Salt Lake City, UT - Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.) will be hosting its 4th annual gala, Shine O.U.R. Light, to recognize the leaders around the United States and internationally who have contributed to and allowed O.U.R. to do its life saving work of rescuing the world’s most vulnerable children from sex trafficking. Thanks to their help, O.U.R. has rescued 745 children and helped arrest 365 traffickers to date.
Rep. Mia Love will be Master of Ceremonies, presiding over the evening’s events which include a performance by Lexi Walker from the One Voice Children’s Choir and the presentation of O.U.R.’s Liberator Award to Sen. Orrin Hatch for his continued support of the organization and of combatting human trafficking both in his public life in the Senate and as a private citizen. O.U.R. Founder and CEO Tim Ballard will also be offering remarks.
“We are honored to have Sen. Hatch and Rep. Love join us at the gala this year. Their leadership has been unparalleled both here in Utah and in Washington, pushing for legislation and policy supporting our efforts,” said O.U.R. Founder and CEO Tim Ballard. “I am especially humbled to be awarding Sen. Hatch our Liberator Award. He has been a stalwart advocate for the world’s most vulnerable children and the volunteers who seek to rescue them during his four decades of service to the United States Senate. It is people like him that allow us to have the impact we have.”
“O.U.R. is a powerful force for good, giving light and hope to those trapped in darkness. I’ve been honored to work with the courageous men and women of O.U.R., and I’m eager to continue working with them to end the scourge of modern-day slavery,” said. Sen. Orrin Hatch.
“I have seen first-hand the devastating impact of human trafficking on the lives of innocent children, their families, and entire communities,” said Rep. Mia Love. “I have also witnessed the heroic work of Operation Underground Railroad as they strive to both rescue and heal victims. I am so grateful for their efforts, which are making a real difference in the lives of vulnerable individuals every day. O.U.R. is a beacon of hope, and I’m proud to stand with them in combating the scourge of human trafficking.”
WHO: Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.)
WHAT: 4th Annual Operation Underground Railroad Gala - Shine O.U.R. Light
WHEN: Saturday, November 4, 2017
WHERE: Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek - 75 South West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Operation Underground Railroad is registered 501(c)3 organization. Bringing together former CIA, Navy SEALs, and Special Ops operatives, O.U.R. partners with local law enforcement agencies around the world to save children from this modern day slavery. Founded by CEO Tim Ballard in 2013, O.U.R. has rescued more than 745 victims and helped arrest over 365 traffickers worldwide.
For more information or to schedule an interview with Tim Ballard, please contact Frank at frank@javelindc.com or 703-490-8845 / Sen. Orrin Hatch, please contact Matt Whitlock at 650-823-2114 / Rep. Mia Love, please contact Richard Piatt at 202-309-3145
Denver, CO – As the 2017 growing season officially comes to an end, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will contact producers nationwide to gather final year-end crop production numbers and the amount of grain and oilseed they store on their farms. At the same time, NASS will survey grain facility operators to determine year-end grain and oilseed stocks. “These surveys are the largest and most important year-end surveys conducted by NASS,” explained Bill Meyer, Director of the NASS Mountain Regional Office. “They are the basis for the official USDA estimates of production and harvested acres of all major agricultural commodities in the United States and year-end grain and oilseed supplies. Data from the survey will benefit farmers and processors by providing timely and accurate information to help them make critical year-end business decisions and begin planning for the next growing and marketing season.” The information will be compiled, analyzed and then published in a series of USDA reports, including the Crop Production Annual Summary and quarterly Grain Stocks report. “Responses to the producer survey will be included in the County Agricultural Production Survey and used in calculating county yields,” explained Meyer. “USDA uses county yield information from the survey to evaluate and administer vital farm disaster and insurance programs. Farmers who receive this survey are not included in the County Agricultural Production Survey; therefore this is their only opportunity to be included in the calculation of county yields.” As with all NASS surveys, information provided by respondents is confidential, as required by federal law. NASS safeguards the privacy of all responses and publishes only aggregate data, ensuring that no individual operation or producer can be identified. These and all NASS reports are available online at www.nass.usda.gov. For more information call the NASS Mountain Regional Field Office at (800) 392-3202.
Trump wants State Department to release remaining Clinton emails
Source: CNN
President Donald Trump has made it clear to the State Department that he wants to accelerate the release of any remaining Hillary Clinton emails in its possession. Sources described the President's interest in the release of the emails as rooted in a commitment to "transparency,"
Background Notes from Judicial Watch
State Department Lags in Producing Clinton Emails
Source: Judicial Watch
The State Department revealed in a federal court hearing that it has yet to process 40,000 of 72,000 pages of Hillary Clinton records that the FBI recovered last year. Tom Fitton: “Secretary Tillerson should be asked why his State Department is still sitting on a motherlode of Clinton emails.” The revelation came during a hearing in a Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit.
Federal Court Orders State Department to Conduct a Search of Benghazi Emails of Hillary Clinton’s Closest Advisors
Source: Judicial Watch
A federal judge has ordered the State Department “to search the state.gov e-mail accounts of Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, and Jacob Sullivan,” former aides of Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State. Judge Mehta described Judicial Watch’s Clinton Benghazi FOIA lawsuit as “a far cry from a typical FOIA case. Secretary Clinton used a private e-mail server, located in her home, to transmit and receive work-related communications during her tenure as Secretary of State.”
Court Will Review Clinton Emails over Objections of Tillerson State Department and Sessions Justice Department
Source: Judicial Watch
udicial Watch announced today that a federal judge will personally review, in camera, redacted material from emails discussing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of iPads and iPhones during her tenure at the State Department. Judge Kollar-Kotelly also ordered the State Department to file an affidavit addressing why it should not have to search new Clinton emails recovered. In taking these steps, the court rejected arguments by the Tillerson State Department and its lawyers at the Sessions Justice Department.