Oct. 3, 2017
Good morning from Washington, where—as in your town—the reality of what happened in Las Vegas is still sinking in. Fred Lucas reports on the question of terrorism and Jarrett Stepman addresses inevitable calls for more restrictions on gun ownership. The right-to-work movement is about to arrive in Delaware, and Kevin Mooney breaks the story. Meet a living argument against late-term abortion in a moving video from Kelsey Harkness and Michael Goodin. Plus: Rachel del Guidice on the making of Newt Gingrich, and Sondra Clark on how tax reform could make filing easier for you.
Mere hours after the Las Vegas massacre, Hillary Clinton tweeted, "Our grief isn't enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again."
"He was as full of life … when he was born as he is now … just a lot smaller," says Clayton Pickering, whose son Micah is now 5.
Anthony Wedo wants to be part of a big change by getting behind right-to-work legislation about to be proposed in one of the three counties in his home state of Delaware.
Domestic terrorism has three qualifiers, experts say: It involves violence; the victims usually are innocent civilians; and the attacker acts with political motives.
Americans spend 9 billion hours every year complying with the tax code, which costs them more than $400 billion in lost economic productivity.
"You have to design a campaign because you know the news media is against you," says Newt Gingrich. "So every issue has to be 70 or 80 percent to your advantage."
"There has from the beginning of time been people who have perpetuated evil," says Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin, a Republican.
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