Salt Lake County, Utah- In endorsing Mark Griffin, Jay sent the statement below to delegates of Salt Lake County.
"I was approached by a number of delegates, and sitting elected officials, who encouraged me to run. I considered the matter carefully, and I informed the County Party Chairman I would run unless I found another candidate who could not only confidently keep this seat in GOP hands, but could truly represent the people of Senate District 8, and better the State of Utah.
I know the person who can and will retain this seat for the GOP … Who will best represent the people of Senate District 8 … and has the vision and capability to make a positive impact for Utah. Instead of announcing my own candidacy, I am withdrawing and announcing my support for Mark Griffin."
Mark Griffin and I have spent significant time discussing issues that matter to Utahans and the people of Senate District 8. Mark understands and appreciates the important role that delegates have provided to the GOP and to Utah.
Mark Griffin is a man who will listen to you! … and act on our behalf.
Mark has the skills and experience in both the private and public sectors to tackle the really tough problems facing the people of our state. There is not another declared candidate in this race who has decades of experience and proven integrity that is found in Mark Griffin.
Mark Griffin has for many years fought for integrity and accountability in both government and public companies; often under challenging and difficult circumstances. Mark has taken a hands-on role in holding both corporate and elected officials accountable for their actions.
In electing Mark Griffin to fill this position, you will be assured of a Senator that will demand transparency and accountability in government."
“Feminism,” is the 2017 word of the year, but we aren’t sure if we should celebrate or cry. Bewildering, perplexing and confusing; these are the words that have shrouded women in the media in 2017. From the #MeToo movement to the Wonder Woman movie, women’s roles are definitely contradictory and challenging.
Now more than ever, we need to teach young girls life-skills that give them a fighting chance. At Girls on the Run Utah, we believe that life comes at girls fast, and it’s our mission to help them find their pace. We understand that you have many options for charitable giving this time of year, but we encourage you to think about the state of women and girls in 2017. It's imperative that we help them understand the POWER of their voice.
Merriam-Webster defines feminism as the “theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.”
That's it; just a belief that we're all in this together.
At this time of year, as you are considering where to give, find your inner feminist and help us change the world one girl at a time.
With the new tax reform announced this week, charitable donations will remain deductible if you itemize your return, and corporations will receive a hefty tax break. Please use this time to give intentionally to a cause that matters- Girls on the Run Utah.
If your organization is looking for a worthwhile and admirable organization to sustain in 2018, please review our sponsorship packet.
If you personally wish to donate any amount, please use the link below.
All donations will be used to keep the Utah program running! We can’t RUN without YOU!
From our small but mighty staff, thank you! We appreciate your generosity!
See you in 2018!
Friday, Jan. 5, 2017
6 - 9 p.m.
in conjunction with Ogden's #FirstFridayArtStroll
Weber County Building
2380 Washington Blvd, Ogden, UT 84401
exhibit runs though Jan. 30
The month I was born, the first Nimbus satellite was launched, taking images of polar ice as it began its work. From that September in 1964 to September 2012, the ice coverage in the arctic has fallen by half. And the ice is thinner.
Ice sheets are expanses of glacier ice covering surfaces of land and free water greater than 50,000 square kilometers. The only ice sheets now on earth are in Greenland and Antarctica. Antarctica loses a hundred cubic kilometers of ice each year. New icebergs are born of melting glaciers, breaking free into the open ocean. Sea levels rise.Ice is a time capsule, storing bits of creatures, traces of gasses and waters from prior earths. Some of it dead, some of it not quite. In the year that I was born, scientists began tracking the long-term ice record of the Arctic lake Kilpisjärvi at the northwestern tip of Finland,
not far from the point where the borders of Sweden, Norway, and Finland meet. Typically frozen for eight months of the year, Lake Kilpisjärvi has frozen an average of 2.3 days later each decade since 1964, and in each of those decades the lake has seen a decrease of an average of 3.4 days of total ice cover.
As the temperature of the earth's atmosphere rises, ancient ice is melting, freeing living cells of million-year-old bacteria once contained in the safety of the freeze, and occasionally coughing up a frozen mammoth.
Albedo, Latin for "whiteness", is a measure of the reflectivity of a surface. For a planet, it is the amount of solar radiation (including light) that is reflected back into space. For millions of years, including the entire period of human evolution, earth's albedo has hovered around 0.39, the result of the reflective balance of forests, open lands, seawater and ice. As we lose ice from the earth's surface, we reflect less light back into space. We become dimmer. We absorb heat, as ice dies into water. -Paul Crow
Friday, Jan. 5, 2017
6 - 9 p.m.
in conjunction with Ogden's #FirstFridayArtStroll
2444 Washington Blvd.,
Ogden, UT 84401
exhibit runs though Feb. 30
KIKI COQUETTE is a local Performance Artist & the founder of Rebelle Birds Burlesque based in Ogden, Utah. This exhibit, "Beyond the Stage", will be her official debut into the visual arts world. With this exhibit she hopes to showcase her talents in multi disciplines & express the diligence that it takes to create an act. The work speaks both abstractly & literally to the details that may be overlooked in a temporary performance art piece. All while flirting with the politics of process & confronting the conflicts of coming out as an artist.
Ogden First is a non-profit corporation established to create and deliver arts programming, in all forms, in the context of adaptive reuse of historic or iconic spaces, to create vibrant venues where artists can create, learn, perform and exhibit, amplified by our city’s architectural legacy.