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Tuesday, January 30, 2018 - 10:45am

Seeing Green in Another Certified Master Grower: “Stock Day” Interviews Hemp Inc. Affiliate Mann Mullen, Owner of Mullen View Family Farms

PHOENIX, Jan. 29, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Uptick Newswire “Stock Day” podcast keeps investors up to date on the latest penny stock news by bringing transparency in the micro-cap side of the market. Connect with “Stock Day” and to over 600+ CEO interviews on the OTC, Pink Sheets and micro-cap news from around the world by following Stock Day’s YouTube, Google Play and iTunes. Everett Jolly, CEO and host of “Stock Day”, highlights Hemp Inc. (OTC:HEMP) (“Company”), and welcomes another new guest from this growing Company, Mr. Mann Mullen, a fifth-generation tobacco, turned Hemp farmer from North Carolina.

When Mr. Mullen met Hemp Inc. CEO, Bruce Perlowin, they had an understanding that small family farms were having difficulty surviving and they were hopeful that Hemp crops could turn things around. Mr. Mullen states that Hemp could potentially grow his family farming business beyond traditional agriculture where industrial food processing is threatening the farming industry. North Carolina has a large agricultural economy, many commodities have been grown there for many generations and Hemp farming could generate a large economic boost, providing the means for Mr. Mullen to stay on his farm. “The climate, and the soil and the growing season in North Carolina is perfect for the production of Hemp whether it be for the fiber, for the oil, for the seed or any of the other byproducts that come from it.”
What Mr. Mullen refers to is the many uses of Hemp, marijuana grown without the psychedelic component THC.  Fibers from the plant are strong and can be used in the manufacturing industry. Oil that comes from the seeds is used in many pain relief products.  Companies such as Premier Biomedical, Inc. is one example of a biotech company that has turned to CBD oil-based products as a means to continue funding scientific research on treatments of serious illnesses.  Hemp Inc. will have various avenues to profit from the growth of industrial Hemp as many businesses continue to find ways to capitalize on this new market.

Continuing the podcast, Mr. Mullen lays out a timeline for his crop growth: between April and May he will plant the seeds, which require a special license to acquire.  The certified master grower will nurture the crop having it ready to harvest by August.  Mr. Mullen reports that he learned a lot from last season where it was already late for planting when he was issued state approval and that his harvest did not fair very well because of the timing but reports having taken away valuable lessons from his first Hemp season. “All farmers are entrepreneurs,” he says and is therefore confident that this summer he will be able to produce a quality crop with proper timing and the support of Hemp Inc. and Hemp University behind him.  Acknowledging all of the pieces that must fit together in Hemp production, Mr. Mullen is “Hoping to be the liaison to make this whole thing tick.”

In closing of the interview, Mr. Mullen wants to emphasize to listeners that consumers are already using hemp in a variety of products, the majority of which, is imported.  Mr. Mullen believes that Hemp growing can certainly benefit the economy of North Carolina, keep many family farms from going out of business, as well as potentially boost the United States economy.

Listen to the full interview by clicking here or the following link:

About Uptick Newswire and the “Stock Day Podcast”
Uptick Newswire is a private company reaching out to the masses keeping investors and shareholders up to date on company news and bringing transparency to the undervalued, undersold, micro-cap stocks of the market and is the sole producer of the Uptick Network “Stock Day” Podcast. The Uptick Network “Stock Day” Podcast is an extension of Uptick Newswire and has recently launched the Video Interview Studio located in Phoenix, Arizona with its new host Kathryn Donnelly.
Follow us and keep an eye on Uptick’s YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook for additional radio and video shows produced by Uptick!
Investors Hangout is a proud sponsor of Stock Day and Uptick Newswire encourages listeners to visit Hemp Inc.’s message board on:

About Hemp Inc.
With a deep-rooted social and environmental mission at its core, Hemp, Inc. seeks to build a business constituency for the American small farmer, the American veteran, and other groups experiencing the ever-increasing disparity between tapering income and soaring expenses. As a leader in the industrial hemp industry with ownership of the largest commercial multi-purpose industrial hemp processing facility in North America, Hemp, Inc. believes there can be tangible benefits reaped from adhering to a corporate social responsibility plan.

This press release may contain certain forward-looking statements and information, as defined within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and is subject to the Safe Harbor created by those sections. This material contains statements about expected future events and/or financial results that are forward-looking in nature and subject to risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements by definition involve risks, uncertainties.
The statements in this press release have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. The Company does not sell or distribute any products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substances Act. The Company does sell and distribute hemp-based products.
Uptick Newswire LLC
Kathryn Donnelly, Editor
10000 N. 31st Avenue C307
Phoenix, AZ 85051
Source: Uptick Newswire
Source: Hemp, Inc.
            © 2018 GlobeNewswire, Inc.

================================5 Reasons Pre-School Years 

Are A Prime Time For Learning

Much of the discussion about education focuses on the K-12 years, but some early childhood education experts suggest serious learning can start even earlier and pay dividends for the child in years to come.

 “Young children have the capacity at a very young age to be academically challenged, and we need to educate them strongly during those years instead of waiting until they are older,” says Alise McGregor, founder of Little Newtons (, an early education center with locations in Minnesota and Illinois.

“Children’s minds are like sponges when they are very young. Under age 5 is the most important time for development and our best opportunity to set up children for success. If we strongly educate children at a very young age, while their brains are so pliable, by the time they reach kindergarten, their brain capacity is much higher.”

Recent research confirms that the first five years of life are particularly important for the development of the child's brain. Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child reports that in the first few years, more than 1 million new neural connections are formed every second, building the brain’s architecture. 

This growth of the brain’s network establishes a fertile foundation for learning, thus an opportunity to be better prepared for grade school and beyond, experts say. One analysis of several studies, “Impacts of Early Childhood Education on Medium- and Long-term Education,” showed that children exposed to high-quality pre-kindergarten education performed better academically in later years. Early education also led to higher graduation rates, fewer special education placements and less grade retention.

McGregor suggests five reasons parents should consider ramping up their pre-K child’s education:

• Socialization. Socialization with people other than the child’s family in a safe environment is an essential foundational element. “It’s important to introduce our children to other children and support their transition into their own friendship groups, and the earlier we do this, it helps children overcome shyness and gain self-confidence,” McGregor says. 

• Personal experiences. These assist the brain’s organizational development and functioning in many situations, helping children develop learning skills as well as social and emotional abilities. “A good early-education center creates an environment where imagination, love and innovation all come together for a daily adventure,” McGregor says. 

• Enthusiasm for Learning. Lessons can be given in a fun and exciting way that will encourage children to be effective learners. “Feeling inspired and excited to learn takes root in preschool,” McGregor says, “and can last a lifetime.”

• Learning respect for others. A fundamental building block for happiness, friendships and success in life starts early by learning how to share, cooperate, take turns and be nice. “By carrying on conversations, following rules, listening, accepting consequences of actions, the child learns early how to start getting along in the world,” McGregor says. 

• Resilience. It’s important that early childhood educators and parents work together to develop resilience in children as early as possible. “By creating a consistent and stable environment with clear expectations and predictable consequences, children can develop skills in managing themselves and their emotions,” McGregor says. “They may experience bumps, bruises or losing a game, but this is the foundation for building coping strategies for greater challenges in life.”

“The first five years of life are the most critical,” McGregor says. “It is far easier to train a child than it is to fix a broken adult.”


About Alise McGregor

Alise McGregor is the founder of Little Newtons (, an exceptional child care center focusing on early childhood education with four locations in Minnesota and one in Illinois. She is the author of an upcoming book, Creating Brilliance. Also a nurse, she has a B.S. in Exercise Physiology with a cardiac rehabilitation emphasis.


Secretary Perdue Praises President Trump's Invitation of USFS Fire Fighter David Dahlberg to State of the Union

(Washington, D.C., January 30, 2018) – U.S Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today applauded President Trump’s invitation of David Dahlberg, a U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service firefighter, to attend the President’s State of the Union address. David is being honored for his courageous actions during the historic wildfire season of 2017. He will observe the President’s speech while seated with First Lady Melania Trump.

On July 8, 2017, David helped rescue 62 children and staff members trapped at Circle V Ranch Camp by the Whittier Fire in Santa Barbara, CA. David single-handedly worked to fireproof the camp and keep its inhabitants safe until they could all be rescued. Thanks to the efforts of David, and the Santa Barbara Fire and Sheriff's personnel, everyone survived.   

“David’s heroic actions in the face of grave danger displayed exceptional character, selflessness, and sound judgement,” Perdue said. “His story of heroism is just one of many exhibited by the dedicated men and women of the United States Forest Service, who risk their lives to protect lives and property. I am grateful that President Trump is recognizing David and the excellent work of the Forest Service.”


SPOTLIGHT ON... SOTU - of course!



Will the State of the Union address include the state of the union’s education? We should hope so! And we urge the president to use his office and his bully pulpit to make the inextricable link between the most important pre-condition for success for all Americans – individually and as a nation; Education. All indications point toward an emphasis on immigration, the economy, tax reform, infrastructure and national security, using the theme as one administration official put it, “building a safe, strong and proud America.” That strength as we all know, requires a strong, unequivocal commitment to education opportunity and innovation. “There is only one issue that unites all the rest – education. Helping all of our people accumulate the broad knowledge and foundation for educational advancement in myriad ways is a pre-condition for our economic success,” said Jeanne Allen, CER Founder and CEO.



Making America’s education great again must be a priority! And voters agree. According to the latest POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, most voters – 75% want to hear POTUS talk about improving the education system.



As the seminal Nation at Risk report declared 35 years ago this April, demonstrating the integral connection between strong education and a strong nation:


“If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war. As it stands, we have allowed this to happen to ourselves. … We have, in effect, been committing an act of unthinking, unilateral educational disarmament.”


A year ago, the president celebrated the accomplishments and school choice success story of Denisha Merriweather (recipient of Florida’s tax-credit scholarship) who’s now an official with the Department of Education. Fantastic! There are more success stories to tell and more work to do. So, watch tonight and hold the president accountable! Engage and share your comments and ours. Jeanne Allen will be live-tweeting during the SOTU. Follow her @JeanneAllen


Did You Know?


... there’s a shocking gap between our Global Competitiveness ranking overall and where we rank in education?

  • The World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index for 2017-2018 ranks the US as the 2nd out of 137 countries. Yet compared with other top-ranked countries, the United States performs poorly in health and primary education, coming in 29th. 
  • It’s clear that the US can’t spend its way out of inequity. The US spends more per pupil (28 percent more) than most OECD countries: $11,800 per pupil, on average, compared to $9,200 in other OECD countries. Countries where students consistently outperform their peers on math and reading tests, such as Finland and Japan, spend less than $10,000 per pupil.
  • Find out more in an upcoming CER Report: The Case for An Education Revolution.


In the News... and what's coming up in education innovation and opportunity

  • In less than a month SCOTUS will hear final oral arguments on Janus v. AFSCME. This could have a huge impact on public workers and that means teachers. And by “huge impact” we mean a positive impact. A ruling in favor of Janus would overturn a 1977 ruling that extracting compulsory union “agency fees” from public employees does not violate their First Amendment rights if the fees do not finance political activities. Newswire is your source for updates on this case and its impact on education.
  • More voices speak out for our students and empowering individuals and communities. As part of our continuing Voices of Color, Voices for Opportunity series, an op ed by Sen. Anthony Williams, David Hardy and Sharif El-Mekki appeared today in RealClear Education.
  • And as we say farewell to National School Choice Week 2018 – remember every week is school choice week. Choice is just the beginning and being the loudest parent for all kids is a good thing. Read more by parent Reggie Barbour.


Tell Us Your Story! Families all over the country have school choice stories to tell. Send us yours!


Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout US education. | @edreform