Nov. 29, 2017
Good morning from Washington, where some GOP senators are unsure about supporting tax reform. Mike Needham argues that it's a rare opportunity for change that Republicans need to take advantage of, and Kelsey Harkness has one small business owner's tax woes story. Are your tax dollars helping settle sexual harassment claims on Capitol Hill? Kevin Mooney has details. Plus: Jarrett Stepman on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and Fred Lucas on the horrifying threats made to the Federal Communications Commission's Ajit Pai.
Although Democrats portray the tax reform bill as an all-out assault on the American middle class, tax reform is vital to growing our economy and empowering innovators.
Staffers who are the targets of unwanted sexual advances on Capitol Hill should not have to endure a lengthy mediation process and pay the legal bills as lawmakers secretly draw on a mysterious slush fund to settle the accusations against them, an advocate says.
This agency is operating as if a single agency can be created, dropped into the executive branch, imbued with an extraordinary power over Americans' lives, and remain entirely immune from the democratic will of the people and their elected leaders.
Republicans have had unified control of the federal government—the House, Senate, and White House—for only seven years since the 1930s. To say this is a once-in-a-generation opportunity is an understatement.
"Save internet and f--k this Ajit guy. He's from India, deport that a--hole. We will take care of him when he's back," writes one person.
Years after Noah Alldredge started his business, he found out about an obscure tax he owed—and nearly had to close his business.
Obamacare's individual mandate survived the Supreme Court's 2012 ruling on the Affordable Care Act solely because the court interpreted the insurance requirement as a "tax."
Baltimore's black students receive diplomas that attest that they can function at a 12th-grade level when in fact they may not be able to do so at a seventh- or eighth-grade level.
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