Sept. 29, 2017
Happy Friday from Washington, where Republicans are pitching a concrete plan for making the tax code much simpler and fairer. Rachel del Guidice hears a cookie entrepreneur’s key ingredients for reform, and rounds up remarks by the House GOP’s lead tax writer at The Heritage Foundation. Plus: Helle Dale on whether the president will finish some Benghazi business, Jarrett Stepman on the NFL’s divisive play with the national anthem, and Katrina Trinko on the naked truth about Hugh Hefner. Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, begins at sunset. Enjoy your weekend.
Joseph Semprevivo’s business, Joseph’s Lite Cookies, makes about 12 million cookies per day at its New Mexico plant, with products sold across the country in stores such as the Big Lots, Dollar Tree, and Dollar General chains, and across the world.
“I feel a little bit sexier when I’m having sex like a porn star … porn sex is … not romantic,” says 27-year-old Alyssa. “The gentle, loving aspect is not hot.”
“Tax reform for middle-class Americans means more jobs, bigger paychecks, and fairer taxes,” says Rep. Kevin Brady, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.
One photo shows Ismael Freytes, 69, cleaning mud from his family home where water reached over 5 feet high during the hurricane. He lost everything.
Earlier this month, two men came forward with allegations that a Clinton State Department official told them after the Sept. 11, 2012, attack to keep silent with information they had regarding the security situation in Benghazi, Libya.
People are simply sick of seeing political crusades infect popular pastimes, especially when they are aimed at uniting ideas like patriotism that the national anthem represents.
“Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice,” says Michelle Obama.
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