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Responds to State of the Union

Wednesday, January 31, 2018 - 10:15am

Bishop Responds to State of the Union

WASHINGTON– Representative Rob Bishop (UT-01) offered the following statement following the President’s State of the Union address:


click HERE for video


“Tonight, we were reminded that in the Oval Office someone works who is dedicated to taking on the important task of rebuilding our military. Under the Obama Administration, our military and our security suffered through 4 budget cuts and 2 manpower cuts. Those days are over. 


"The civilian and military workforce at Utah's Hill Air Force Base should be encouraged to know their Commander in Chief has just reemphasized the crucial role they play in America's military readiness. The President is pursuing a policy of peace through strength. Utah is providing that strength.”  


Regarding infrastructure, Rep. Bishop added:


“President Trump understands that we must modernize onerous and duplicative federal permitting requirements for any infrastructure package to succeed. I look forward to working with his administration on targeted streamlining of the NEPA process to get infrastructure projects off the ground quickly in a less costly manner. 


“The President's commitment to working with Congress has been fundamental to his successes, and I look forward to working with his administration on the range of initiatives he's outlined to responsibly develop our natural resources and grow the American economy.” 



Sen. Lee Responds to State of the Union Address







WASHINGTON – Yesterday, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) responded to President Donald Trump’s annual State of the Union address. Full video of the response can be found here.