It has happened to many of us. We call and set up an appointment with our doctor. We even write it down. But, life happens and we remember the appointment about an hour after we were supposed to check-in. We are now official “no shows.”
A no-show occurs when a patient misses an appointment without making any attempt to cancel or reschedule 24 hours in advance.
When you miss an appointment, it keeps another patient from using that appointment slot for care they need. Also, the office can’t move all the rest of the day’s appointments up to fill your space. The time slot goes unused.
Your provider may charge you because you didn’t show up for your appointment. The American Medical Association policy says a doctor may charge for a missed appointment – or failing to cancel 24 hours in advance – if the office advises them they will be charged if they miss an appointment. The fee can range from $20- $40 and isn’t covered by TRICARE.
It’s best to keep your appointments or reschedule them at least 24 hours in advance. If you’re being seen at a military hospital or clinic, you can do this through TRICARE Online.
TRICAREOnline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can use this portal to set appointment notifications and set up email and text message reminders. If you know you can’t make the appointment, you can cancel your appointments right then.
Missed appointments can result in reduced continuity of care and possibly late identification of other health problems. Take care of your health and your wallet and keep your appointments.