Aug. 30, 2017
Good morning from Washington. Hans von Spakovsky and J. Christian Adams look at a Texas judge who seems determined to block a voter ID law because of discrimination concerns. Meanwhile, Walter Williams looks at the racism the left never seems to acknowledge: the relatively low number of Asian students accepted at colleges. Is the Trump administration supporting conservative believers? Fred Lucas talks to some religious liberty advocates concerned about a move the Justice Department hasn't made. Plus: Craig Shirley on Newt Gingrich's role in the early days of the Reagan Revolution, and Genevieve Wood on the incredible actions of the Houston community during Harvey.
Leave it to the federal government to make a costly mistake, obscure it for decades at taxpayer expense, and then try to claim it was a success.
Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos, an Obama appointee, made it clear in her 2014 rebuff of the original version of the Texas law that she believes all voter ID laws are based solely on the desire to discriminate, not improve the integrity of the election process.
In 2015, Austin Jia graduated from high school and had a nearly perfect score of 2340 out of 2400 possible points on the new SAT. His applications for admission were rejected at Harvard, Princeton, and Columbia universities, as well as at the University of Pennsylvania.
"It is time for the Trump administration to make good on the promise made four months ago and ensure that [religious] groups' 'long ordeal' with the contraception mandate comes to an end," says The Heritage Foundation's Melanie Israel.
There were a lot of shots fired across the bow of the incoming Reaganites about not touching sacred cow social programs, but Gingrich was, as always, on offense, saying Reagan should not "nibble" at the federal budget but instead take "big chunks."
What we've witnessed in Texas is the best of America. People from different backgrounds coming together to demonstrate that all lives matter and showing through actions, not protests, what it looks like to love thy neighbor.
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