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Dear Editor, Our Apathy will be our demise

Monday, June 30, 2014 - 3:45pm
Dakota Tuck

Dear Editor,

Our Apathy will be our demise. I know it is easy to blame the liberals for the bad laws and the government run amok, but who is really to blame? I think it is us; all the conservatives who sit on the fence but refuse to put their beliefs on the line. How many of us sit at home frustrated to see government overreach and bad laws on the books? How many of us take the time to e-mail our legislators? To call our Congressmen?  To write letters to our school board? We convince ourselves that it will make no difference, that we don’t have time, that others are fighting the good fight.            

            Let’s face it the blame falls squarely on our shoulders. What if every Christian stood on the Capitol steps protesting, when God was ruled out of the schools? What if when Common Core was passed every conservative parent stood together at their school board meetings and declared “Not on my watch”!!? It makes you wonder doesn’t it?  Have I done my part? Have I done enough?

            I would say for the large part, no. After all Common Core is in the schools, Obamacare is in the states, and many laws infringing on our liberty are passed all too frequently. So how do we change this? The easy answer is, you can’t, and the politics are too big. The hard answer is get out there, write letters, make calls, become informed. Take your time to become educated and then educate your friends and neighbors. Will you lose friends? Probably. Will it be worth it? Definitely!  After all evil prevails when good men do nothing. It is time for conservatives to rise up together, to band together and fight for what we know to be right despite it being the unpopular option! If you believe in the Constitution, traditional marriage, and the rights of the people over the wants of government; then stand up and make your voices heard. Your rights and the future may depend on it.

Dakota Tuck
