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3*26*2016 - 5 Ways to Reduce Everyday Stress

Monday, March 26, 2018 - 10:45am

 Ways to Reduce Everyday Stress




(StatePoint) Deadlines, responsibilities, bills -- there are so many causes of stress in our lives. Unfortunately, stress can take a negative toll on one’s health and wellness, particularly if it goes unaddressed for too long. Indeed, common effects of stress include headaches, stomach upset, anxiety, sleep problems and more, according to the Mayo Clinic.


This April, which is Stress Awareness Month, consider these strategies for relieving stress.


• Aromatherapy: Scent your home and workspace with stress-relieving scents like lavender, rosemary and peppermint. Whether you use candles, oils or fresh herbs, this is an easy way to immediately reduce feelings of stress.


• Get outdoors: Both exercise and nature can have stress-relieving properties. Combine the two with hiking, biking, and water-based sports. Support your adventures with water-resistant wearable tech, like the WSD-F20 ProTrek Smart Outdoor Watch, which features functions like full color maps and GPS, app functionality to track progress, as well as sensor technology, allowing you to comfortably get off the beaten path and better appreciate your surroundings.


• Meditate: Many experts agree on the benefits of meditation, from increased positive emotions to the relief of stress and anxiety. And these days, meditation is more accessible than ever, as employers offer mindfulness programs in the workplace, mobile apps in guided meditation abound, and communities and fitness clubs add practices like tai chi and yoga to their rosters.


• Enjoy music: Music can be an extremely powerful outlet for stress relief, particularly when you’re getting creative and making it yourself. Have the means at home to play a variety of beautiful music so that you can de-stress any time you need. To faithfully reproduce the sounds of acoustic instruments like guitars, drums, basses, brass, wind instruments, string ensembles and more, you don’t need an entire music studio full of separate instruments. The upgraded technology and sound quality found in digital pianos like Casio’s CT-X700, which includes the new AiX SoundSource, reproduces subtle nuances and gestures specific to each sound.


• Keep a journal: Keeping a journal can be a good way of putting things in perspective and thinking through the short- and long-term problems and challenges that are causing you stress. Plus, the ritual aspect of what could be made into a daily habit, may have a calming effect on the body and mind.


This Stress Awareness Month and beyond, considering adopting stress-reducing hobbies and habits for a healthier body and mind.