens at 8:30AM
All other Santas will receive 1/2 off adult day ticket.
Governor Gary R. Herbert’s Schedule
December 25, 2017 - December 29, 2017
**The Governor’s schedule is subject to frequent change**
Monday, December 25
Christmas Day
No Public Events
Tuesday, December 26
No Public Events
Wednesday, December 27
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Thursday, December 28
No Public Events
Friday, December 29
No Public Events
Lt. Governor Spencer J. Cox’s Schedule
December 25, 2017 - December 29, 2017
**The Lt. Governor’s schedule is subject to frequent change**
Monday, December 25
Christmas Day
No Public Events
Tuesday, December 26
No Public Events
Wednesday, December 27
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Thursday, December 28
No Public Events
Friday, December 29
No Public Events
Pope Francis must remove Bishops and Cardinals that protect and enable sexual predators and pedophiles and he must publicly request the resignations of any person in governmental authority that is involved in such evil.
It is Christmas Eve and countless vulnerable children and disabled people will be raped today as many within the Catholic Church hierarchy remain silent
Pope Francis must now address this international crisis surrounding sexual predators preying on the disabled which is occurring in a far greater scope worldwide than the pedophile priest sex scandal.”
— Michael Carey - Advocate for people with disabilities and their families
ALBANY, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, December 24, 2017 / -- The office for the Jonathan Carey Foundation, which advocates for vulnerable children and people with disabilities, is located in the town of Bethlehem in New York State. Michael Carey is a Christian and he cannot be silent as these atrocities continue. Michael Carey is the founder of this federally approved not- for- profit charity named after his son Jonathan who was abused and then killed while living in State care. The Jonathan Carey Foundation has publicly released a series of investigative reports/press releases attached below that shine a spotlight on these matters, exposing the horrors and atrocities occurring against our most vulnerable.
The facts are overwhelming, there are massive numbers of vulnerable children and people with disabilities being raped by known sexual predators, pedophiles and rapists within the Church and within institutions and group homes worldwide and most are internally covered-up. These atrocities are not isolated in a small number of places or countries as many in the Church or governments would want everyone to believe. No, the truth is we have a massive systemic and societal problem of not caring properly for our children and people with disabilities. Instead of protecting our most vulnerable; institutions are covering up most of the heinous crimes committed against them within these institutions. This is not justice, this is wickedness, and the message to Pope Francis is, do everything within your power to stop these rapes and cover-ups. Do everything within your power Pope Francis to root out all the sexual predators and Church and government leaders protecting and shielding them from prosecution.
A number of appeals directly to the Pope have not yet been answered. Specific Catholic leaders named in this sex scandal, which is far bigger than pedophile priest sex scandal that the Boston Globe reported on, have not denied their involvement. When extremely powerful institutions work together to hide and conceal crimes, instead of taking dramatic actions to stop them, tragically, many more innocent lives will be severely damaged and institutions involved have to be exposed further to be held accountable. Both the Catholic Church and New York State government have not taking children or people with disabilities immediate safety, their heath, their equal rights or even their lives in many ways seriously. Hardly, anything significant has been done by either institution to protect these precious souls from sexual assaults and rapes after major exposés. These children and individuals with disabilities rely on others to care for them and to ensure their safety and equal rights.
The Willowbrook exposé and horrific abuses and maltreatment of the disabled surfaced in 1972. The only significant changes that gradually happened over many years was moving most people with disabilities out of larger institutions into thousands of group homes and smaller facilities throughout all of New York State. Sounds good, but almost every imaginable safety and abuse prevention measure to actually ensure safe care and services are still not in place in 2017. The end results from such gross negligence and incompetence, tens of thousands of residents are raped, physically assaulted, neglected or die prematurely every year in these unsafe facilities in New York State. These horrors, crimes and the cover-ups of most are happening all of the time in both State and private facilities and group homes and the Catholic Church has remained silent, Popes have remained silent.
In 2002 the Spotlight investigative reporting team of the Boston Globe opened up the flood gate regarding a very sick and wicked sex cover-up scandal of epic proportion. The facts were laid out with documents that Church leaders knew. Cardinal Bernard Law knew that many pedophile priests in the Boston area were protected and shielded from prosecution and moved from parish to parish. The end result of this gross negligence, incompetence and criminal behavior, countless more children rape victims by these same sexually deviant men.
In 2007 Jonathan Carey, who had autism, who was developmentally disabled, who was non-verbal and who had PTSD from being previously abused by multiple caregivers, was then killed. Jonathan was only 13 when he was suffocated to death. It was not just the two caregivers alone responsible for Jonathan’s death, but a system and major institutional failures that still have not been fixed to date. Jonathan’s law was the first new law passed after Jonathan’s death and this vital law which opens records of abuse and neglect to parents and legal guardians is still unknown to most parents and legal guardians, ten years later. The State of New York has hidden these legal rights from most parents and legal guardians.
Michael Carey was catapulted into a position of advocacy and was able to convince the New York Times to do the award winning “Abused and Used” investigative reporting series which became a runner up for a Pulitzer Prize. This extensive series exposed much of the horrific atrocities and should have led to major reforms, but tragically, Governor Cuomo chose to go the exact opposite direction and protect the system and his institutions, instead of the disabled.
This is what the New York Times Editorial Board wrote two and a half years following the first “Abused and Used” piece . Over four years have passed since and still nothing significant has been done to stop or prevent the rampant sexual assaults, rapes physical assaults or deaths. Major lifesaving and discrimination ending legislation to ensure cameras in facilities and transport vehicles and immediate direct reporting to 911 emergency call centers have all been blocked by Governor Andrew Cuomo.
These two portions below from “Protecting the Most Vulnerable” - New York Times Editorial Board - August 9, 2013 speak volumes;
“Two-and-a-half years ago, The Times reported horrifying abuse of people with developmental disabilities or mental illnesses by state employees, who were rarely punished for it. Gov. Andrew Cuomo promised action. But too little appears to have changed.”
“There is much the governor could do. He could require surveillance cameras in these facilities, just as prisons have them. He could make sure that the police get more involved.”
Instead of protecting women and children with disabilities from being raped, Governor Cuomo chose to try to hide and conceal these crimes, numbering in the many thousands. All appeals to both Bishop Scharfenberger and Cardinal Dolan, the two top Catholic Church leaders in New York State with knowledge of these atrocities and cover-up of almost all, have gone ignored.
Within the last week alone two major things have happened, first the New York Times further exposed the atrocities and cover-ups of sex crimes primarily in Catholic institutions and facilities in Australia and Cardinal Bernard Law’s death. What has surfaced once again in Australia is happening in many parts of the world just like the Catholic Church pedophile priest sex scandal. The wide-scale sexual assaults of the disabled and the purposeful cover-ups by Governor Cuomo in New York State are far worse than Australia.
Pope Francis must now address this international crisis surrounding sexual predators preying on the disabled which is occurring in a far greater scope worldwide than the pedophile priest sex scandal. Pope Francis’s actions now are critical for the Catholic Church to makes significant changes. The Pope must start by removing all the Bishops and Cardinals involved in guarding the sexual predators and the Catholic Church Institution, instead of the most vulnerable. This damning New York Times news is incredibly important and the quotes below are extremely powerful.
“Tens of thousands of children have been sexually abused in many Australian institutions,” said the report, which was particularly critical of Catholic organizations. “We will never know the true number. Whatever the number, it is a national tragedy, perpetrated over generations within many of our most trusted institutions.”
“It is not a case of a few rotten apples,” the report said. “Society’s major institutions have seriously failed. In many cases those failings have been exacerbated by a manifestly inadequate response to the abused person. The problems have been so widespread, and the nature of the abuse so heinous, that it is difficult to comprehend.”
It is important to repeat this quote again because of the significance of this statement;
“Society’s major institutions have seriously failed”
“This quote is true, it is a fact – the Catholic Church has failed in this area. New York State has failed in this area. Many people in top positions of authority in many different institutions have failed to protect our children and people with disabilities. We are at a defining moment in time to bring critical changes and to stop failing our children and the most vulnerable with disabilities. We must work together and do what is right and just to end decades of discrimination and ensure equal protections of laws.” – Michael Carey
Cardinal Bernard Law covered-up sex crimes and was part of protecting many pedophile priests from prosecution that were committing sex crimes against children. Cardinal Law was protected by the Church and he was promoted, instead of removed from the Church and prosecuted. Cardinal Law should have been held accountable for his crimes and he should have spent the rest of his life in jail, but no, he was protected by the Church. Countless sexual predator priests and caregivers currently have escaped justice for raping God only knows how many tens of thousands of children and people with disabilities. This is going on all of the times and the Church and governments pretend that everything is just fine? I don’t think so, it’s all surfacing now, because now is the time to fix the real underlying problems within these institutions and it must start by removing the rotten apples. The worst of the worst criminals are Church and government leaders conspiring together to obstruct justice and hide the sex crimes and other crimes within their institutions from the police.
Michael Carey has asked Pope Francis to first start by speaking out for the safety of children and the disabled. The Pope has been asked to swiftly remove two Catholic Church leaders involved in the sex cover-up scandal in New York State. Both Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Bishop Edward Scharfenberger have known for years of these atrocities, Michael Carey informed them in person or in writing numerous times, but they looked the other way. As a result of their silence and complicity to protect Governor Cuomo and his fraudulent State abuse hotline, thousands of innocent lives have been severely damaged or lost. Close to 8,000 calls go to Governor Cuomo’s internal abuse hotline every month. Eleven to twelve deaths of people with disabilities within Cuomo’s unsafe and extremely dangerous and deadly system are reported to this same corrupt agency -every day. Governor Cuomo set up an internal reporting and policing system that bypasses the 911 call systems set up for everyone else. to keep the local police out of the picture. Thousands of sexual assaults, rapes and criminally negligent deaths are covered-up every year.
The Christmas message to Pope Francis who heads up 1.2 billion Catholics and half of all Christians in the world, turn your heart to the children and the defenseless in every way. It cannot continue to be about protecting institutions, money and this evil any longer.
Here are the very last words from the Old Testament in the Bible from the book of Malachi Chapter 4 verses 5-6;
“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”
Here are some additional extremely powerful scripture verses and truths that must be listened to and heeded now as well;
“Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy out of the hand of the wicked.” - Psalm 82:3-4
“It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” - Luke 17:2
“Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my Spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.” - Proverbs 1:23
“Behold, the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth: much more the wicked and the sinner.” - Proverbs 11:31
Pope Francis the Catholic Church is at a pivotal point in history like never before. What you and other top Church leaders do or do not do will affect the Church and even the world for either the better or for the worse. Pope Francis, please honor the Lord and His Words and please honor God's children by moving in powerful ways to protect and defend the defenseless.
Here is the current list of investigative news pieces that began to be publicly released on December 1, 2017. These extremely damning reports follow extensive research by the Jonathan Carey Foundation and are found on Pope Francis News Today;
Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s Silence for Years has Protected Cuomo & Countless Sexual Predators & Pedophiles
Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan Do Not Dispute Allegations of Protecting Sexual Predators & Pedophiles
Cuomo & Dolan Still Silent on Combined Sexual Predator Cover-up Scheme
Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan Ensure Protection of Sexual Predators in Sex Scandal
Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan Protect Sexual Predators & Pedophiles in Sex Cover-up Scandal
The Worst of the Worst are Leaders that Protect Sexual Predators, Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan
Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan protect sexual predators like powerful people protected Harvey Weinstein
Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan are Protecting Sexual Predators and the Motive is Money
Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan Refuse to Protect Disabled Women & Children from Sexual Predators
Pope Chastises Media, yet Ignores Current Church Sex Scandal Sins
Pope Francis asked to Swiftly Intervene in Cuomo-Dolan Sex Cover-up Scandal
Pope Francis Must Demand Resignation of Cardinal Dolan & Gov. Cuomo
Pope Francis Must Call for Cardinal Dolan & Gov. Cuomo to Resign for Protecting Sexual Predators
Pope Francis Must Address ‘Real Problems & Real News’ – Church Leaders Guarding & Enabling Sexual Predators
Pope Francis Must Remove All Church Leaders Protecting Sexual Predators - Cardinal Bernard Law is the Tip of the Iceberg
Pope Francis, It is Time for Institutional Change
Advocate Advises Pope to Swiftly Remove Catholic Leaders Protecting & Enabling Sexual Predators
I would also encourage everyone to pray for Pope Francis and the Catholic Church as a whole that great changes can come forth for the Church and Society.
Please support this vital Civil Rights Movement. Thank you
Michael Carey
The Jonathan Carey Foundation
(518) 852-9377
email us here
The incredible life and tragic preventable death of Jonathan Carey, who was disabled, had autism, was non-verbal & only 13 when he was killed by his caregivers