Only 3 Days Left to Hemp University's Hemp Money Event:
Economics, Lessons & Planning for 2018
SPRING HOPE, NC -- (Marketwired) -- 11/29/17 -- Hemp, Inc. (OTC PINK: HEMP), a global leader in the industrial hemp industry with the largest multi-purpose industrial hemp processing facility in the western hemisphere, today announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary Hemp University, LLC will hold its most vital and anticipated educational symposium of the year... Hemp Money Event: Economics, Lessons & Planning for 2018. The symposium will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2017 from 8:30am to 5:00pm EST at the Shrine Club (320 Airport Rd, Rocky Mount, NC 27804). Attendees will learn the economics of growing industrial hemp for fiber, seeds, and CBD; learn from master POD growers about their experiences and lessons learned; and, learn how to prepare for the 2018 industrial hemp growing season with a well-defined blueprint for success.
The Hemp Money Event: Economics, Lessons & Planning for 2018 is Hemp University's last event of 2017 and it's the fifth of seven certification classes. Attendees will receive 6 credits for attending this educational event. Rick Rainbolt, President of Hemp University, LLC, said, "Our goal at Hemp University, Inc. is to help individuals who are completely committed to achieving the very highest standards in this emerging and profitable industry become successful. With just 3 days left until the event, our team has worked endlessly to bring our attendees the best possible speakers, trainers and coaches. I feel this last event of the year (The Hemp Money Event: Economics, Lessons & Planning for 2018) has the strongest line-up of speakers and will be our biggest and best event of 2017 yet. Our line-up faculty of Mastery POD growers and farmers will be sharing not only their growing strategies, but also their vital mistakes, which are crucial for those individuals looking to get involved in growing industrial hemp."
According to Rainbolt, this particular educational event is designed to give attendees the "final piece" of the "Industrial Hemp Formula" to success. As noted under the coursework description, "The economics effects all phases of your business and is one of the main drivers of why we are involved. In addition, learning from our 2017 growers can save you thousands or maybe even save your business. Finally, with this new information, you can more accurately plan for the 2018 growing season."
With over 125 tickets sold and only 75 tickets left, there is limited seating. Tickets are rapidly selling out. Attendees are urged to purchase their tickets now to ensure access to the symposium because the first four Hemp University symposiums have been sold-out events. "We've actually had to turn people away. That's why we're saying 'first come, first serve' so to speak. The educational symposiums have been chock-full of important information, thus drawing many farmers, entrepreneurs and investors wanting to attend. Our company can also help attendees purchase hemp seeds, hemp clones, hemp mother plants, fertilizers, advance soil amendments such as Soil Balance, greenhouses, grow lights, bailers and, very soon, CBD extractors with a 'no money up front revenue share model'," says Perlowin.
"We hold these events to help landowners, farmers and entrepreneurs add a new viable and profitable income stream by maximizing their per-acre crop revenue and to create American jobs," said Bruce Perlowin, CEO of Hemp, Inc. "The industry's latest estimates predict the entire U.S. hemp industry could grow to $1.8 billion in sales by 2020, largely driven by hemp foods, body care and CBD-based products. North Carolina is starting to become a formidable player in the field, with some of the biggest influencers in the industry interested in this business. Those who win big in the industrial hemp industry are the ones who commit to nothing less than excellence and work together as a team and our industrial hemp educational symposiums are amazing vehicles to help foster this."
Instructors of this event will include:
(1) Erik Larson, entrepreneur, inventor, and product developer with a 25-year track record of bridging gaps between business developers, engineers, and production floors;
(2) Preston Gardner (Special VIP and Guest Speaker), is a market research analyst contributing to New Leaf Data Services and Cannabis Benchmarks® with over seven years of experience analyzing alternative energy, biopharmaceutical, financial services, and petroleum;
(3) Dr. Robert Bruck, Dean of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and Distinguished Professor of Environmental Science at Louisburg College and current Dean of Hemp University;
(4) Jermyn Shannon-El, founder of the Cannabis Kollective Inc., a cannabis-focused consultancy and creative agency of relevant and informed business professionals, patients, and wellness advocates;
(5) Bruce Perlowin, CEO of Hemp, Inc.;
(6) David Schmitt, is COO of Industrial Hemp Manufacturing, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Hemp, Inc.;
(7) Bob Crumley, founder of Crumley-Roberts Attorneys at Law, and the NC Industrial Hemp Association, Bob has played a vital role in getting North Carolina growing Hemp once again;
(8) Tony (Tony The Farmer) Finch, certified master grower;
(9) Harold Avery, certified master grower;
(10) Denny Lee, certified master grower; and,
(11) Keith Dunn, certified master grower.
The master growers will share their actual experiences, the latest reliable information in growing industrial hemp in North Carolina; their growing strategies and techniques in addition to sharing vital mistakes to learn from.
There are only 3 days left to buy tickets for Hemp University's December 2nd Hemp Money Event "Economics, Lessons & Planning for 2018". To learn more about the line-up of master growers, farmers, coaches and trainers, who will be facilitating, click here.
Hemp, Inc. executives Bruce Perlowin, CEO of Hemp, Inc. and David Schmitt, COO of Hemp, Inc.'s wholly owned subsidiary, Industrial Hemp Manufacturing, LLC, attended MJ Biz Con (the Marijuana Business Conference) that was held two weeks ago (November 14 -17, 2017). The conference was a huge success with over 110 speakers providing new industry content, 18,000 cannabis business leaders and investors, and 678 exhibitors in over 300,000 square feet of Expo Hall space. Perlowin was also captured on Fox 5 News Las Vegas briefly discussing new ways to expand the industry locally in the Las Vegas valley. To see the media news report, click here. Hemp, Inc. was also featured in the Las Vegas Sun Magazine on Monday, November 27, 2017 entitled Legalization: A Boon to More Than Just Marijuana Markets. Both of these interviews were initiated and organized by Cassandra Dowell of CMW Media, Hemp, Inc.'s public relations firm the leading PR Agency for the natural products industries.
Hemp, Inc. would like to express sincere gratitude and thanks, and salute, to all veterans for Veteran's Day, earlier this month.
Our "Veteran Village Kins Communities" is where we will not only grow some of our Hemp, it is a full blown holistic solution to the multifaceted veteran problems in the USA. Our prototype model is in Arizona about 20 miles north of Kingman and 90 miles from Las Vegas, NV. It's our way of saying, "Thank You" to our Veterans.
Hemp, Inc. Announces Strategic Hemp Growing Partner "Veteran Village Kins Community Arizona, Inc." Completes Final Site Plan Blueprints
Hemp, Inc. announced recently that its strategic growing partner, "Veteran Village Kins Community Arizona, Inc.," has completed its final site plan blueprints for its 500-acre site in Golden Valley, Arizona (20 miles north of Kingman, AZ and 90 minutes from Las Vegas, NV). The site plan has been submitted to the Mohave County Building Department for final review. The Company is also in the final stages of completing the necessary infrastructure to support an off-grid, renewable, energy system. The remainder of the solar equipment is expected to arrive in the next few days, completing the site's solar power operation.
Dwight Jory, Project Manager for the "Veteran Village Kins Community Arizona, Inc.," said, "We are very happy with the progress. Our Kins Community is really beginning to come together." In anticipation of planting to begin after the first of the year, 300 acres have been fenced, 16 overnight trailer park sites are under construction, and six 40x40-ft organic vegetable gardens are ready for seasonal planting, according to Jory. As for the 6 geodesic domes mentioned in an earlier press release, 1 is structurally complete with only the electrical and plumbing to be completed. The rest are on site awaiting final site plan approval. "We are now accepting volunteers who have expressed an interest in helping to build the first Kins Community for our veterans," said Jory. Those interested in making the first hemp growing CBD-producing "Veteran Village Kins Community" become a reality should contact Ms. Sandra Williams via email (
One thousand trees, on 36 of the 500-acres, have also been planted, with an additional 1,000 trees on order. The "Veteran Village Kins Community" site plan also includes a 100,000 square foot GMP compliant, central processing plant, CBD testing laboratory, and various health and wellness centers to support veterans who may have psychological, emotional or health issues.
Hemp, Inc. and "Veteran Village Kins Community Arizona, Inc." began development on the "Veteran-Village Kins Community in Arizona" approximately 5 years ago. Kins Communities are designed to grow hemp and produce cannabidiol (CBD) products to benefit veterans and to generate revenue for Hemp, Inc., the Veteran Village, and the individuals living on the land. Each 2.5-acre lot is designed to be self-sustainable, with 1 acre allocated to grow hemp and other areas for an organic garden, natural bee-hives, a living fence, a pond, a family tree and other elements that make up a "Kins Domain."
To learn more of what a Kins Domain is, click here. Volunteers who want to help build America's first "Veteran Village Kins Community" can contact Ms. Sandra Williams via email (
"As Hemp, Inc. strives to be on the forefront of America's industrial hemp revolution, we see our partnership with 'Veteran Village Kins Community Arizona, Inc.' being paramount in supporting the small family farm movement that we are confident will reshape the American landscape," said Hemp, Inc. CEO Bruce Perlowin. "As we work toward getting our eco-village up and running in Arizona, we are also aggressively scouting strategic locations in other states including North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia. Giving veterans and other Americans a place to learn new skills and take part in this multi-billion-dollar hemp CBD market is very exciting. It's a big part of our mission to give back."
According to Perlowin, seven "master hemp growers" from Oregon, Colorado, California, Kentucky, North Carolina, Nevada and, of course, Arizona have expressed an interest in pursuing a joint venture with Hemp, Inc. to each grow industrial hemp on the 300 fenced acres in Arizona. Perlowin says he'll call this "The Great United American Hemp Project."
To learn more about Veteran-Village Kins Communities to grow hemp, click here.
Aligned with Hemp, Inc.'s Triple Bottom Line approach, CEO Bruce Perlowin is exploring the possibilities of developing "Hemp Growing, CBD Producing Veteran Village Kins Communities" in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia and several other states similar to the 500-acre demonstration community being built in Arizona. He currently has 4,500 acres of land north of Kingman, Arizona where he's building a Veteran Village on 500 of those acres that would consist of 160 lots of 2 1/2 acre parcels for Kins Domains(eco-villages). Each parcel would grow 1 acre of hemp as well as having organic gardens, natural beehives, a pond, a living fence and other elements that make up a Kins Domain.
An additional 100 acres of hemp will be grown in each one of these 500-acre communities which will also include a 100,000 square-foot hemp (CBD) processing facility and a 10 acre holistic and learning center designed to treat and retrain veterans. The revenue from fifty of those acres is used to support that community. The revenue from the other fifty acres of hemp will be used to purchase 2 additional 500-acre parcels of land, thus keeping up with the needs of a large number of veterans that exist now and in the future. The eco-friendly "Veteran Village Kins Communities" were inspired by the book series, The Ringing Cedars of Russia (
Perlowin has since found a way to incorporate it into Hemp, Inc.'s strategy of building hemp growing, CBD-producing "communities" or "villages." The first part of these "Veteran Village Kins Communities" is a "holistic healing and learning center" whose function in each community is to treat, train and re-train our veterans. The prototype "Veteran Village Kins Community in Arizona" is expected to be completed by late 2017.
Perlowin has been personally creating the Arizona "Veteran Village Kins Community" since 2013 as a solution to America's multifaceted veteran problem. To date, forty-four percent of America's homeless are veterans. Twelve percent of that group are combat women veterans with children. Twenty-two veterans commit suicide EVERY DAY. Two million veterans are on food stamps. As for the future, 238,000 veterans are leaving the armed services every year, according to Dannion Brinkley, Chairman of the Twilight Brigade.
From rehabilitation to job creation, Perlowin says this model presents a comprehensive, holistic solution to those individuals that all Americans owe a great debt of gratitude... our American veterans. Perlowin expects this model to produce very lucrative revenue for Hemp, Inc., the veterans themselves and the local communities these Kins Communities are built near. "The infrastructure for 'The Hemp Growing, CBD-Producing, Veteran-Village Kins Community, which takes time to build, is already in place in Arizona. I've been building this infrastructure since 2013 and it can be duplicated for any state," says Perlowin.
To see a series of videos on what a Kins Domain is, visit To see the Hemp, Inc. mill in
operation and processing product, visit Bruce Perlowin's personal Facebook page and scroll down to August 1, 2017.
About Hemp Inc.
With a deep-rooted social and environmental mission at its core, Hemp, Inc. seeks to build a business constituency for the American small farmer, the American veteran, and other groups experiencing the ever-increasing disparity between tapering income and soaring expenses. As a leader in the industrial hemp industry with ownership of the largest commercial multi-purpose industrial hemp processing facility in North America, Hemp, Inc. believes there can be tangible benefits reaped from adhering to a corporate social responsibility plan.
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"Hemp, Inc. Presents" is capturing the historic, monumental re-creation of the hemp decorticator today as America begins to evolve into a cleaner, green, eco-friendly sustainable environment. What many see as the next American Industrial Revolution is actually the Industrial Hemp Revolution. Watch as Hemp, Inc., the No. 1 leader in the industrial hemp industry, engages its shareholders and the public through each step in bringing back the hemp decorticator as described in the "Freedom Leaf Magazine" article "The Return of the Hemp Decorticator" by Steve Bloom.
"Hemp, Inc. Presents" is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by visiting To subscribe to the "Hemp, Inc. Presents" YouTube channel, be sure to click the subscribe button.
This press release may contain certain forward-looking statements and information, as defined within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and is subject to the Safe Harbor created by those sections. This material contains statements about expected future events and/or financial results that are forward-looking in nature and subject to risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements by definition involve risks, uncertainties.
The statements in this press release have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. The Company does not sell or distribute any products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substances Act. The Company does sell and distribute hemp-based products.
Hemp, Inc.
(855) HEMP-OUT
Announces Upcoming Album
If There Is Light, It Will Find You
Release First Single
Album Available for Pre-Order Now
Ridgewood, NJ - November 30th, 2017 - Senses Fail have announced their 7th full-length album, If There Is A Light, It Will Find You, with their brand new single "Double Cross," an electric track featuring clean vocals and fiery hooks. The new 12-song album will be released on February 16th, 2018 via Pure Noise Records. Fans can check out the new track and pre-order the album at
If There Is A Light, It Will Find You was produced by Beau Burchell (Moose Blood, Saosin, Hands Like Houses) andis the first time singer Buddy Nielsen has fully written the entirety of the album alone. Nielsen experienced life-altering shifts over the past two years that have contributed directly to the making of this record. The band has always been known for pushing boundaries lyrically and addressing topical issues from stage during a live show, but this time around you can feel the weight of uncontrollable stressors wearing down on Buddy as he navigates the listener through his personal life, from song to song.
Fans will notice a dramatic shift back to the band's rock roots, honing the sound they realized on iconic records like Let It Enfold You while also embracing the future of the band and personal experiences like both the loss and birth of a child. Underneath the album's brighter, melody-driven exterior lurks a dark fascination with the concept of mortality - creating a juxtaposition of light and shadows that directly reflects on Senses Fail's marked history.
Senses Fail is Buddy Nielsen (Vocals), Gavin Caswell (Guitar), Greg Styliades (Bass), Chris Hornbrook (Drums) and Jason Milbank (Guitar).
If There Is A Light It Will Find You Track Listing:
For More Information:
Press Photo Download Here
Album Cover Art Download Here
Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Ben Sasse, a member of the Senate Banking Committee, led a group of nine Senators in announcing their intent to work to invalidate any new rules issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) if Leandra English prevails in her attempts to serve as the bureau’s Acting Director.
“Unfortunately, this rogue employee is trying to follow former CFPB Director Cordray’s example and run the agency as an unaccountable fourth branch of government,” the Senators wrote to Acting Director Mick Mulvaney. “Should this employee prevail in court and successfully serve as Acting Director, we would support legislative efforts to invalidate any new rules finalized by the agency during this employee’s service, including the use of the Congressional Review Act.”
“We don’t have four branches of government – we have three,” said Senator Sasse separately. “King Richard can’t leave to run for office and handpick his successor without any say from the American people. There’s no clause anywhere in the Constitution like that.”
Leandra English is the designated representative of former CFPB director Richard Cordray, who left the bureau to pursue political ambitions in Ohio. Last weekend, English filed a lawsuit to block Acting Director Mick Mulvaney who was selected to lead the bureau until the Senate confirms a new director. Yesterday, a federal judge denied English’s request and English is expected to file an appeal.
The letter to Acting Director Mulvaney was signed by Senators Sasse, Isakson, Cruz, Paul, Inhofe, Sullivan, Lee, Wicker, and Enzi.
The full text of the letter is found below:
Dear Mr. Mulvaney:
Congratulations on your appointment to serve as Acting Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). We write because we are disturbed by efforts of a rogue CFPB employee to serve as Acting Director of your agency despite President Trump’s designation of you as Acting CFPB Director. Unfortunately, this rogue employee is trying to follow former CFPB Director Cordray’s example and run the agency as an unaccountable fourth branch of government. Should this employee prevail in court and successfully serve as Acting Director, we would support legislative efforts to invalidate any new rules finalized by the agency during this employee’s service, including the use of the Congressional Review Act. We would also fight to ensure that Congress defunds the CFPB until this employee has relinquished control of the CFPB.
This effort to stay on as Acting Director is especially concerning because more is at stake than interpreting the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998. Successful control of the CFPB would give this employee – as the single head of an independent agency who refuses to answer to the President – great, unconstitutional power to shape regulatory policy. As a recent Treasury Report argued, the CFPB faces “few of the traditional checks and balances necessary to restrain regulatory abuses and arbitrary decision-making,” including the annual appropriations process. As Judge Kavanaugh explained in PHH Corporation v. CFPB:
[T]he single-Director structure of the CFPB represents a gross departure from settled historical practice. Never before has an independent agency exercising substantial executive authority been headed by just one person.
These recent events are a clear demonstration of the dangers of the CFPB’s unconstitutional, unaccountable structure. We believe in protecting consumers but disagreement about how to do so must not come at the expense of our constitution. Our nation’s founders instituted multiple checks and balances on the unrestrained use of executive power. This outrageous attempt to subvert your appointment as Acting Director of the CFPB violates those foundational principles.
Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to working with you as Acting Director of the CFPB.
Senator Ben Sasse
Senator Johnny Isakson
Senator Ted Cruz
Senator Rand Paul
Senator James Inhofe
Senator Dan Sullivan
Senator Mike Lee
Senator Roger Wicker
Senator Michael Enzi